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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The Guardian


Fomenting and promoting discord, rage, and hate every day.


Is it just to sell their rag, or do they share the aims and goals of the enemies of democracy around the World, who seek to de-stabalize and undermine Western society?


Black against white, straight against gays, men against women, rich against poor, renters against landlords, vegans against meat eaters, civilians against Bobbys, socialists and against conservatives, bicyclists against motorists, customer against shop staff, and today between childless and child bearing women? That covers everybody in a society, but every day a new chasm is found, or more correctly, invented.


The chasm between mothers and childless women is widening

Seeing friends move on to motherhood without me is made all the more painful by a chronic failure of empathy on both sides


"Every day I struggle to suppress the bubbling panic that I might never have children.

It has been mentally exhausting and often lonely, hovering between potential motherhood and ending up permanently childless. The experience has been made all the more fraught by what feels like a growing chasm between childless women and mothers. In recent years, it feels like both camps have developed a chronic lack of empathy for the other".


A 'Fetish'?


"Just look at the number of likes and comments on any post announcing an engagement, first home, marriage, pregnancy or baby’s birth. Society has always celebrated heteronormative achievement, but social media has borderline fetishised it. Motherhood is still seen as the ultimate success – and lots of childless women feel this acutely, myself included."


The Blame


"The real culprit in all of this is, of course, the patriarchy. There is nothing the patriarchy loves more than women tearing each other down."




So women tearing women down is  men's fault! As a father, that's absolute nonsense! 


I would say it the blame belongs to people like her, and her employer, The Guardian.


Also whites being against being white!!!!


They are pathetically obsessed with race...why?



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The Guardian has an average daily circulation of around 105,000.

Not a big figure,but it would be smaller without some of the above readership.

I am more concerned about the influence of The Sun with its 8.7 million readers.

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"Let he who is without sin..." etc etc...


There isn't a person on this planet who hasn't done something they regret or are ashamed of at some point.

And cultures change over time, what was once acceptable is later deemed inappropriate and vice versa so. It's called history, and should be allowed to be what it was. We can learn from it, but can't change it. It happened.


Trying to rewrite it is dishonest.

We'll be burning books next. 


Edited by Anna B
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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

"Let he who is without sin..." etc etc...


There isn't a person on this planet who hasn't done something they regret or are ashamed of at some point.

And cultures change over time, what was once acceptable is later deemed inappropriate and vice versa so. It's called history, and should be allowed to be what it was. We can learn from it, but can't change it. It happened.


Trying to rewrite it is dishonest.

We'll be burning books next. 


Or de-platforming people  .

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7 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Or de-platforming people  .




That this is happening in Universities which are supposed to hold the brightest, most intelligent people who may be in charge one day is extremely worrying.

Any student worth his salt should be happy to debate an alternative point of view and be able to demolish it legitimately if it doesn't hold water, or agree to disagree.


De-platforming is disgraceful.

What are they afraid of?

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

"Let he who is without sin..." etc etc...


There isn't a person on this planet who hasn't done something they regret or are ashamed of at some point.

And cultures change over time, what was once acceptable is later deemed inappropriate and vice versa so. It's called history, and should be allowed to be what it was. We can learn from it, but can't change it. It happened.


Trying to rewrite it is dishonest.

We'll be burning books next. 


Very well said, I completely agree.


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2 hours ago, Anna B said:




That this is happening in Universities which are supposed to hold the brightest, most intelligent people who may be in charge one day is extremely worrying.

Any student worth his salt should be happy to debate an alternative point of view and be able to demolish it legitimately if it doesn't hold water, or agree to disagree.


De-platforming is disgraceful.

What are they afraid of? 

An excellent question, Anna!


They are afraid of anybody who does not accept their political dogma.


They are most afraid of those who they have determined to to be, and stereotyped as, "victims" of a  "racist capitalist" society,, who they insist, are incapable of living a productive life, without massive government interventions, which only they are willing and even desperate to provide.


To keep then dependent forever on big government largesse, of course.


It's the ultimate definition of racism and misogyny..


Their hatred is most palpable against those pigeon holed "victims" who refuse to accept their "place in life".regardless of gender, or color.


Strong, secure, successful, black and white, men and women.


Today's Leftist Media is still persecuting Supreme Court Justice Thomas, a black, who refused to bow to them way back in 1991 when they tried to disqualify him as a sexual predator, as they tried with Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and also failed.


Others have faced the anger of the Left, Bush's National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, Trump's Housing And Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Reagan's  Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Allan Keyes, a Republican Presidential Candidate.


Uncle Tom's, and "traitors to their race", are the accusations from the Left, they have had to live with, and survive, and still do today.


This latest Democratic witch hunt against Supreme Court Justice is just a continuum of the dirty tricks, and selective prosecution, manifested in the 7 years of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Brought by corrupt partisan government/MSM entities, that could never themselves ever pass the high bar reserved for Republicans.


God bless Justice Thomas, and his family.


When all this corruption passes, he, and the rest will all be seen as heroes of their times.


(Disclaimer. I live happily in a 'black' country, with a 'black' partner!)



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On 08/04/2023 at 13:54, trastrick said:





According to a 2022 World Health Organization study, 85% of adolescent girls don’t get enough exercise. Clothing is “the most underrated cause” of that, says Howard. And it’s storing up problems for the girls, and for the NHS.



So that's why our NHS is struggling!!!


It's the sports clothes being sexualised!!! 


And here's me thinking that young girls don't get enough exercise because they are on their phones all day putting videos out on tiktok with hardly any clothes on!


Silly me.



Oh and don't forget the dig at men whilst their at it.









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The sad reality is that they still don’t know much about women’s football. Despite countless interviews and brand campaigns I’ve been involved in, they still don’t care.


I can’t blame them. Most people have their first experiences of football dictated to them by men and boys. Men tend to dominate and gatekeep football and the media.




I just knew it would be men's fault.


Could their disgraceful misandry be any more blatant.





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More protests from  rent a mob now wanting to ruin the enjoyment of millions of people and being promoted by the gutter Guardian (who are the masters of impartially)  😂


I wonder who they asked to get the 15% figure?  No doubt the grand national protesting parasites will be getting out of their beds for this one.



Is there anything that makes these people happy in the UK?  Why don't they just move somewhere else ?

Edited by Al Bundy
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