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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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38 minutes ago, trastrick said:

... Yes, they are a virtual echo chamber for each other. ...

Would that be this (right-wing) echo chamber? ...



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34 minutes ago, trastrick said:

"the similarity of their headlines and reports".

Yes, they are a virtual echo chamber for each other. (aka the "narrative", aka the Democrat talking points)

They all lay out the case for the prosecution, and scoff at any defense. (see links above, and your recent posts)

They have accused him, found him guilty, and all but sentenced him. Without a trial.

For going on 7 years now.



    It might be difficult to accept that Trump has been charged with all these Criminal offences in four different Criminal Courts, but these reported documents exist and are not inventions of the Media. They are not speculation. They are real.

    The Media you quoted have gathered together the documents from the four Criminal Federal and State Courts and the two Civil Courts. They have given the details of the Criminal and Civil charges.

    In how many ways can you say that in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case there are 40 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the Stormy Daniels hush money case there are 34 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the  Jan. 6 case there are 4 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the  Georgia 2020 election interference there are 40 Criminal charges?

    Then there are the two civil lawsuits:

    In how many ways can you say that in the civil suit of Fraudulent business claims does the claim total $250 million?

    In how many ways can you say that in the Second E. Jean Carroll case does the claim total $10 million?


    I would have expected at least some knowledge of how cases in American Courts are heard despite its complexities. It is normal for the prosecution to state its case and make submissions first and for the defence to be given time and opportunities to challenge and make their own submissions.



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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:


    It might be difficult to accept that Trump has been charged with all these Criminal offences in four different Criminal Courts, but these reported documents exist and are not inventions of the Media. They are not speculation. They are real.

    The Media you quoted have gathered together the documents from the four Criminal Federal and State Courts and the two Civil Courts. They have given the details of the Criminal and Civil charges.

    In how many ways can you say that in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case there are 40 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the Stormy Daniels hush money case there are 34 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the  Jan. 6 case there are 4 Criminal charges?

    In how many ways can you say that in the  Georgia 2020 election interference there are 40 Criminal charges?

    Then there are the two civil lawsuits:

    In how many ways can you say that in the civil suit of Fraudulent business claims does the claim total $250 million?

    In how many ways can you say that in the Second E. Jean Carroll case does the claim total $10 million?


    I would have expected at least some knowledge of how cases in American Courts are heard despite its complexities. It is normal for the prosecution to state its case and make submissions first and for the defence to be given time and opportunities to challenge and make their own submissions.





Don't give up your day job, if indeed you have one!


What is "normal" is presumed innocent unless convicted in a duly constituted Court of Law.


NOT a trial by Media!


Or, as Pelosi (she as Speaker of the The House of Representatives and the Nations top Lawmaker) infamously said when trying to ram through her first failed Impeachment:


"No, we're not going to wait till the courts decide. That might be information that's available to the Senate in terms of how far we go and when we go," she said. "We can't we can't wait for that because again it's a technique. It's obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress. So we cannot let their further obstruction of Congress be an impediment to our honoring our oath of office."


A defendant seeking all legal remedies available to him through the Courts, is NOT just a "technique".


It is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, with good reason.


Which is why she lost her job!  :)


Let the trials begin!

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


Don't give up your day job, if indeed you have one!

What is "normal" is presumed innocent unless convicted in a duly constituted Court of Law.

NOT a trial by Media!

Or, as Pelosi (she as Speaker of the The House of Representatives and the Nations top Lawmaker) infamously said when trying to ram through her first failed Impeachment:

"No, we're not going to wait till the courts decide. That might be information that's available to the Senate in terms of how far we go and when we go," she said. "We can't we can't wait for that because again it's a technique. It's obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress. So we cannot let their further obstruction of Congress be an impediment to our honoring our oath of office."

A defendant seeking all legal remedies available to him through the Courts, is NOT just a "technique".

It is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, with good reason.

Which is why she lost her job! 

Let the trials begin!

  I can see the link between the current items being reported The Guardian (this thread)and its' current reporting on the current Criminal charges facing Trump, the factual reporting of the Criminal charges is not speculative, or a trial by Media.

  But Pelosi and her 4 year old impeachment comment? And Clinton? As expected your contribution just shrivels into yet another repeat of your unhealthy admiration  for Pelosi, Clinton et al, which for some reason you feel you need to pollute several threads simultaneously with your second hand views.



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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  I can see the link between the current items being reported The Guardian (this thread)and its' current reporting on the current Criminal charges facing Trump, the factual reporting of the Criminal charges is not speculative, or a trial by Media.

  But Pelosi and her 4 year old impeachment comment? And Clinton? As expected your contribution just shrivels into yet another repeat of your unhealthy admiration  for Pelosi, Clinton et al, which for some reason you feel you need to pollute several threads simultaneously with your second hand views.



I can assure you that my "views" are not second hand.  :)


They are also time stamped, because occasionally the Media pickup on an angle, or change their "narrative" more in line with what I have proposed, and which I post here, as links,  only to assure our dear readers, that some of my views on Climate Change, the War in Ukraine, and the Left vs Right political wars, are not really "weird", or at odds with the World at large.


But feel free to scroll past the "pollution", if that's what you deem my honest contributions to the debates to be.  :)


As to the "speculation", (sometimes gleeful) and the "what happens next", dilemma (usually followed by the case for the prosecution) the Media seem to have, I can tell them what happens next!


What happens next is a legal battle that will go on for months, maybe years, with Appeals, and a final recourse to the U.S. Supreme Court.


It will consume Trump, his lawyers, (they are Indicted too, just to be on the safe side  :)), his Campaign Staff, his finances and which will make it very difficult for him to maintain his status as the Leader of the Republican Party.


Then we will have an election in 2024, and all bets are off!


If the Republicans win a popular victory, look to them to pursue the Biden Family Money Trail.


And if the Democrats win, Trump is dead, the Republican Party of Abe Lincoln will be excoriated, and the Bidens will get to keep their questionable foreign money!  :)


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22 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I can assure you that my "views" are not second hand. 

They are also time stamped, because occasionally the Media pickup on an angle, or change their "narrative" more in line with what I have proposed, and which I post here, as links,  only to assure our dear readers, that some of my views on Climate Change, the War in Ukraine, and the Left vs Right political wars, are not really "weird", or at odds with the World at large.

But feel free to scroll past the "pollution", if that's what you deem my honest contributions to the debates to be.

As to the "speculation", (sometimes gleeful) and the "what happens next", dilemma (usually followed the case for the prosecution) the Media seem to have, I can tell them what happens next!

What happens next is a legal battle that will go on for months, maybe years, with Appeals, and a final recourse to the U.S. Supreme Court.

It will consume Trump, his lawyers, (they are Indicted too, just to be on the safe side  :)), his Campaign Staff, his finances and which will make it very difficult for him to maintain his status as the Leader of the Republican Party.

Then we will have an election in 2024, and all bets are off!

If the Republicans win a popular victory, look to them to pursue the Biden Family Money Trail.

And if the Democrats win, Trump is dead, the Republican Party of Abe Lincoln will be excoriated, and the Bidens will get

to keep their questionable foreign money! 

    The media-like The Guardian- have reported and explained the successive Criminal Charges facing Trump, which you consider to be speculation. As you say, hundreds of other media outlets have done the same- so you really don't have to, particularly as yours predictably descends into your simplistic view of "...Left vs Right political wars",  wittering on about "... the Biden Family Money Trail", Pelosi and the Clinton(H). Why? 

  What is is with our self-styled libertarians that requires them to repeat the same views on multiple threads simultaneously? 

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5 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    The media-like The Guardian- have reported and explained the successive Criminal Charges facing Trump, which you consider to be speculation. As you say, hundreds of other media outlets have done the same- so you really don't have to, particularly as yours predictably descends into your simplistic view of "...Left vs Right political wars",  wittering on about "... the Biden Family Money Trail", Pelosi and the Clinton(H). Why? 

  What is is with our self-styled libertarians that requires them to repeat the same views on multiple threads simultaneously? 

A good question!


A couple of things.


I don't see any conservative views posted here. I'm a minority of one, it seems.


The Left,  which lockstep ridicule such views, as "pollution" and "far right rubbish" and even god forbid, "conspiracy theories", are terminally surprised and confounded when the electorate move right, and vote Brexit, Tory, and elect such people as Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, and Trump. Best to keep a weather eye open to see and stay aware of what your political enemies are saying?


As to my consistent views across the  Trump, Biden, Climate Change, and Ukraine War threads:


The multiple "CRISES" that plague the so-called "enlightened West",  and are the subject of most discussions on  SF,  i.e. failed health system, spiraling unsustainable National Debt, high inflation, crime, homelessness, high energy prices, social incivility, racism immigration policies, homophobia, and endless wars (see the SF Topic List) "


They are merely  the result of incompetent and often corrupt governments voted in by by a complacent electorate, who will vote for anybody who promises them more free stuff.



The Guardian

Britain is used to crises now. But this widespread ...


So the ills of the West in general, and the U.K. in  particular, usually have a common thread, across all topics here.


What is going on in the West, and many parts of the World,  is just part of a political ideological and culture war, between  Leftist socialism and communism on one side and free enterprise and capitalism, on the other.


You and I Annie, are just insignificant examples of that ideological struggle for the hearts and minds of the voter.


I happen to believe that capitalism, with all its faults, which has kept the World safe from Fascism, Communism, Imperialism, and Religious Mad Mullahs, has delivered more sustainable prosperity to the World's populations, than socialism and it's more authoritarian cousin communism.


And when it doesn't work, in a democracy, capitalists can be turfed out of office, like Boris and Trump, more easily than communists. 


On the other hand, I personally find your own posts to be just a regurgitation of everything we see on BBC, CNN, CBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and are on daily offer from New York Times, Washington Post, and The Guardian.


But I wouldn't dream of suggesting your views should not be posted!




Late edit.


I see some on here spreading the false "meme' that I won't answer certain questions.


On the contrary!  :)


Please post the question you believe I won't answer, and I promise to give anybody a speedy reply!


(Here's how "memes" or repeated lies are so easily spread among the gullible  :) )





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

A good question!

A couple of things.

I don't see any conservative views posted here. I'm a minority of one, it seems.


   May I be the first to congratulate you on your masterful display of paranoia. This must be the record for the number of words used to express your version of 'conservative views' in one post:


conspiracy theories, Brexit, Tory, Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, Trump, Trump, Biden, Climate Change,  Ukraine War, failed health system, spiraling unsustainable National Debt, high inflation, crime, homelessness, high energy prices, social incivility, racism immigration policies, homophobia, endless wars,  corrupt governments,  complacent electorate,  Leftist socialism, communism, Fascism, Communism, Imperialism,  Religious Mad Mullahs, socialism, authoritarian, communism. Boris and Trump, communists. BBC, CNN, CBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, and NBC,  New York Times, Washington Post, and  FINALLY The Guardian.


   Your paranoia should not extend to thinking that you are all alone in your Libertarian doctrine on this thread. 

'You are not the only gay in the village' as Jack Grey and Chekhov have described themselves as libertarians.


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Typical article in The Guardian today of the injustice of a Cambodian refugee who lived in the USA for 30 years was convicted of a crime, sent to prison and then deported back to Cambodia when he was released 


And now the guy has got cancer and is complaining because the healthcare in Cambodia is not good enough





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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Typical article in The Guardian today of the injustice of a Cambodian refugee who lived in the USA for 30 years was convicted of a crime, sent to prison and then deported back to Cambodia when he was released 


And now the guy has got cancer and is complaining because the healthcare in Cambodia is not good enough





Cool story, bro.


You should stop reading The Guardian and get your news from The Telegraph.


It would come in handy for copying and pasting onto here. Save you having to think.

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