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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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To each his own!


Our paper growing up was the Daily Worker.


I remember one front page that had a lurid headline, "More American Atrocities in..... (can't remember the name of the African country, and some really disgusting pictures.


It died after Stalin took over half of Europe. I delivered lots of papers in 1950 and don't remember delivering one.


But it's hard core readers didn't go away, Manchester Guardian comes to mind.


The thing about Left Wing newspapers, is their consistency, in stirring up trouble, discontent, and misery, among the population. Workers, gays, blacks, women, Unions, teachers, and now the kids. All constantly brainwashed that their Country is evil and really hates them.


Always driving everybody apart.


Nothing changes.



Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I prefer the Independent  . The name speaks volumes

Also a decent paper (IMHO)

1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The thing about Left Wing newspapers, is their consistency, in stirring up trouble, discontent, and misery, among the population. Workers, gays, blacks, women, Unions, teachers, and now the kids. All constantly brainwashed that their Country is evil and really hates them.

I guess you've given up on those right wing links over at RCP then... you'd literally have to be brain damaged to make that claim with a straight face! 🤣



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

To each his own!


Our paper growing up was the Daily Worker.


I remember one front page that had a lurid headline, "More American Atrocities in..... (can't remember the name of the African country, and some really disgusting pictures.


It died after Stalin took over half of Europe. I delivered lots of papers in 1950 and don't remember delivering one.


But it's hard core readers didn't go away, Manchester Guardian comes to mind.


The thing about Left Wing newspapers, is their consistency, in stirring up trouble, discontent, and misery, among the population. Workers, gays, blacks, women, Unions, teachers, and now the kids. All constantly brainwashed that their Country is evil and really hates them.


Always driving everybody apart.


Nothing changes.



My paper round was from the Manor Top all the way down to Manor Park , I needed a trolley to carry the massive pile every morning and every evening ,The only Daily Worker I delivered was on Archdale Road a old couple who would wait for me every morning with a spice for my efforts , at Christmas they gave me a ten shilling note tip , ten shillings was my weekly wage from Amey  paper shop on the Manor top .

I never forget that couple who must have been pretty skint them selves .

Another Communist I knew was Ernest and Gladyst Mills on Gleadless Crescent , Ernest used to help me with building bikes up and started me cycling , He taught me to respect all people and to never ignore any one .

Both these families formed my opinion of who to look up to , both Communists ,  among the kindest people I have ever met , they shared every thing with neighbours and I have never forgot their kindness .


On the other hand we have worked in the posh parts of our City and been refused both tea mashing and toilet use so take your pick .

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On the other hand we have worked in the posh parts of our City and been refused both tea mashing and toilet use so take your pick


Hmmm .........Totley, Dore Fulwood etc    It's where all the middle class, middle aged, Guardian reading,  folk singing, champagne socialists live.  Drive around any of those places at election time and you'll see loads of Vote Labour posters in the windows.

Edited by Magneteer
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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

My paper round was from the Manor Top all the way down to Manor Park , I needed a trolley to carry the massive pile every morning and every evening ,The only Daily Worker I delivered was on Archdale Road a old couple who would wait for me every morning with a spice for my efforts , at Christmas they gave me a ten shilling note tip , ten shillings was my weekly wage from Amey  paper shop on the Manor top .

I never forget that couple who must have been pretty skint them selves .

Another Communist I knew was Ernest and Gladyst Mills on Gleadless Crescent , Ernest used to help me with building bikes up and started me cycling , He taught me to respect all people and to never ignore any one .

Both these families formed my opinion of who to look up to , both Communists ,  among the kindest people I have ever met , they shared every thing with neighbours and I have never forgot their kindness .


On the other hand we have worked in the posh parts of our City and been refused both tea mashing and toilet use so take your pick .

I used to think much of the communist views were the same as the Bibles teachings.

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7 minutes ago, Magneteer said:

On the other hand we have worked in the posh parts of our City and been refused both tea mashing and toilet use so take your pick


Hmmm .........Totley, Dore Fulwood etc    It's where all the middle class, middle aged, Guardian reading,  folk singing, champagne socialists live.  Drive around any of those places at election time and you'll see loads of Vote Labour posters in the windows.

Back in cuttsie’s day Sheffield Hallam was the only Conservative constituency in South Yorkshire. 

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2 hours ago, Magneteer said:

On the other hand we have worked in the posh parts of our City and been refused both tea mashing and toilet use so take your pick


Hmmm .........Totley, Dore Fulwood etc    It's where all the middle class, middle aged, Guardian reading,  folk singing, champagne socialists live.  Drive around any of those places at election time and you'll see loads of Vote Labour posters in the windows.

Labour is no longer the party of the working people its run by the upwardly mobile mob , champagne socialists . Millionaires among em .

No one represents those at the bottom of the pile any more although the Labour Party talks the talk but does not practice what it preaches .

2 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I used to think much of the communist views were the same as the Bibles teachings.

Never read it . Rather refer to The ragged trousered  philanthropists  . Or the grapes of wrath . Proper bibles that tell life as it is .

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8 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Its still my day mister Gee . 

There's still a few us us left around who actually enjoy life, Cuttsie :)


Brought up with love and respect.


I've told a few stories on SF about both my Grandads, who I lived with at various times during my fatherless childhood.


Tom Morris was a sawmaker at Spear and Jackson. A bit of a naturalist, he would take us kids to the Carlton Cinema and on those long and lazy Sunday afternoon walks through the woods up to your posh part of town, Myrtle Springs and Norton. :)


Frank Caswell was Secretary Treasurer of the Transport and General Workers Union who was frequently quoted in The Star every time there was another strike. He taught me gardening and fishing,


Both were gentlemen and loving grandparents, and I loved them dearly.


They were both a product of their time.  They came by their devout Communist politics honestly, having survived two World Wars and the Great Depression. When "warmonger" Churchill came on the wireless, they would switch it off!.

Edited by trastrick
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I delivered the papers in Heeley for 3 years and often did 2 rounds and I  never delivered a single Daily Worker,   nor even knew that paper existed at that time in my life.

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