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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I delivered the papers in Heeley for 3 years and often did 2 rounds and I  never delivered a single Daily Worker,   nor even knew that paper existed at that time in my life.

You should have delivered to the DR, or Wincobank.


Whichever seemed more realistic to you at the time😜

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On 02/10/2023 at 11:08, Al Bundy said:

I wonder if the Guardian would be so promoting and sympathetic to a man if he had been guilty of such things as Katy Price?





You have to engage your brain before being able to "wonder" anything... you're out! 🤣


34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

It's all bad news so I thought a bit of levity might be in order.


Diane Abbott and Lenny Henry!!




Diane Abbott!!!!!!!






Seems like Dawn Butler has a point! 🙄


So, what about Lenny Henry?

Edited by Magilla
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The problem with the Guardian is that it only has a relatively small readership compared with say the Daily Mail. The Guardian is mostly only preaching to the already converted, whereas most of the tabloids are read by the 'working class,' but owned / edited by the elite class who use them to push their own Tory agenda. In the case of the Daily Mail especially, to vilify all but the Conservative viewpoint. It's bias is beyond doubt, but many reading the DM believe it is a serious newspaper that accurately reports legitimate news. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Every item is mired in bias. It's not just about the stories covered but their use of disparaging language etc embedded within articles, and their omission of accurate facts.


Trouble is in other respects it's an entertaining newspaper with interesting articles, hence it's wide readership, but never be in doubt, it's purpose is to brainwash its readers into becoming Tory voters.   

Edited by Anna B
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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

The problem with the Guardian is that it only has a relatively small readership compared with say the Daily Mail. The Guardian is mostly only preaching to the already converted, whereas most of the tabloids are read by the 'working class,' but owned / edited by the elite class who use them to push their own Tory agenda. In the case of the Daily Mail especially, to vilify all but the Conservative viewpoint. It's bias is beyond doubt, but many reading the DM believe it is a serious newspaper that accurately reports legitimate news. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Every item is mired in bias. It's not just about the stories covered but their use of disparaging language etc embedded within articles, and their omission of accurate facts.


Trouble is in other respects it's an entertaining newspaper with interesting articles, hence it's wide readership, but never be in doubt, it's purpose is to brainwash its readers into becoming Tory voters.   

Once again you bang on about media bias which is totally misguided.


What is it going to take for you to realise that your salt of the earth working class are far more right leaning and sometimes completely right wing than you'd ever like to admit.


The Daily Mail being of the world's most read publications is not some great conspiracy.  The Daily Mirror is a tabloid.  Is has scope to the same mass working class market with just as many opportunities for clickbait stories and social media pedalling. But it's circulation figures are under 1/3 of the same sort of figures that the Sun and Daily Mail gets. Even the London centric Evening Standard gets more circulation figures despite the fact that the Mirror is a national tabloid being bankrolled with the support of one are the biggest publication companies in the UK.  Is that all simply a big conspiracy and media bias, the right wing bully boys not giving them a chance???  My backside it is. 


There's a reason why over recent history the conservatives have held the office of Prime Minister 20 occasions against Labour only having 6 occasions. It can't all be media bias.


Much as they are mocked, there is a reason why television networks such as Fox news, GB news and Talk TV exist.


It was those salt of the earth working class masses who were the biggest contributors to Brexit.  Its the same working class salt of the earth masses who are the most vocal when it comes to the thorny topic of immigration and migrants.


You talk about the influence of the 'elitist owed tabloids', but maybe you need to look a bit more into the history.  Rupert Murdoch (who can be pretty much argued as the major cog in the machine of tabloids) hated the upper class elitists of the UK. He was famously quoted for absolutely despising the whole class system that was still prevalent. The old school tie and boy's networks. He firmly set his direction to push back from the snooty academics, gentleman club upper class know-it-alls dictating to what people should be thinking. He made it very clear that he was there to communicate to the masses. To the  ordinary men and women in the street. He absolutely succeeded. 


You my also be interested to know that Murdoch was a member of the Oxford Union Labour party wing and Secretary of the Labour Club, was a big supporter and put power behind the Australian Labour Party and had close relationships with Tony Blair as well as David Cameron, John Major and most importantly Mrs Thatcher (who was herself a very strong ally and  supporter in pushing back against the elitist upper class boys club) -  so he can hardly be accused of being some one-sided rabid political allegiant. 


Is it really a 'media bias' if they are just saying what most of the public are thinking?  You say its force feeding a conservative viewpoint, others would argue it's simply reflecting the reality what the people want and have always wanted.


You really do need to take your blinkers off one day. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I never said anything about the Daily Mail being part of any conspiracy, merely that it is the newspaper with the biggest readership and it is heavily biased towards the Conservatives.


I also know all about Murdoch and his influence. You forget to mention that he is also responsible almost single handedly for the demise of fleet street and the sacking of thousands of print workers, various phone hacking scandals and some very dodgy dealings. As for his affiliation to British Prime Ministers, all were Conservative including Tony Blair in all but name.


As for your final paragraph, are newspapers really saying what people are thinking? 

Or are newspapers suggesting to people how they should think, and what they should say? They're undoubtedly a means of influencing people judging by the number of times I hear proven newspaper lies quoted almost verbatim without any understanding of the issues.


A free press / media is important for a reason. Newspapers no longer simply report the news, they form opinion. A multi billionaire media baron such as Murdoch owning most of the popular press is always going to be a problem.    



Edited by Anna B
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Classic Guardian.


Marriage is misogynisic!!!




Hardly surprising that the Guardian are giving column inches to a vile individual who is on record of saying " all men must die" and " the Corona virus is not killing men quick enough!


And she has had a baby.....a boy.








"Marriage is an unsalvageable lie, designed to keep women in service to patriarchy and away from realising our full potential. We should reject it entirely, and refuse on principle to willingly add our names to a list built primarily on the backs of women who had no choice, no rights and no freedom"



Edited by Al Bundy
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I was wondering how long it would take for the liars at the Guardian to write a piece on how too white the comedy Friends was.


Maybe folk liked it and dont get all outraged because it was Cosy and funny, like the Cosby Show or The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


For the record, it wasn't series 9 that a black character was first introduced. Maybe if they did some research rather than go in frothing with two feet to try and tarnish one of most loved shows of all time, they would find a black character appeared in...



Series 1.

Series 2

Series 3

Series 4

Series 6

Series 7 and

Series 8.




Edited by Al Bundy
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6 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I was wondering how long it would take for the liars at the Guardian to write a piece on how too white the comedy Friends was.


Maybe folk liked it and dont get all outraged because it was Cosy and funny, like the Cosby Show or The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


For the record, it wasn't series 9 that a black character was first introduced. Maybe if they did some research rather than go in frothing with two feet to try and tarnish one of most loved shows of all time, they would find a black character appeared in...



Series 1.

Series 2

Series 3

Series 4

Series 6

Series 7 and

Series 8.




I wonder how many black people work at The Guardian 


I bet it's not a lot 


I bet the office is full of white champagne socialists who only use iPhones and macbook pros while drinking Starbucks coffee and looking at Instagram all day while sending tweets about the evils of capitalism 


Then they get on a train back to their million pound houses then fly to Tuscany to their second homes for the weekend 


And none of them have black friends 

Edited by Jack Grey
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