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Soaring Energy Bills Labours Fault According To Energy Minister

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4 hours ago, Prettytom said:

It is high time that expensive, long term, important projects were addressed on a cross party basis. 

Energy security, food security, health and education are all far too important to be at the whim of whichever party scrapes together 38% of the popular vote.

Theresa May attempted to find a solution for implementing Brexit via a cross party basis which proved to be a waste of time.  Sadly the main opposition party regularly oppose plans for the sake of opposing the government of the day.  Also if big decisions were made on a cross party basis a smaller party with the fewest MPs would have the power to block projects which would be anti democratic.  

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3 minutes ago, BigAl1 said:

Axe I could not agree more about the need for parties to put the interest of the country above party politics. 

who knows one day Boris might put the interest of the U.K. ahead of his ego as well

I agree with your view about Boris Johnson.  He should have stood down as a MP when he resigned as prime minister. I suspect the only reason he did not step down as a MP is  because he believes there is a chance he could return as prime minister.  Theresa May has behaved well since she resigned and has no ambitions to attempt a return as prime minister.  When Theresa May speaks in parliament she is respected by most. 

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24 minutes ago, Axe said:

Theresa May attempted to find a solution for implementing Brexit via a cross party basis which proved to be a waste of time.  Sadly the main opposition party regularly oppose plans for the sake of opposing the government of the day.  Also if big decisions were made on a cross party basis a smaller party with the fewest MPs would have the power to block projects which would be anti democratic.  

Brexit is a matter of political self harm. Labour were correct to scrutinise and oppose the hard Brexit that has been forced upon us.


Keeping the lights on and food in the shops is an entirely different issue. Don’t forget that the government is elected by a minority of the  electorate, so it seems right that other minority parties should have a say about long term projects.

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On 28/02/2023 at 12:21, Axe said:

When the Tory party came to power in 2010 only 6% of  UK energy was generated from renewable sources.  After nearly 13 years of Tory governments over 40% of UK energy comes from renewable sources.  Regarding nuclear power the Tory government has made a decision to have new nuclear power stations which something the Labour government did not do when they were in power for 13 years.

It's all cobblers anyway. The Labour party are even more wedded to Nett Zero than the Tories, and the nett result (pun intended) will be far higher energy prices. As I have said before I cannot help thinking many of these environmental zealots are actually delighted that the price of eneregy has sky rocketed but without them having to take the blame for it.

Graham Stuart is partly right anyway, though not for the reasons he gave. Apart from Ukraine one of the most significant reasons energy is so expensive is that the world economy was on its **** in spring / summer 2020 due to the Covid suppression startegy, and Labour enthusiastically supported that, in fact wanted it to go on for even longer. As a direct result of that investment in oil and gas etc plummeted. In fact, at one point, oil was technically at a negative price :






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7 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Brexit is a matter of political self harm. Labour were correct to scrutinise and oppose the hard Brexit that has been forced upon us.


Keeping the lights on and food in the shops is an entirely different issue. Don’t forget that the government is elected by a minority of the  electorate, so it seems right that other minority parties should have a say about long term projects.

You seem to have forgot Brexit was voted for by 52% of the electorate who voted.  Labour behaved dishonestly because they wanted to stop Brexit happening and had no intentions in helping to implement it.  Hard Brexit is a term invented by those who did not respect the democratic choice the electorate made.  Leaving the single market and leaving the customs union had to be done otherwise Brexit would have been done in name only.  

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15 minutes ago, Axe said:

You seem to have forgot Brexit was voted for by 52% of the electorate who voted.  Labour behaved dishonestly because they wanted to stop Brexit happening and had no intentions in helping to implement it.  Hard Brexit is a term invented by those who did not respect the democratic choice the electorate made.  Leaving the single market and leaving the customs union had to be done otherwise Brexit would have been done in name only.  

I agree with that totally.

However,  It should be kept in mind that the quote by Prettytom below, is also correct and it's high time we made the all parties work together regarding long term projects.


QUOTE Prettytom:

Keeping the lights on and food in the shops is an entirely different issue. Don’t forget that the government is elected by a minority of the  electorate, so it seems right that other minority parties should have a say about long term projects.


There are many things, and I think the NHS is one, where we should not allow one party to have total control simple because they are the party in government.

Partly because these matters are too important and too long term and also because they affect everyone.

We need to work for the benefit of the country and it's people as a whole instead of playing party politics all the time.

This is one of the problems which holds this country back.

Pity the voters don't shout much more.

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3 hours ago, Axe said:

You seem to have forgot Brexit was voted for by 52% of the electorate who voted.  Labour behaved dishonestly because they wanted to stop Brexit happening and had no intentions in helping to implement it.  Hard Brexit is a term invented by those who did not respect the democratic choice the electorate made.  Leaving the single market and leaving the customs union had to be done otherwise Brexit would have been done in name only.  

Then again you could argue that many of the electorate would have voted differently if they had not be lied to and were told the truth about what Brexit would really mean

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25 minutes ago, BigAl1 said:

Then again you could argue that many of the electorate would have voted differently if they had not be lied to and were told the truth about what Brexit would really mean

That old chestnut about the electorate being lied to is tiresome. Both the remain and leave campaigns were poor and biased.  All what both campaigns stated was analysed,  fact checked and debated before the referendum vote took place.  David Cameron stated if the UK voted to leave the EU then George Osborne would introduce an emergency budget soon after. David Cameron stated he would not resign if the electorate voted to leave the EU. It can be argued that David Cameron lied because George Osborne did not introduce an emergency budget and David Cameron did resign.  Only adults vote in elections and referendums and adult folk weigh up the arguments of both sides before casting a vote.  I voted to remain in the EU but because I respect democracy and the choice the electorate made I have never gone along or supported with what too many remain voters whinge on about because I have never demeaned myself and have too much respect for democracy.

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37 minutes ago, Axe said:

That old chestnut about the electorate being lied to is tiresome. Both the remain and leave campaigns were poor and biased.  All what both campaigns stated was analysed,  fact checked and debated before the referendum vote took place.  David Cameron stated if the UK voted to leave the EU then George Osborne would introduce an emergency budget soon after. David Cameron stated he would not resign if the electorate voted to leave the EU. It can be argued that David Cameron lied because George Osborne did not introduce an emergency budget and David Cameron did resign.  Only adults vote in elections and referendums and adult folk weigh up the arguments of both sides before casting a vote.  I voted to remain in the EU but because I respect democracy and the choice the electorate made I have never gone along or supported with what too many remain voters whinge on about because I have never demeaned myself and have too much respect for democracy.

Indeed all politicians lie but the ones you have chosen to highlight from the remain campaign are hardly in the same league as the ones we were fed by the leavers and the lies they continue to peddle.

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