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Where are all the posh bars in sheff


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Have been away for Sheffield for a few months.


Can anyone enlighten me as to what and where 'Boho' and '23' are?


Sound interesting...


23 is a new cocktail bar in the west one complex - next to vodka rev....really nice and well worth a visit with the missus - she'll be impressed!

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i like the railway, on london road. it serves up fine bitter/shandys, lager/tops and a reasonable white wine spritzer (for the ladies).


the dart board needs a bit of attention and its best to avoid eye contact with anyone (including the barstaff) but overall its a fun night out!


the best thing is, you dont have to be a pretentious tw@t to get in:thumbsup:

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i like the railway, on london road. it serves up fine bitter/shandys, lager/tops and a reasonable white wine spritzer (for the ladies).


the dart board needs a bit of attention and its best to avoid eye contact with anyone (including the barstaff) but overall its a fun night out!


the best thing is, you dont have to be a pretentious tw@t to get in:thumbsup:


Ace jukebox too John lad.

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Don't be fooled by Cristal, it ain't what it's cracked up to be, the bar that is. The restaurant is fab however, I love it (although the service wasn't as hot last time I went).


I'm just not down with self-proclaimed 'places to be seen' that don't live up to their own hype. I was in there for a meal on Friday and for such a 'young & trendy' bar it was heavily populated with middle aged men with grey hair and chinos/checked shirt combo. Very few ladies too, me and the missus sat on the mezzanine level playing 'spot the female'. I thought it was a bit of a generic city centre bar that could have been in any city anywhere, nothing special. I just wish the restaurant wasn't attached!


I ain't bitchin', it's just the opinion I've been left with every time I've visited the place, which is a shame as I'd love it to be as good as they think they are.


23 however, is very nice indeed, a step in the right direction. That said I've not been in on a weekend so it may get full of knobheads for all I know. Ivory, been once and was dissappointed by the food, although others have loved it so maybe we caught a bad night.

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I've attempted to try out Ivory three times, twice on a Friday - it was so rammed that we just walked out rather than face a 20 minute wait for the bar. Plus once on a Thursday when it was practically empty, apart from about 6 couple of possibly lesbian women, needless to say we made a hasty exit.

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