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Benefits Too High?

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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

And that explains the phenomena of Lee Anderson. Twisting the truth because he doesn't like the facts.

I believe Anderson was unemployed himself for a long period of time, being a single parent. He would've been labelled what the gutter press, aided by some ignorant right wing MPs as a 'feckless scrounger'.

I think it's a shame that he doesn't use his personal experience, and when he volunteered as a CAB volunteer to advance the debate in a meaningful and humane way. 

Instead, when he jumped ship he chose to to take the easy option, sink to the lowest common denominator, and pander to people's prejudices.

Perhaps he feels that by playing the prat, and monetising his stupidity he'll get on in the Tory Party. Maybe he will. Time will tell.

Though we often hear about rags to riches successes, we don't often hear about the losers of that game. And judging by a piece on Channel 4 News, when they interviewed some of his constituents after his 30p comments, there was little liking or respect for Anderson. If none of his new found rich mates in the Tory Party offer him a job after the next election, he could find himself very lonely indeed, and once again at the back of the dole queue.

I've been called that and a LOT worse, including on here in the past.



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5 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

But during a conservative government benefits were not illegal...right?

He never said they were illegal, as you know very well.

He said If it was up to the Tories... 

You are being pedantic to divert the argument. Meanwhile you ignore  the fact that because of the Tories and their punitive regimes which deny sick people help in the form of benefits, those sick people are committing suicide. 

That is the point that is worthy of comment, not a throwaway line which can neither be proved or disproved. I suggest you use your intellect to address the real issue.  


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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

He never said they were illegal, as you know very well.

He said If it was up to the Tories... 

You are being pedantic to divert the argument. Meanwhile you ignore  the fact that because of the Tories and their punitive regimes which deny sick people help in the form of benefits, those sick people are committing suicide. 

That is the point that is worthy of comment, not a throwaway line which can neither be proved or disproved. I suggest you use your intellect to address the real issue.  


So it's the conservatives fault for people committing suicide now?


The Tories have been in charge for many years, why haven't they made benefits illegal then?


To say they would if the could is ridiculous.

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i dont know how many are unemployed but i do know we are ploughing veg into ground,burning orchards as they are not viable as we dont have workers,we are desperate for shop workers.labourers ect, its a fact if those on universal credit are best off on 16 hours only ,so that needs sorting so they can work more,those who wont work need training ect and we need to encourage more into farming as it helps climate change.disabled need more help as well

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

So it's the conservatives fault for people committing suicide now?


The Tories have been in charge for many years, why haven't they made benefits illegal then?


To say they would if the could is ridiculous.

Kindly put down that copy of the Daily Mail and step into the REAL world.


Disabled and sick people are dying at the hands of the DWP when they get declared "fit to work" when they clearly aren't, by pen pushing jobsworths who don't know what they're doing, just trying to fiddle the unemployment figures.



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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

So it's the conservatives fault for people committing suicide now?


The Tories have been in charge for many years, why haven't they made benefits illegal then?


To say they would if the could is ridiculous.

No they have not made benefits illegal, even though they give the impression of wanting to. 

They don't need to. What they do do however is just as bad. 


They make benefits so difficult to get, it takes stamina, determination, and a ridiculous length of time. Some deserving people (often ill and vulnerable to start with) just give up.

Those with mental health difficulties often find the pages and pages of  form filling impossible to navigate and give up.

It's so complicated, even the civil servants don't understand it, and get it wrong. The criteria changes all the time.

A simple phone call to the DWP can take days, and contradict each other.

Too many claims have to go to court (very expensive) to have decisions reversed.


They use any excuse, no matter how trivial, to impose sanctions and strip people of their benefits.

At any one time there are over a million claimants sanctioned for spurious reasons.

The system is adversarial and dehumanising.

People do become homeless or commit suicide in despair as a result.


There is a large quantity of cash reserved for benefits which remains unclaimed because people either don't know they're entitled to it, or cannot get it.

The system is deliberately not fit for purpose. 






Edited by Anna B
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18 hours ago, Mister M said:

Family living on state benefits and handouts spotted yet again in McDonald's, Uxbridge.

#30pLee #JohnsonTheLiar #BorisJohnson #ToriesOut240 #ToriesOut #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #LeeAnderson



So people on benefits aren't allowed to treat the kids to a McDonald's every now and then? :loopy: 


Kindly put down that copy of the Daily Mail and step into the REAL world!



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