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43 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:




And then the sanctimonious wet wipes will then get on stage and preach about world problems as if they really really care...... And folk are taken in by them.



I'm not.

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17 hours ago, XPertByExperien said:

The Oscars, much like the Brits, are just an excuse for the "rich and famous" to get dressed up and receive some fake "Award" for naff movies.



We should have our own Oscar parties Mr. X.

Lets bring some of that Glitz, Glamour and Sophistication to a bash of our own.

We could look on the internet and read gossip magazines for ideas, obviously, we wouldn't be able to emulate Elton John, who for his do imported thousands of roses and adorned them all with hot-pink Swarovski crystals, nor could we have the clout of George Clooney, who peppered his party with people like Mick Jagger,Rachel Weisz and Madonna.

Still, there's plenty of advice on what music to play, what clothes to wear, what sort of linen to use and how best to stuff a sugar snap pea with cheese made from the breast milk of a mongoose.


Frankly, though , I've a much better idea,

Why not hire a Village hall somewhere, book a Led Zeppelin tribute band for £1500, flog a 100 tickets at £15, jobs a good un.

Actually, I once attended such an event, and get this, the tickets were £15, Exactly £5 more than I paid once to see the real Led Zep.

Did I want to go? Honestly no, I'd rather have walked through Tehran wearing a Star of David T-shirt.

Still, I went, and it was fantastic, precisely because no one had tried to stuff sugar snap peas with cheese. It was just a group of middle aged people in a room who, for one night only, could pretend to be 18 again.

It wasn't easy, for instance, when I was 18 I was very good at carrying up to 8 pints of beer from the bar to where my friends were sitting.

But I seem to have lost the knack, three glasses had me so tipsy, I had to make two journeys.. And when I was 18 I could stand for more than 10 minutes without getting backache.

Another indication of old age, was the frequent trips to the lavatory..

Also, at 1980's gigs the audience provided their own eerie light by holding cigarette lighters aloft in the ballads.

Not there they didn't,

The light came instead from a million shiny bald patches, viewed from the back the audience really did seem to be a big reflective ball.

Sadly, with no hair to let down any more, the audience tried to dress down instead..This meant Boxing Day corduroy and quilted sleeveless Puffa jackets teamed with trainers.

It wasn't a good look, but looking good wasn't the point.

At most middle aged parties the hosts try to be sophisticated and grown up, But why?

Surely, on a night out, we should be getting drunk and shouting loudly.


This brings me onto the band,

If you closed your eyes you really could imagine it was Led Zep up there, and if you opened them again the illusion didn't go away.

Wigs and lots of denim did create an illusion that they were the real deal, even the lead singer seemed to have a length of authentic hosepipe down his trousers..

What a night that was,

After the gig was over, I can only remember being in bed, the room spinning around, and I woke up the next morning at 9-30 with a Kalahari thunderstorm in my head, and some major tectonic shifting as well.

We moan about hangovers as we grow old, but a hangover is simply a reminder that you had a good time, we should learn to embrace one..I certainly embraced mine, along with the lavatory bowl..

And this is the thing,

You don't have to waste a fortune on linen and roses, why try to be like Elton John or George Clooney when you can rent a Village hall, hire a tribute band for £1500 and then flog a 100 tickets at £15 a pop.

No one will feel very glamourous, they'll feel something much better YOUNG!


(based on true events)



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"Last year it was reported that Oscars executive producer Will Packer had expressed concern over allowing Zelenskiy airtime as everyone affected by the conflict is white and previous tragedies involving people of colour hadn’t received the same attention".



Just wow!!!

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