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Poor Old Gary Lineker

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3 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Indeed, and also the source of the problem, the Governments plans for "boat people" which has also got lost, said before on the Conservatives thread, this is a distraction.

have they?


A lot less than posting on their own twitter account?


i know you wont see this as im number 10 on your ignore list.

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:.

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Guest ThaBoom
1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Tbf to Lineker hes not pretending to be some political force for good or anything, he just happens to post things now and again on his personal accounts when he feels the need, like we all do.

Fair point 👉 but still think Lineker and Co have been a little indifferent when it came to Qatar.

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14 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

The BBC have been seen to be incompetent in their habndling of the situation.

After suspending him they should have stuck by their decision to demonstrate their values.

By not doing so it appears that viewing figures are their priority.

BBC showed themselves to be as competent, or incompetent (same difference), as the last few Tory governments, jumping to less than half-baked conclusions and taking decisions without a shred of due diligence, for the sake of pushing the current flavour of pro-government bias.


Nothing to do with viewing figures, all to do with political appointees noddy-doing at some Minister’s or SPAd’s request to whip up the storm in a teacup at the drop of a hat, without any objective assessment of the situation nor any regards to consequences.


It’s not difficult. Particularly at boardroom level, where information is at beck and call and professional judgement is supposed to be at its best.


I posted yesterday or even before that, that the BBC would eat that suspension quick-sharpish after the lawyers take a peek at the guidelines and Lineker’s contract, lest it faces millions in damages for a claim by Lineker.


It’s no different a situation, to Musk recently trolling that Icelandic employee publicly on Twitter over his firing, only to come back grovelling within 48 hours after realising that he was contractually obliged to pay the ex-employee $100m on termination.

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15 minutes ago, cressida said:

tbf I get that,  just wish there some fresh faces as pundits.

As we know, mainstream tv has always had long standing faces and voices well all remember and like for years and years and years, how long were people like Terry Wogan or Bruce Forsyth etc on our screens...or radio?

People like to like them, or feel they know them.

Edited by melthebell
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8 minutes ago, XPertByExperien said:

If he's posting controversial Tweets on his PERSONAL account, he should keep them to himself and not make them public knowledge.

It doesn’t matter whether one’s Twitter account (or Facebook, or Insta, or <…>) is personal or professional: whatever is posted, is by definition published 🙄


That’s why your tweets, FB posts, etc. follow you everywhere, including in HR departments if the account allows your identification.

You enjoy freedom of speech, you do not enjoy freedom of consequences for your speech.

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18 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Its funny how you lot read into differently from normal people, hes done nothing wrong, read my post further up about it, hes done nothing different to what he did two other times (posting critically on his own twitter account) in which the BBC said he was perfectly entitled to do so.


Whereas, numerous political hosts have done the same and nothing said, because they come from a right wing bias.

The director generals and board come from the Conservative party and old boys network, so far from being impartial too.

It has nothing to do with any political bias .

Us lot who you do not consider to be normal people are offended by our  government being  compared to what was happening in pre war Germany.

Not everything has a left or right origin when considering an issue.

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28 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Lucky the game has the offside rule because he would spent the full 90 minuets stood on the goal line.  He couldn't tackle and as soon as he recieved the ball he would pass the ball anywhere so he wouldn't get tackled.  The Big Girls Blouse.  :hihi:

Yes he had a reputation as a goal hanger as well as a big girl's blouse.  Robbie Savage took over the baton as football's big girl's blouse after Lineker retired which is why the crowd chanted Lily Savage whenever he fell over.

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8 minutes ago, melthebell said:

As we know, mainstream tv has always had long standing faces and voices well all remember and like for years and years and years, how long were people like Terry Wogan or Bruce Forsyth etc on our screens...or radio?

People like to like them, or feel they know them.

I could well have done with less Forsyth and Wogan,  Des Lynam was ok he was low key - which often made Hanson and Brooking look over-talkative.  I would prefer Ray Parlour and  Andy Townsend.

Edited by cressida
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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

It has nothing to do with any political bias .

Us lot who you do not consider to be normal people are offended by our  government being  compared to what was happening in pre war Germany.

Not everything has a left or right origin when considering an issue.

Its EVERYTHING to do with political bias as Gary Linekers done nothing wrong, it was to stop what he said as they didnt like it. as i said, its been shown in previous years they said he can say anything on his twitter account as hes not a political commentator on the BBC.

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