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Women, Have You Been Sterilised, Did You Regret It?

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3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It's a strange thing to ask I know but the subject recently came up where I was asked if sterilisation was a good idea.

To be honest I had no idea if it was or not so declined to answer but it did get me thinking.

The person is quite young so I suggested giving it a few years to see how she feels then but she seems adamant.

No kids ever! 

My fear though is that she's adamant now but what if she regrets it? 

Can it be reversed or is it a decision that cannot be undone?


Your (sensible) thoughts? 


Not everyone wants kids, or needs the constant pressure of reproducing. 


we decided when we got together not to have any sprogs, its something we've never regretted after 23yrs, thankfully that boat has now happily sailed both in our 50s and about to retire ahead of time.


 We will continue to enjoy our time, my other half has a niece and nephew, so we'll leave them the houses, any monies etc


Our Wills have been done to reflect this..... so pretty much sorted and NO regrets.










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13 hours ago, steve68 said:

Not everyone wants kids, or needs the constant pressure of reproducing. 


we decided when we got together not to have any sprogs, its something we've never regretted after 23yrs, thankfully that boat has now happily sailed both in our 50s and about to retire ahead of time.


 We will continue to enjoy our time, my other half has a niece and nephew, so we'll leave them the houses, any monies etc


Our Wills have been done to reflect this..... so pretty much sorted and NO regrets.








This is a very sensible reply.

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I was sterilised at the young age of 26 at my request.

After two long labours both ending in emergency caesareans but producing two healthy babies ( a girl and a boy ) both my husband and myself decided our lovely family was complete.   A few months after my last caesarean  ( giving my body time to heal ) I felt the time was right so we went to see my GP.   We were expecting quite a hostile reaction from the GP because of our ages ( both 25 ) but no, he was very understanding.    We discussed various scenarios like what if either I or my husband was to die  or divorce etc.   A bit gloomy but necessary things to consider when taking such a drastic step.   I explained that if I was to die, my husband may go on to marry somebody who wanted children.  Whereas if my husband died I definitely would not be having any more children  ..... full stop.   Yes, a vasectomy can be easier to reverse but it is not always successful.   After discussing all the medical differences between male and female sterilisation I was adamant it should be me who should be sterilised  and thankfully the GP agreed.    A few months after that consultation I had the operation.   I was 26 years old,  I am 68 years old this year and we have never regretted our decision.  Next year we'll have been married 50 years with 2 wonderful children,  4 gorgeous grandchildren

and we wouldn't change a thing.      :clap:     :banana:

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23 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It's a strange thing to ask I know but the subject recently came up where I was asked if sterilisation was a good idea.

To be honest I had no idea if it was or not so declined to answer but it did get me thinking.

The person is quite young so I suggested giving it a few years to see how she feels then but she seems adamant.

No kids ever! 

My fear though is that she's adamant now but what if she regrets it? 

Can it be reversed or is it a decision that cannot be undone?


Your (sensible) thoughts? 


There is a NHS link about female sterilisation it might give you a few answers.





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