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Help With Driving Test .

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I love sharing good news.....

My daughter is taking driving lessons and doing really well despite everything. 

She is progressing well and every lesson shows improvement but I was still very worried she'd not pass her test.

You see I was under the impression that come test time (both theory and practical) she would struggle quite a bit. Turns out I needn't have worried. Apparently when she takes her theory she will be allowed extra time and a reader. I was very happy to hear this so I hopped online to see what happens about the practical. 

To my absolute delight her examiner will make adjustments to the test to give her a better opportunity to pass.

So my little girl will have a much fairer crack of the whip than I thought.

I'm extremely happy about this and would love to buy the person/people who made these rules a great big pint at Padders Bar 🍺

Thanks for reading 🙏


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4 minutes ago, Padders said:

On the house Daddy    🍺

You're a legend mate 👏

4 minutes ago, Axe said:

Sounds to me the driving test is not tough enough if examiners  are allowed to make adjustments for some folk taking the driving test. 

Why shouldn't adjustments be made?

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24 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I love sharing good news.....

My daughter is taking driving lessons and doing really well despite everything. 

She is progressing well and every lesson shows improvement but I was still very worried she'd not pass her test.

You see I was under the impression that come test time (both theory and practical) she would struggle quite a bit. Turns out I needn't have worried. Apparently when she takes her theory she will be allowed extra time and a reader. I was very happy to hear this so I hopped online to see what happens about the practical. 

To my absolute delight her examiner will make adjustments to the test to give her a better opportunity to pass.

So my little girl will have a much fairer crack of the whip than I thought.

I'm extremely happy about this and would love to buy the person/people who made these rules a great big pint at Padders Bar 🍺

Thanks for reading 🙏


This has been written with an assumption that the reader would know why “adjustments” and specific considerations for your daughter would have to be made or considered. Where as some forum members may know some your background, I and others would not - are you able to clarify further, please?

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It’s sad that some people advertise their ignorance by claiming that the driving test “isn’t tough enough if examiners are allowed to make adjustments for some folk…….”

If a candidate is allowed special  consideration,there’s a reason for it. It happens for `GCSEs ,A-levels and University exams too .

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9 minutes ago, Happ said:

This has been written with an assumption that the reader would know why “adjustments” and specific considerations for your daughter would have to be made or considered. Where as some forum members may know some your background, I and others would not - are you able to clarify further, please?

Sure. She has developmental delay and she's on the spectrum. 🙂

3 minutes ago, Axe said:

Why should adjustments be made?

To give Everyone a chance perhaps?

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