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Help With Driving Test .

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Concentrate, don’t forget to glance in your rear view mirror regularly and drive as though everyone else on the road is a muppet and is just about to do the daftest thing possible & you’ll be fine Holly.

If you do make a mistake don’t worry; put it behind you and carry on. My wife went straight on into a cul-de-sac when asked to turn left!😆 She then had to do a three point turn but still passed. The examiners are human just like us and we all make errors sometimes.

Be thankful you no longer have to do hand signals by wafting your arm out of the driver’s window. They ceased in 1975. Straight arm out was turning right. Rotating arm anti -clockwise was turning left and moving your arm up and down was slowing down.

It’s advisable to leave other signals to other drivers such as I have one minute or two minutes left on my test until after you have passed.😆

Fingers crossed. Let us know how you’ve done.




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