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When I was 15 I started snogging .

Snogging was a teeth grinding,  giorating , cold sore swapping kiss that lads and lasses did on back row at pictures, or in entry's on cold winter nights '

The entry was a covered path between terraced houses about  4ft in width , 

A good snogging place was where the flue from the open fire place was situated as that could make the brick party wall hot in winter and whoever had their bum resting on that area was in ecstasy , usually it was the lasses who got the spot due to the lads being gentlemen .


Any way that was it , many a snog led to the engagement over time as it was the done thing then , A bit of early courting , then a lot of snogging , then the popping of question when things got hotter and hotter .

"Tha'l have to ask mi dad " was a often the reply when you was getting nearer the role on roll off time , The lasses all wore those suits of armour made out of thick elasticated unmovable materials that stopped any avances that us lads hoped would take the snogs into extra time . the garment was  called a roll on .


Any way as said we were all at it , the snogging that is but i have just realised its stopped , Take a look around plenty of hand in hand in hand  walking , the occasional peck on cheeks on the bus , but no going for it like we did , no sore lips or messy patches where  things had got , well messy .

From what i have been told its straight to the nitty gritty these days and i put that down to the lack of coal fires in drafty entries and the inter      net .

Edited by cuttsie
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For a start 'snog or snogging' are words which don't sound inviting,    I've not had a kiss which has bettered my first.

I don't believe marrieds really kiss properly after they've been together a few years,  taking things for granted or laziness.


Cuttsie you seem as if you've been quite a lusty lad but also that all the action meant nothing to you 😊


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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

When I was 15 I started snogging .

Snogging was a teeth grinding,  giorating , cold sore swapping kiss that lads and lasses did on back row at pictures, or in entry's on cold winter nights '

The entry was a covered path between terraced houses about  4ft in width , 

A good snogging place was where the flue from the open fire place was situated as that could make the brick party wall hot in winter and whoever had their bum resting on that area was in ecstasy , usually it was the lasses who got the spot due to the lads being gentlemen .


Any way that was it , many a snog led to the engagement over time as it was the done thing then , A bit of early courting , then a lot of snogging , then the popping of question when things got hotter and hotter .

"Tha'l have to ask mi dad " was a often the reply when you was getting nearer the role on roll off time , The lasses all wore those suits of armour made out of thick elasticated unmovable materials that stopped any avances that us lads hoped would take the snogs into extra time . the garment was  called a roll on .


Any way as said we were all at it , the snogging that is but i have just realised its stopped , Take a look around plenty of hand in hand in hand  walking , the occasional peck on cheeks on the bus , but no going for it like we did , no sore lips or messy patches where  things had got , well messy .

From what i have been told its straight to the nitty gritty these days and i put that down to the lack of coal fires in drafty entries and the inter      net .

Morning Cuttsie mi old fruitcake...

Soon as saw "Snogging" in the "New Topics" I immediately knew who'd posted :hihi:

Anyway, brilliant post..

Golly, dunt tha bring back Happy Memories,

I remember when I wer a lad back then, soon as I met a new lass, I used to turn on the old Padders charm, and within 5/6 minutes I was "Snogging" her, and if I wer lucky, a quick grope...

Chuffin ell, if it was today we'd be locked up and sent to a young offenders institution, but it was acceptable back in the 50/60s,

And the lasses loved it, Especially if it was me delivering the goods...

Lets be fair Cuttsie, there weren't owt else for us to do back then, my first love was Footie, and chasing the girls came a close second.

Today, the young uns haven't got time for a Good old "Snog" cus there always on their mobiles...

A proper "Snog" will last a good few minutes, but not today, that Passion Killer the Mobile phone will see to that...

If they can tear themselves away from the phone, then a quick peck on the cheek will suffice...


When I was courting my future wife, (Childhood sweetheart) we used to meet up and spend the cold winter nights in my dads treasured shed, we'd keep warm by continually "Snogging" and certain other "Shenanigans"

One night it was particular cold, summat like -12 degrees..

Now being a smart innovative kind of lad, I designed a Central Heating system for the shed.

This consisted of 6 candles strategically placed in various locations inside the shed.

I would then fire up the heating system, and go and pick my girlfriend up...

Oh dear!! things went wrong!

After picking her up and arriving back at my house, I found my parents stood in the back yard gazing at a pile of Ash...

My Dad, with a tear in his eye, turned to my Mum and said "Do you think it was Arson" I nearly pooed myself.

I got away with it, Ruddy vandals.

I still remember that night with fondness, what should have been a Hot night, turned into a firey  one..

My "Don Juan" activities ended.

My girlfriend must have though I was a bit hot, cus we courted for 5years and then spent another 48years married.

Happy daze..


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1 hour ago, cressida said:

For a start 'snog or snogging' are words which don't sound inviting,    I've not had a kiss which has bettered my first.

I don't believe marrieds really kiss properly after they've been together a few years,  taking things for granted or laziness.


Cuttsie you seem as if you've been quite a lusty lad but also that all the action meant nothing to you 😊


Well Cressida who was that first kiss with; a certain Mr Clooney?

I'm sure the vast majority of lads are 'lusty' in their youth when the sap is rising. It's the way of nature, thank heavens.

Agree that relationships change as we move along life's path but hopefully both partners adapt and accept them.

Must admit I can't ever recall 'giorating' or 'cold sore swapping' like Cuttsie. Must have led a sheltered life!

Now knee trembling; yes, that's another matter.



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