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Have The French Got The Right Idea?

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14 minutes ago, Anna B said:

If you want a centrist party vote Lib Dem. 


The Labour party was created to fight for the rights and wellbeing of the working class - which includes most working people. The Corbynistas stole nothing, they tried to defend the people from 13 years of Tory Austerity and 40 years of Thatcherism. 


The world has changed markedly since the days of Blair's Labour. The Tories have swung ever nearer far Right. We can see the results in the chaos and disadvantage all around. It can only be corrected by a swing to the Left to even things up and restore the balance. Corbyn understood this. Starmer does not. He is a Tory in all but name.

Most conservatives think that the current Tory party is left wing


I dont think that there is a working class anymore....its more a set of values


Traditional working class jobs like Plumbers and Electricians are earning over £100k a year 


So you'll find people with working class values living middle class lives


And they do not want to vote in a bunch of socialists and marxists 

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18 hours ago, Padders said:

So the French President takes part in a TV debate wearing a £70,000 BRV 1-92 model watch made by a French company Bell & 


These are the sort of people telling us how to live our lives.

Stinks dunnit..

Actually €2400 RRP



But let’s not have facts get in the way of a good rant 😉.


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46 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Agreed, but I wasn't the one who diverted the topic.


BTW - I like your weak attempt at trying to shut down any  adverse comments on politicians on 'your' side of the spectrum.

Please don't ruin the thread by squabbling again...

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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Please don't ruin the thread by squabbling again...

When I was a kid, I used to love that scarecrow in the "Wizard of Oz"

I always wondered how someone could talk without a brain?

Then I joined SF.

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On 24/03/2023 at 00:06, Anna B said:

The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services than we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?

We had regicide a century earlier than the French, but overall I would agree with you, our police are much more sophisticated than the French, they nip new 'dangerous' movements in the bud, put  'spies' into them, before they expand, the magistrates  come down very hard as well, 3 months for stealing a bottle of water.

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Just now, Anna B said:

If you want a centrist party vote Lib Dem. 


The Labour party was created to fight for the rights and wellbeing of the working class - which includes most working people. The Corbynistas stole nothing, they tried to defend the people from 13 years of Tory Austerity and 40 years of Thatcherism. 


The world has changed markedly since the days of Blair's Labour. The Tories have swung ever nearer far Right. We can see the results in the chaos and disadvantage all around. It can only be corrected by a swing to the Left to even things up and restore the balance. Corbyn understood this. Starmer does not. He is a Tory in all but name.

Socialism exists for the "working class", a permanent underclass destined to be used by politicians in their lust to achieve their own "upper class" status..


A failed philosophy, a throwback to Victorian times, when railway carriages had a Third Class, and a First Class, but no second class. Steerage on ships, hotels only for the Upper Class, and digs and lodgings for the working class. Cinema "upstairs" for the landed, and downstairs at the front for the hoi polloi.


People have been educated (brainwashed) to accept their lowly place in society. Today they even self describe themselves, resignedly, as working class!


Off with their heads!


Only free enterprise and capitalism gives everybody an equal opportunity to be upwardly mobile and achieve the very highest positions in society, through, talent,  hard work, self discipline and merit.


Not perfect, but............ some of my once Haitian refugee friends were able to get rich in America, and open some fine restaurants here in DR.

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On 24/03/2023 at 05:47, trastrick said:

It's just a question of time.


Inevitably reality bites, and the borrowing and the unsustainable National Debt gets to the point where the promises made by politicians to get elected, can't be paid for. not even by borrowing against future generations and printing more money.


Once you give out the free lunch to everybody, it cannot be taken back, without riots in the street.


Of course there has never been a truly "free lunch", and never can be.


Economics is a zero sum game!


Human nature is intrinsically capitalistic. All over the world. 


You want to tell these folks what a "fair" price is for their own hard labor, in  your New Liberal World Order?  :)


Good luck!


These are the folks who make the world turn, while a lot of you are home on your couch in front of the telly,  whining about your fair share! They are happier, for sure!











Nearly everyone smiles when you take their picture abroad, though its a bit suspect imo.




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