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Have The French Got The Right Idea?

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30 minutes ago, Axe said:

An embarrassing contribution.


So happy you think so.

That is a sure sign that I'm getting it right if you disagree with me.

I would hate to think that we thought the same.


Can't imagine what makes you think that the French people love Kings or are even interested in them.

You must have been rubbish at history when you were a kid.




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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That's a good point which is often forgotten by politicians who spend their lives sat on their backsides (and often in a bar)

Some people work at jobs which are very physically demanding and yet governments tend to think that everyone is an office worker.

The work from home advice, for instance.   The pensions secretary will not realise that It's not the same for everyone.

I was self employed and  worked in a shop full of big machines and the job entailed some heavy lifting so you can't do that from a desk at home.




I have friends in construction that are 10 -15 years away from retirement that are really struggling, aches and pains from backs, knees, shoulders etc, they arrive home on an evening exhausted and are really struggling.

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23 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I have friends in construction that are 10 -15 years away from retirement that are really struggling, aches and pains from backs, knees, shoulders etc, they arrive home on an evening exhausted and are really struggling.

When I was a student and had a summer job working on the bins in Stocksbridge. This was when you carried the bin from the house, usually round the back, to the lorry. It was often full of ash from coal fires, often weighed nigh on a hundredweight. Nearly all the crew were under 35 - apart from the 2 drivers. There were a couple of 40 year olds on long term sick with bad backs. A lot of the ex-bin men had been given "light duties" - road sweeping, driving, caretaking etc with the council. 


Don't think the ability to transfer to "light duties" are available to most workers - not even council workers - these days.


I did office work for over of 40 years after that. Would have no problem with people doing physically demanding jobs being able to retire earlier - both grandads who were miners never lived to draw a pension.

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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

In case you hadn't noticed, this is not a business forum.

Having run a business but now retired, I am not much interested in business anyway.

The discussion in hand is about the French people being annoyed at pension age changes.

You're obviously one of those who knows, neither where he is and also, what he's talking about.

When you do have time, it wouldn't help to brush up on your spelling and grammar. You sound more like a cockney than a Carter Place kid.

At least, you managed to post without links & pics.  That makes a change.  It's better when you speak for yourself.




I wonder why?

bragging as usual!


Here's a clue!


Running a multi-$billion economy like today's governments, is a business!


They face the same problems, getting value for money spent is just one. Keeping debt manageable is another! There are more.  :)


When an enterprise is run by diversity quotas, and social engineers, radical educators, and Unions......


You have your U.K. with its dysfunction, multiple "Crises", spiraling unsustainable (Guardian) debts, and war!


But it doesn't have to be so, sez common sense!  :)


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When we were made redundant in 1986 and we had to sign on each week. Apparently it was necessary in order to go if not you did not get a stamp for your pension, or some other thing. We were later told by a member of their staff that anyone who had worked until  they were 65 years old still paid for their stamps, but, after 60, it made no difference to the amount of pension you got. Which means, to me, that the Government is getting 6 years money from everyone but you are getting nothing. Is it still the same? 

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13 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That's a good point which is often forgotten by politicians who spend their lives sat on their backsides (and often in a bar)

Some people work at jobs which are very physically demanding and yet governments tend to think that everyone is an office worker.

The work from home advice, for instance.   The pensions secretary will not realise that It's not the same for everyone.

I was self employed and  worked in a shop full of big machines and the job entailed some heavy lifting so you can't do that from a desk at home.




If you live in a democracy, you tend to get the government you deserve.


No more, no less!  :)


Vote wisely!


Edited by trastrick
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19 minutes ago, trastrick said:

If you live in a democracy, you tend to get the government you deserve.


No more, no less!  :)


Vote wisely!


When they said .Work from home , I often thought of the bricklayers getting paid to watch the TV ,

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