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Demand Outstrips Supply : 'Rents Go Through The Roof As Landlords Sell Up'

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As the opener revealed (copied out below for reference) there is a huge shortage of rented accommodation and one of the main reasons is being a landlord is a total PITA. More and more regulations, more and more expense and less and less power (relative to the tenant).

So, what is Labour's answer ?

Well apparently they are after bringing in (or should I say expanding to every area) Landlord Licences.

Unless I am very much mistaken, isn't that even more regulations and even more cost ?

Have these people got a brain ? ?

Still, I am sure it'll appeal to their well intentioned (but naïve) members.....

What is it I said in the Labour party thread :


Socialism is all about the government knowing what is best for us, society being about the collective rather than the individual's rights, and no price being too high to pay to support the weak and vulnerable (even if it's counter productive)


On 24/03/2023 at 20:18, Chekhov said:

There was just an article on R4 about rents going through the roof and landlords selling up to get out of the rental market.

Interestingly that chimes in with the fact I had someone speculatively phone me the other day asking of the flats above my shop were rented and if one was available.

Landlords leaving the rental market and rents subsequently going through the roof ?

What a surprise, not.

I have been saying for years this was going to happen because being a landlord is a PITA. The balance of power between the tenant and the landlord has tilted far too far in the direction of the tenant*. And all the regulations are becoming an absolute nightmare, yearly gas safety checks, 5 yearly electrical condition reports (surely the biggest waste of money in the entire UK economy), expensive complicated deposit schemes (where it is extremely difficult for a landlord to get paid for any tenant damage, certainly for the full cost of it), "Energy performance certificates" (which are due to become even more onerous - maybe virtually impossible in some properties - in 2025/2028), and if you get a bad tenant life is an absolute nightmare. You really would not believe how long and how much money it costs to get them out.

I would never advise anyone to become a landlord, quite the opposite. The only reason I am one is my shop came with two flats.


* What is thoroughly amusing are Labour's plans. Aren't they thinking of making it even more difficult to get tenants out, maybe even impossible ?

And they want rented property MOTs !

Good idea (if you want even fewer landlords and even higher rents).

These people are economically illiterate, as well as thick as a brick.


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47 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

As the opener revealed (copied out below for reference) there is a huge shortage of rented accommodation and one of the main reasons is being a landlord is a total PITA. More and more regulations, more and more expense and less and less power (relative to the tenant).

So, what is Labour's answer ?

Well apparently they are after bringing in (or should I say expanding to every area) Landlord Licences.

Unless I am very much mistaken, isn't that even more regulations and even more cost ?

Have these people got a brain ? ?

Still, I am sure it'll appeal to their well intentioned (but naïve) members.....

What is it I said in the Labour party thread :


Socialism is all about the government knowing what is best for us, society being about the collective rather than the individual's rights, and no price being too high to pay to support the weak and vulnerable (even if it's counter productive)



Are you now reduced to quoting yourself and answering yourself too?

I think if no ones answering your posts, that should be telling you something.


And then questioning whether certain people have got a brain?????????

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46 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Are you now reduced to quoting yourself and answering yourself too?

I think if no ones answering your posts, that should be telling you something.


And then questioning whether certain people have got a brain?????????

Dude. ....what is this obsession you have with trawling this site looking down on everyone and constantly correcting them, questioning them, calling them liers, harassing them or bullying them


Most people come here for a bit of a chat and give their opinion on local or current affairs


You're poisoning this site with your pessimistic attitude and constant aim to poke people with a stick


Take it easy and let people have their say


You're not always right 


Leave SF members space to to breath 

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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Are you now reduced to quoting yourself and answering yourself too?

I think if no ones answering your posts, that should be telling you something.


And then questioning whether certain people have got a brain?????????

What are you talking about ?

85 people have answered this thread.

I simply copied the opener so save people having to bother looking back up at it.


More to the point, I note you have not questioned the essential issue : if there's a shortage of rented properties, partly because it's so much hassle being a landlord, how is making it even more hassle going to improve the situation ?

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16 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Dude. ....what is this obsession you have with trawling this site looking down on everyone and constantly correcting them, questioning them, calling them liers, harassing them or bullying them


Most people come here for a bit of a chat and give their opinion on local or current affairs


You're poisoning this site with your pessimistic attitude and constant aim to poke people with a stick


Take it easy and let people have their say


You're not always right 


Leave SF members space to to breath 


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

What are you talking about ?

85 people have answered this thread.

I simply copied the opener so save people having to bother looking back up at it.


More to the point, I note you have not questioned the essential issue : if there's a shortage of rented properties, partly because it's so much hassle being a landlord, how is making it even more hassle going to improve the situation ?

Ask the Tories.  They're in charge and have been for a long long time.


You'll have to try and do something about it like you keep threatening to do over covid.

That ok for you?


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