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14 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

100% agree. 


Edit.... *waiting now for some clown to rock up and say these eco terrorists aren't criminals*.


Interesting comment imho. 

I wonder if you would say that Emily Davison was also a criminal ? She went to prison a number of times so yes probably, even paid with her life in the end while trying to fasten  a scarf to a moving horse. 
But she is not remembered for her crimes yet for her actions along with other suffragettes. Of course there were other events that helped their cause. 

My point is that sure she was labelled as a criminal by some but for many she helped women get equal rights. 

Then there’s my grand parents. They were normal hard working people but joined many others to undertake criminal activities in the now Peak District. Theirs and many others trespass lead to our access to the moors. They were criminals yet we don’t remember them as criminals - more they were people that stood up and fought for theirs and our rights. Imho they did good.  


May I also assume that the reason we dislike these criminals is because they stop us going about our daily business, trying to get to work etc. This being the case then should we draw parallels with striking train drivers ? There actions are also limiting others - well they did when I wanted to go to work. 

I guess in all this my view is that things are not black and white and perhaps we should not be so quick to judge. 


And please I’m not a clown 🤡 

Edited by srtaylo0
Addition of strike point.
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38 minutes ago, srtaylo0 said:

Interesting comment imho. 

I wonder if you would say that Emily Davison was also a criminal ? She went to prison a number of times so yes probably, even paid with her life in the end while trying to fasten  a scarf to a moving horse. 
But she is not remembered for her crimes yet for her actions along with other suffragettes. Of course there were other events that helped their cause. 

My point is that sure she was labelled as a criminal by some but for many she helped women get equal rights. 

Then there’s my grand parents. They were normal hard working people but joined many others to undertake criminal activities in the now Peak District. Theirs and many others trespass lead to our access to the moors. They were criminals yet we don’t remember them as criminals - more they were people that stood up and fought for theirs and our rights. Imho they did good.  


May I also assume that the reason we dislike these criminals is because they stop us going about our daily business, trying to get to work etc. This being the case then should we draw parallels with striking train drivers ? There actions are also limiting others - well they did when I wanted to go to work. 

I guess in all this my view is that things are not black and white and perhaps we should not be so quick to judge. 


And please I’m not a clown 🤡 

I dont think its a fair comparison to compare the suffragette movement to the eco warriors activism


Davidson was fighting for rights and the eco mob are demanding that we all live like them


They dont eat meat so they are demanding that we all dont eat meat


What gets me is their sense of entitlement


They think they are the righteous and everyone else is tyrannical


If they want to feel like that then fine but dont come into a restaurant where people are trying to enjoy a meal and distrupt other peoples lives


The hypocrisy of the far left is astounding......If i was to turn up at an LGBT event and say what they were doing is wrong i would be called a homophobe and a fascist


But they can do what they like because they believe they have the moral high ground



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16 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

100% agree. 


Edit.... *waiting now for some clown to rock up and say these eco terrorists aren't criminals*.


I will say that the Eco PROTESTORS are not criminals and not terrorists.

As usual, some will say Good on them for caring about the planet and others will say we detest them and they need locking up.

Whatever your view, it makes no difference to the other side because they won't change their minds.

As always, the common view prevails which is, If I personally don't agree with it then it's wrong.

As a climate change believer, I applaud what they do in general but  don't expect everyone to share my view.

Thought I would end your waiting.       Just sat in my usual clothes, I don't have a clown's outfit to put on.





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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

I dont think its a fair comparison to compare the suffragette movement to the eco warriors activism


Davidson was fighting for rights and the eco mob are demanding that we all live like them


They dont eat meat so they are demanding that we all dont eat meat


What gets me is their sense of entitlement


They think they are the righteous and everyone else is tyrannical


If they want to feel like that then fine but dont come into a restaurant where people are trying to enjoy a meal and distrupt other peoples lives


The hypocrisy of the far left is astounding......If i was to turn up at an LGBT event and say what they were doing is wrong i would be called a homophobe and a fascist


But they can do what they like because they believe they have the moral high ground



You are so wrong on everything you have written there.


When did the Eco protestors demand that we all live like them?

Who says they all don't eat meat?

When did they demand that we don't eat meat?

They don't have a "sense of entitlement"  they have the same entitlement as everyone else on the planet.

They don't think they are righteous.  They think they are entitled to their beliefs in the same way as you and everyone else is entitled to theirs.

Climate change is going to (and has already to some extent) disrupt everyone's lives so you may as well get used to that idea.

Please explain what the "far left" has to do with it.   You pick to many of your ideas up from the far right media because they are the only ones who cry about the far left.

By all means, do turn up to a LGBT event if you wish but that has nothing whatsoever to do with the climate change protestors. It would seem that you don't know what you are discussing.

The description of a fascist is usually linked with a far right organisation so,  If you think they would call you one, then you must think that you agree with far right views yourself.


No need to get that angry as you have the full right to your views anyway in the same way they have but they,  like you,  would say that you and the other side are wrong.





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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I will say that the Eco PROTESTORS are not criminals and not terrorists.

As usual, some will say Good on them for caring about the planet and others will say we detest them and they need locking up.

Whatever your view, it makes no difference to the other side because they won't change their minds.

As always, the common view prevails which is, If I personally don't agree with it then it's wrong.

As a climate change believer, I applaud what they do in general but  don't expect everyone to share my view.

Thought I would end your waiting.       Just sat in my usual clothes, I don't have a clown's outfit to put on.





That depends on their behaviour and respect for others - I don't think damaging others property, illegally trespassing &c is likely to gain them many new supporters.

 I don't share the 'climate emergency' rhetoric, although I acknowledge the climate is altering - as it has done over many millennia.

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2 hours ago, srtaylo0 said:

Interesting comment imho. 


Then there’s my grand parents. They were normal hard working people but joined many others to undertake criminal activities in the now Peak District. Theirs and many others trespass lead to our access to the moors. They were criminals yet we don’t remember them as criminals - more they were people that stood up and fought for theirs and our rights. Imho they did good.  





Unless they were involved in the violence that ensued on the walk, they hadn't committed any crime, just trespass.

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35 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are so wrong on everything you have written there.


When did the Eco protestors demand that we all live like them?

Who says they all don't eat meat?

When did they demand that we don't eat meat?

They don't have a "sense of entitlement"  they have the same entitlement as everyone else on the planet.

They don't think they are righteous.  They think they are entitled to their beliefs in the same way as you and everyone else is entitled to theirs.

Climate change is going to (and has already to some extent) disrupt everyone's lives so you may as well get used to that idea.

Please explain what the "far left" has to do with it.   You pick to many of your ideas up from the far right media because they are the only ones who cry about the far left.

By all means, do turn up to a LGBT event if you wish but that has nothing whatsoever to do with the climate change protestors. It would seem that you don't know what you are discussing.

The description of a fascist is usually linked with a far right organisation so,  If you think they would call you one, then you must think that you agree with far right views yourself.


No need to get that angry as you have the full right to your views anyway in the same way they have but they,  like you,  would say that you and the other side are wrong.





Firstly, ive seen numerous interviews with Animal rebellion where they have demanded that we stop breeding animals for food immediately


Ive also seen plenty of interviews with Extinction Rebellion where they have demanded that we stop using fossil fuels immediately


I think that in the UK we are generally environmentally conscious and we all do our bit with recycling etc


These people are so narcissistic that they think that the world will end in their lifetime when in reality the planet was here for billions of years before we got here and it will still be here long after we're gone


I agree that we need to do more to look after the environment and yes we use a ridiculous amount of plastic


But to blame every natural disaster on climate change is ridiculous.....the world is not gonna end in the next 100 years


Like any far left crusade they turn it into a ideology that has similarities of a cult 


And when iw as talking about disrupting an LGBT event i was using it as an example....i guess that went over your head


Like i have said in previous posts......i think everyone has the right to protest but within the law


We live in a democracy......if you want to make changes then use the ballot box


Dont sit in the road like a bunch of spoilt children who cant get their own way 

Edited by Jack Grey
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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Firstly, ive seen numerous interviews with Animal rebellion where they have demanded that we stop breeding animals for food immediately


Ive also seen plenty of interviews with Extinction Rebellion where they have demanded that we stop using fossil fuels immediately


I think that in the UK we are generally environmentally conscious and we all do our bit with recycling etc


These people are so narcissistic that they think that the world will end in their lifetime when in reality the planet was here for billions of years before we got here and it will still be here long after we're gone


I agree that we need to do more to look after the environment and yes we use a ridiculous amount of plastic


But to blame every natural disaster on climate change is ridiculous.....the world is not gonna end in the next 100 years


Like any far left crusade they turn it into a ideology that has similarities of a cult 


And when iw as talking about disrupting an LGBT event i was using it as an example....i guess that went over your head


Like i have said in previous posts......i think everyone has the right to protest but within the law


We live in a democracy......if you want to make changes then use the ballot box


Dont sit in the road like a bunch of spoilt children who cant get their own way 

And DONT glue your face to the road.....🤣🤣🤣



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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

That depends on their behaviour and respect for others - I don't think damaging others property, illegally trespassing &c is likely to gain them many new supporters.

 I don't share the 'climate emergency' rhetoric, although I acknowledge the climate is altering - as it has done over many millennia.

If you had written that 100 years ago, I might have agreed with you.

In this present day,  can we expect to have correct standards of behaviour from any body, including government and prime ministers? If we do, we are sorely disappointed.

Damaging others property and trespassing, is now completely commonplace throughout the land, so much so, that the police don't even bother to turn up.

It amazes me how  the polar ice caps have retreated and how many glaciers have melted away, raising sea levels to a point where some people have already lost their homes,

and yet, so many still don't share the climate emergency rhetoric. 

However, I do acknowledge that you have the perfect right to hold those views as does everyone who doesn't believe it. 

At least, it's nice to debate the situation without cries of terrorism and accusation of being far lefties.

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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

If you had written that 100 years ago, I might have agreed with you.

In this present day,  can we expect to have correct standards of behaviour from any body, including government and prime ministers? If we do, we are sorely disappointed.

Damaging others property and trespassing, is now completely commonplace throughout the land, so much so, that the police don't even bother to turn up.

It amazes me how  the polar ice caps have retreated and how many glaciers have melted away, raising sea levels to a point where some people have already lost their homes,

and yet, so many still don't share the climate emergency rhetoric. 

However, I do acknowledge that you have the perfect right to hold those views as does everyone who doesn't believe it. 

At least, it's nice to debate the situation without cries of terrorism and accusation of being far lefties.

Personally i think that population growth is the real danger to this planet


Conveniently the eco warriors dont want to even talk about that because the focus would be on India, China, Africa and South America


And it seems that that they only really wanna scream at white people 

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