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48 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Firstly, ive seen numerous interviews with Animal rebellion where they have demanded that we stop breeding animals for food immediately


Ive also seen plenty of interviews with Extinction Rebellion where they have demanded that we stop using fossil fuels immediately


I think that in the UK we are generally environmentally conscious and we all do our bit with recycling etc


These people are so narcissistic that they think that the world will end in their lifetime when in reality the planet was here for billions of years before we got here and it will still be here long after we're gone


I agree that we need to do more to look after the environment and yes we use a ridiculous amount of plastic


But to blame every natural disaster on climate change is ridiculous.....the world is not gonna end in the next 100 years


Like any far left crusade they turn it into a ideology that has similarities of a cult 


And when iw as talking about disrupting an LGBT event i was using it as an example....i guess that went over your head


Like i have said in previous posts......i think everyone has the right to protest but within the law


We live in a democracy......if you want to make changes then use the ballot box


Dont sit in the road like a bunch of spoilt children who cant get their own way 

I honestly couldn't decide whether to bother replying to such a bad tempered and stupid post.

Do you really know the difference between stating a belief and DEMANDING something.

For a start, there are all kinds of people care about the planet and climate.  They don't ALL believe exactly the same and their will be plenty of them who eat meat.

I would expect most people to have the intelligence to understand that without being told..

What they are saying, in that respect is repeating the warnings of many scientists (not terrorists) who have been saying , for quite a while. that

farm animals are damaging the planet and breeding animals, especially cows for food and milk, should be  cut back massively.

It's widely accepted these days, that  most of us eat too much meat. Nobody is telling you that you can't and certainly NOT DEMANDING. You are not listening to what they say.

You don't have any right to call someone else narcissistic just because they they are complaining about misuse of the planet. Are you a narcissist when you complain?

Nobody said that EVERYTHING that happens is due to climate change. You are putting words into their mouths.

Like me, you don't know when the world is going to end so you also don't know when it's not.

If you use stupid examples such as LGBT, it shows the way you think and you probably hate them too. 

Everyone does have the right to protest within the law and that is what they are doing. The police are attending and so the law is being considered.

We live in such a democracy that this government rules with a massive majority after getting voted in by a MINORITY of the people..

You don't get to say DONT to anyone whether they sit in a road or not unless someone has granted you some supreme power that the rest of us don't have.






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23 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Personally i think that population growth is the real danger to this planet


Conveniently the eco warriors dont want to even talk about that because the focus would be on India, China, Africa and South America


And it seems that that they only really wanna scream at white people 

I agree that population growth  is a  danger to this planet but I believe climate change is a bigger one.

Why do you not stop using the term eco warriors. You are just mimicking the media and making yourself look silly.

Have you asked the eco activists / protesters if they want to talk about population growth.   I'm sure you have not because I have heard them talk about that so you are making that bit up too?

I have not heard them SCREAM at anyone and I don't see why the colour of the people matter so much to you.  Are you racist too?

As far as I know, the people they inconvenience are comprised of all races and colours but don't give that angle any importance.


Just more innuendo and media quoting that you cannot back up.




Edited by Organgrinder
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Jack said:


Like i have said in previous posts......i think everyone has the right to protest but within the law


We live in a democracy......if you want to make changes then use the ballot box


Dont sit in the road like a bunch of spoilt children who cant get their own way 





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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I honestly couldn't decide whether to bother replying to such a bad tempered and stupid post.

Do you really know the difference between stating a belief and DEMANDING something.

For a start, there are all kinds of people care about the planet and climate.  They don't ALL believe exactly the same and their will be plenty of them who eat meat.

I would expect most people to have the intelligence to understand that without being told..

What they are saying, in that respect is repeating the warnings of many scientists (not terrorists) who have been saying , for quite a while. that

farm animals are damaging the planet and breeding animals, especially cows for food and milk, should be  cut back massively.

It's widely accepted these days, that  most of us eat too much meat. Nobody is telling you that you can't and certainly NOT DEMANDING. You are not listening to what they say.








This article from the Guardian (no less) 2018 highlights the dangers of increasing popullation, and points out that becoming vegetarian will not significantly slow down the process.  




Consider also that the animal population might have been larger than it is now; Africa was teeming with them, so was South America. North America had perhaps 50 million Bison and the Passenger Pigeon numbered in the billions. Forests are being cut down not just for cattle but for crops.

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I honestly couldn't decide whether to bother replying to such a bad tempered and stupid post.

Do you really know the difference between stating a belief and DEMANDING something.

For a start, there are all kinds of people care about the planet and climate.  They don't ALL believe exactly the same and their will be plenty of them who eat meat.

I would expect most people to have the intelligence to understand that without being told..

What they are saying, in that respect is repeating the warnings of many scientists (not terrorists) who have been saying , for quite a while. that

farm animals are damaging the planet and breeding animals, especially cows for food and milk, should be  cut back massively.

It's widely accepted these days, that  most of us eat too much meat. Nobody is telling you that you can't and certainly NOT DEMANDING. You are not listening to what they say.

You don't have any right to call someone else narcissistic just because they they are complaining about misuse of the planet. Are you a narcissist when you complain?

Nobody said that EVERYTHING that happens is due to climate change. You are putting words into their mouths.

Like me, you don't know when the world is going to end so you also don't know when it's not.

If you use stupid examples such as LGBT, it shows the way you think and you probably hate them too. 

Everyone does have the right to protest within the law and that is what they are doing. The police are attending and so the law is being considered.

We live in such a democracy that this government rules with a massive majority after getting voted in by a MINORITY of the people..

You don't get to say DONT to anyone whether they sit in a road or not unless someone has granted you some supreme power that the rest of us don't have.






The police are attending ????

Not a copper in sight on Fargate or outside the Town Hall yesterday ,despite at least three protests at once plus religious nuts running up and down arguing (telling) us that their god is the top one and so on .

One of the groups is obviously anti semitic and they get away with hate speech against Israel on a regular basis  , I cannot think of another instance where that kind of prejudice is allowed in the UK. 


Apart from this i saw four different groups taking or dealing drugs , Rolling, sniffing , and swallowing them .

Also people with laundry bags full of goods for sale that may have or may not have been shop lifted .



8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The police are attending ????

Not a copper in sight on Fargate or outside the Town Hall yesterday ,despite at least three protests at once plus religious nuts running up and down arguing (telling) us that their god is the top one and so on .

One of the groups is obviously anti semitic and they get away with hate speech against Israel on a regular basis  , I cannot think of another instance where that kind of prejudice is allowed in the UK. 


Apart from this i saw four different groups taking or dealing drugs , Rolling, sniffing , and swallowing them .

Also people with laundry bags full of goods for sale that may have or may not have been shop lifted .



Thats our City centre on a Saturday when people are just trying to shop , eat have a drink or just a strole in the sun shine on a early spring Saturday .


Edited by cuttsie
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29 minutes ago, carosio said:

This article from the Guardian (no less) 2018 highlights the dangers of increasing popullation, and points out that becoming vegetarian will not significantly slow down the process.  




Consider also that the animal population might have been larger than it is now; Africa was teeming with them, so was South America. North America had perhaps 50 million Bison and the Passenger Pigeon numbered in the billions. Forests are being cut down not just for cattle but for crops.

Yes indeed. we certainly need population control too, on top of  carbon control but, mankind's weak response concerning coal, oil, gas etc doesn't fill me with any kind of confidence.

Looks like, it will only be when there is no food to eat because we can't grow crops and the water starts claiming our land so we have nowhere to live, that some people will get the message.

People don't realise that if bees and other pollinators disappear, and they are close to it now, we will only have 3 years left to live anyway and yet, some think nothing will happen in less than 100 years.

When they say that, they are also saying that they don't care at all about the generations who are following us.  No wonder David Attenborough gets angry.  




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13 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The police are attending ????

Not a copper in sight on Fargate or outside the Town Hall yesterday ,despite at least three protests at once plus religious nuts running up and down arguing (telling) us that their god is the top one and so on .

One of the groups is obviously anti semitic and they get away with hate speech against Israel on a regular basis  , I cannot think of another instance where that kind of prejudice is allowed in the UK. 


Apart from this i saw four different groups taking or dealing drugs , Rolling, sniffing , and swallowing them .

Also people with laundry bags full of goods for sale that may have or may not have been shop lifted .



Thats our City centre on a Saturday when people are just trying to shop , eat have a drink or just a strole in the sun shine on a early spring Saturday .


They police them in London.    I never go to our excuse for a city centre so I don't know what happens down there.


Get on to the police then and ask why they are not doing their job.  Write to your MP and tell him you want to know where the cops are.

We already know that drug taking and selling is rife and we know that they turn a blind eye to burglary and theft so, the answers quite obvious

Give the government a kicking for lack of law enforcement and ask your cops where they are, being as we are paying for them

It's a bit comical when the countries in this state and half of the forum voices are more concerned with people who sit down on the road .

We won't need any roads soon at this rate.




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15 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's a bit comical when the countries in this state and half of the forum voices are more concerned with people who sit down on the road .

It’s the problems those people are causing by blocking the roads. 

We have already heard stories from people who were  stuck in the gridlock because of the eco warriors.

A woman who was being driven to hospital by a family member who had a stroke, struck in the traffic because of protesters who blocked the roads. Ambulances responding to emergency calls, someone who was late for an appointment with a cancer specialist having their appointment cancelled, mothers picking up children from school terrified of not being there on time or just wanting to get home from work because you don’t feel very well.  These are just a few of the stories from people who were stuck for hours by protesters.


Life is hard enough for ordinary people so why pick on them? If they want to protest stand outside the gates of Downing Street and Parliament where laws are made.

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7 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

It’s the problems those people are causing by blocking the roads. 

We have already heard stories from people who were  stuck in the gridlock because of the eco warriors.

A woman who was being driven to hospital by a family member who had a stroke, struck in the traffic because of protesters who blocked the roads. Ambulances responding to emergency calls, someone who was late for an appointment with a cancer specialist having their appointment cancelled, mothers picking up children from school terrified of not being there on time or just wanting to get home from work because you don’t feel very well.  These are just a few of the stories from people who were stuck for hours by protesters.


Life is hard enough for ordinary people so why pick on them? If they want to protest stand outside the gates of Downing Street and Parliament where laws are made.

I love this video....i wish our police were more like the french



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