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Many Schools 'Routinely Disregard' Safeguarding Principles On Gender Identity

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Guest sibon
2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

My lad's behaviour is fine thanks, he hardly ever gets even on Amber at school.


It’s not your lad’s behaviour that I’m concerned about. It is your behaviour.


As you are clearly a fan of the expertise of those with first hand experience, I’m sure that you’ll pay close attention to my advice. Both of my offspring are grown and leading productive adult lives. No slapping was used in the production of those fantastic adults. It isn’t right and it isn’t necessary.

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12 minutes ago, sibon said:

It’s not your lad’s behaviour that I’m concerned about. It is your behaviour.


As you are clearly a fan of the expertise of those with first hand experience, I’m sure that you’ll pay close attention to my advice. Both of my offspring are grown and leading productive adult lives. No slapping was used in the production of those fantastic adults. It isn’t right and it isn’t necessary.

I myself am a successful fantastic adult.


My dad used to smack my bottom when I was a little brat. I never wanted to go to the loo when I was a child, but when I heard my dad's car pull up I would rush upstairs and go. He never did it hard enough to hurt, it was more the shame.


My head teacher used to give the slipper to unruly kids.  I was one of those in the vast majority that did as they were told, sometimes I wanted to do something naughty but I didn't, and why not....... because I didn't want the shame of having to go to the heads office.


So, it worked for me and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

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4 hours ago, Chekhov said:

You are trolling, you are persistently and deliberately misquoting me to further your trolling, I actually said :


Hitting is striking someone (usually punching or kicking them) with the intention to cause pain and possible injury, so yes I would agree they should be in serious trouble.

However, slapping a wilfully naughty child does not come under that definition and it doesn't even hurt them that much. I would point out, BTW, that I only slap my lad when he has been deliberately and seriously disobedient and/or doing something dangerous. Furthermore, when we discipline him differently, which is the vast majority of the time (e.g. no computer time today), he often pleads with me to slap him instead. I decline obviously.


>>Clearly some parents clearly shouldn't be left in charge of a doorknob, let alone a child.<<


My lad is doing just fine, he'll do alright for himself, he is confident and sociable and I doubt very much he'll end up as a criminal or generally  dishonest. He is being bought up to value honesty above all, for example I am hopeful he will never commit adultery or anything like that.

Just out of interest, if you don't even have any kids, what makes you think you know so much about parenting ? 


Edited by Mister M
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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

I myself am a successful fantastic adult.


My dad used to smack my bottom when I was a little brat. I never wanted to go to the loo when I was a child, but when I heard my dad's car pull up I would rush upstairs and go. He never did it hard enough to hurt, it was more the shame.


My head teacher used to give the slipper to unruly kids.  I was one of those in the vast majority that did as they were told, sometimes I wanted to do something naughty but I didn't, and why not....... because I didn't want the shame of having to go to the heads office.


So, it worked for me and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

I’m sure that you are a delightful and successful human, in spite of the violence that you suffered as a child.


I’m not arguing that hitting kids doesn’t work, by the way. I’m fairly sure that the greater the level of violence, the more compliance you would see. I’ve seen enough kids who have been knocked about by their parents to know the effect that it has.


I’m saying that it is wrong. And that it isn’t necessary. 

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9 minutes ago, sibon said:

I’m sure that you are a delightful and successful human, in spite of the violence that you suffered as a child.


I’m not arguing that hitting kids doesn’t work, by the way. I’m fairly sure that the greater the level of violence, the more compliance you would see. I’ve seen enough kids who have been knocked about by their parents to know the effect that it has.


I’m saying that it is wrong. And that it isn’t necessary. 


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3 hours ago, sibon said:

Both of my offspring are grown and leading productive adult lives. 

I am very surprised to hear you have kids, shocked even. 

So you have kids, know how important it is to remember and record their achievements (I am assuming they did stuff you thought important enough to want to film).

Yet you think I am out of order, I think you even used the world "selfish", wanting to video my lad winning his first ever Fly race.

Incredible, almost unbelievable in fact.


Still, you can't be too careful can you, regardless of the consequences, I'm sure you agree with your mate Mike on that one.

7 hours ago, sibon said:

Is it because you’d have more latitude to beat your kid?

Supertroll strikes again.


3 hours ago, sibon said:

It’s not your lad’s behaviour that I’m concerned about. It is your behaviour.

I know you do not read my posts before answering them, but it is a bit much that you do not even read your own :


>>Sibon said : I suggest that you enrol in some parenting classes, or at least buy a book to help you to work out other ways of sorting your lad’s poor behaviour out.<<

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I myself am a successful fantastic adult.

My dad used to smack my bottom when I was a little brat. I never wanted to go to the loo when I was a child, but when I heard my dad's car pull up I would rush upstairs and go. He never did it hard enough to hurt, it was more the shame.

My head teacher used to give the slipper to unruly kids.  I was one of those in the vast majority that did as they were told, sometimes I wanted to do something naughty but I didn't, and why not....... because I didn't want the shame of having to go to the heads office.

So, it worked for me and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

I know quite a few people of middle age who suffered corporal punishment from both their teachers and their parents. And significantly worse than anything my lad ever gets (as I mentioned he would rather that then being banned from the computer), and none of them are violent as adults as far as I am aware. So all this BS about corporal punishment just leads to violent adults is just that, absolute BS.


1 hour ago, sibon said:

I’ve seen enough kids who have been knocked about by their parents to know the effect that it has.

Chekhov said : Hitting is striking someone (usually punching or kicking them) with the intention to cause pain and possible injury, so yes I would agree they should be in serious trouble.


But you are not talking about the same thing as I, and @Al Bundy, have been. It's the equivalent of that lad who was accused of sexual assault (when he tried to grope that woman's boob during a drunken snog) being talked about in the same breath as a rapist.

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Guest sibon
9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I am very surprised to hear you have kids, shocked even. 

So you have kids, know how important it is to remember and record their achievements (I am assuming they did stuff you thought important enough to want to film).

Yet you think I am out of order, I think you even used the world "selfish", wanting to video my lad winning his first ever Fly race.

Incredible, almost unbelievable in fact.


Still, you can't be too careful can you, regardless of the consequences, I'm sure you agree with your mate Mike on that one.

Supertroll strikes again.


I know you do not read my posts before answering them, but it is a bit much that you do not even read your own :


>>Sibon said : I suggest that you enrol in some parenting classes, or at least buy a book to help you to work out other ways of sorting your lad’s poor behaviour out.<<

You need to give the internet a rest, Checkers. Go outside and enjoy the spring sunshine.


Stop it with the repetitive personal stuff too. It doesn’t enhance your argument.


I think you’d be a lot happier if you understood that your boy’s achievements were his own. Watch them, enjoy them by all means, but let him do it his way.  Sport for kids is supposed to be fun.


And do stop hitting him, it is wrong.


I’m done with this thread now. There is no more to add.

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2 hours ago, sibon said:

Stop it with the repetitive personal stuff too.

Like what ?

Sounds like another strawman to me.


2 hours ago, sibon said:

I think you’d be a lot happier if you understood that your boy’s achievements were his own. Watch them, enjoy them by all means, but let him do it his way.  Sport for kids is supposed to be fun.

You are creating yet another strawman.

I am not commenting about what my boy does or does not do. I am bitterly complaining about the fact that he does something exceptional and I and I am not allowed to video it. And I feel very negative towards you because you support such paranoid madness, and even worse you say you are a parent and therefore one would think you would understand.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I myself am a successful fantastic adult.


My dad used to smack my bottom when I was a little brat. I never wanted to go to the loo when I was a child, but when I heard my dad's car pull up I would rush upstairs and go. He never did it hard enough to hurt, it was more the shame.


My head teacher used to give the slipper to unruly kids.  I was one of those in the vast majority that did as they were told, sometimes I wanted to do something naughty but I didn't, and why not....... because I didn't want the shame of having to go to the heads office.


So, it worked for me and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

I found the Facebook page for my old secondary school a while back.  The school's gone now, but it had a relatively longish history dating back to the 30s, I think.  The group seems to attract mostly older ex-pupils, those who left in the 70s or earlier, though some of the teachers' names from that era were familiar to me. 


I went there a few years after corporal punishment had been abolished in schools, but some of those who were there before me had been subjected to the whims of some of the teachers and their ability to punish unwanted behaviour as they saw fit. 


It wasn't too much of a surprise to read that some in that group wrote about wanting to find those teachers and give them a taste of what they'd suffered at school.  I'm not suggesting that these ex-pupils are violent men, but they'd apparently been scarred to the extent that seeking some sort of equivalent revenge was seen as an appropriate response to how they'd been treated as children by supposedly responsible adults.

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