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Sheffield Church Destroyed In Fire As Dramatic Pictures Show Scale Of Damage

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There is a current outline planning application from a private developer to develop the site as apartments, including demolition of the church:


22/02877/OUT | Outline application (approval sought for access, appearance, layout & scale) for demolition of existing building and erection of a 6/7 storey mixed use development block comprising 29 apartments (Use Class C3) with ground floor commercial space and associated works | St Judes Church Copper Street Sheffield S3 7AG



I post that merely for information. I personally think this belief people have that developers are going round burning down buildings to further development plans is a tad ludicrous. It rarely makes any logical sense.


This church was dilapidated long before a first fire back in 2017*, it's been empty for over a decade, it's not listed and there appear to be no objections to the demolition proposed in this application (or previous ones, though nothing ever came of them) from heritage bodies such as Historic England or members of the public.



*anyone who thinks it too much of a coincidence that the same building would be targeted by arsonists twice might want to consider how often the Ski Village has been targeted (to absolutely no benefit whatsoever of the owners, Council, or prospective developers of that site).

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16 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Strange int it ,these fires in old buildings in areas due for redevelopment .


Areas 'due for redevelopment' tend to be run-down areas filled with empty, dilapidated buildings that attract various crimes, not least arson as well as trespassing, graffiti, and use as drug dens. That's the nature of run-down buildings and the very reason they tend to be areas earmarked for regeneration.



I have an amateur interest in urban developments and follow those in Sheffield and other cities closely. I can tell you now, many historic buildings in better condition and with greater value than this church have been demolished and redeveloped following nothing more than a successful planning application. No strange fires, no backhanders, no fuss. It's simply the case that unless a historic building is protected (listing), has a viable use, or has some profitable value as part of a new development, then it's quite difficult for local authorities to reject demolition and redevelopment.


As above; this church was beyond salvation long before last night. I'm not really sure what benefit people are suggesting a targeted arson attack would have?



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