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Why Should People Vote Labour In May ?

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2 hours ago, S35_2o21 said:

Did he outline what the Lib Dems would do differently to the current administration? 

Actually, I don't think it's voting for the Party, I'm more voting for the man. Although I would like to see parties other than Labour get some seats and Lib Dems are in with a good chance in my ward. 


He says: 

"Labour are only 3 seats away from from gaining overall control of the council again, - giving them a green light to do whatever they want, and our voices may continue to be ignored."


"By choosing me, you're supporting someone who:

  • Truly listens and understands your concerns.
  • Is open and honest about decisions and actions.
  • Prioritises your best interests and fights for our community.
  • Works to build a strong, thriving Sheffield for everyone."


Plus a lot more which sounds good to me, but we all know words are cheap, so we'll just have to see.


Edited by Anna B
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People should vote labour to show the UK how inept they are and to give the complacent Tories a kick in the backside. 


If labour get into power it's purely a protest vote


Let's hope they don't do too much damage while they are keeping the seats warm 

Edited by Jack Grey
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18 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

And so they should.

Everyone knows that the only problem with our tax system is that the rich avoid paying their share.

All you have to do is stop the rich from escaping their responsibilities. 

That's going to be far from easy as they are all very well practised at keeping their tight mitts on their money,  which the poor have usually earned for them.

That will never be made to happen because the guys who make the rules are the rich guys.

Just listen to all the squealing from the well heeled if the did.




not sure what this has to do with voting Labour in a local council election but you do know how much of the total tax bill is paid for by the top 1% and 50% of earners dont you?

i'll give you a clue, the bottom 50% of earners contribute 9.5% of the total income tax. 

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17 hours ago, Anna B said:

Actually, I don't think it's voting for the Party, I'm more voting for the man. Although I would like to see parties other than Labour get some seats and Lib Dems are in with a good chance in my ward. 


He says: 

"Labour are only 3 seats away from from gaining overall control of the council again, - giving them a green light to do whatever they want, and our voices may continue to be ignored."


"By choosing me, you're supporting someone who:

  • Truly listens and understands your concerns.
  • Is open and honest about decisions and actions.
  • Prioritises your best interests and fights for our community.
  • Works to build a strong, thriving Sheffield for everyone."


Plus a lot more which sounds good to me, but we all know words are cheap, so we'll just have to see.


Trouble is, these are words.


At the end of the day, the Council spends a high proportion of it's budget on Social Care, and is reliant on capital grants from Government to pay for other initiatitves (such as the famous containers). These grants can only be used for certain projects. 

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44 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

not sure what this has to do with voting Labour in a local council election but you do know how much of the total tax bill is paid for by the top 1% and 50% of earners dont you?

i'll give you a clue, the bottom 50% of earners contribute 9.5% of the total income tax. 

ad6262 made reference to the tax system and the wealthy, which is why I did too.

Don't need any clues from you at all.  I have a good basic idea what goes on around me.

You should also remember that income tax is not the only tax that people pay and, in other taxes, such as VAT,  the very poor, pay exactly the same as the very rich.


Doesn't make any difference whatsoever who pays the lions share of tax.

The only thing that should matter is that everyone pays equally according to their income.   AND THEY STILL DON'T

You are obviously one of those who would like to keep it that way.




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46 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

ad6262 made reference to the tax system and the wealthy, which is why I did too.

Don't need any clues from you at all.  I have a good basic idea what goes on around me.

You should also remember that income tax is not the only tax that people pay and, in other taxes, such as VAT,  the very poor, pay the same as the very rich.


Doesn't make any difference whatsoever who pays the lions share of tax.

The only thing that should matter is that everyone pays equally according to their income.   AND THEY STILL DON'T

You are obviously one of those who would like to keep it that way.




So it doesnt make any difference who pays the lions share but everyone should pay equally? How does that work? you going to tax the lowest earners more or bring down the tax for the highest earners to equate them out.


So how do you equate the fact that the top 1% of earners pay 29% of the income tax - is that fair? How much more do you want to tax them? What would your tax rate be?


Since you wanted to talk about other taxes i would advise you to give this a quick scan https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8513/CBP-8513.pdf

particularly page 23 which details how the top 50% of households pay over 80% of all the 3 biggest tax receipts (VAT, Income Tax and NICS) or that the top 20% of households pay nearly 50% of total tax incomes for the UK.


Average gross income for household pays 23% in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £14,000 per household)

Top 20% pay 30% of their household income in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £40000 per household)

bottom 20% pay 15% of their household income in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £2800 per household)


Is that equal enough for you or would you like to give a figure that you would like the tax bracket to be? since you mentioned VAT should it be higher on items that are worth over a certain price? 


You know nothing about my political stance or my own earnings so you have no idea which bracket above i fit into or whether or not i agree with the current tax system. I just deal in the facts but dont care for people who just throw out "tax the rich more" without saying how much they would tax them or can have an informed debate so please dont throw personal insults into the debate as it only lowers your argument.

Edited by sheffbag
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8 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

So it doesnt make any difference who pays the lions share but everyone should pay equally? How does that work? you going to tax the lowest earners more or bring down the tax for the highest earners to equate them out.


So how do you equate the fact that the top 1% of earners pay 29% of the income tax - is that fair? How much more do you want to tax them? What would your tax rate be?


Since you wanted to talk about other taxes i would advise you to give this a quick scan https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8513/CBP-8513.pdf

particularly page 23 which details how the top 50% of households pay over 80% of all the 3 biggest tax receipts (VAT, Income Tax and NICS) or that the top 20% of households pay nearly 50% of total tax incomes for the UK.


Average gross income for household pays 23% in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £14,000 per household)

Top 20% pay 30% of their household income in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £40000 per household)

bottom 20% pay 15% of their household income in taxes directly and indirectly (approx £2800 per household)


Is that equal enough for you or would you like to give a figure that you would like the tax bracket to be? since you mentioned VAT should it be higher on items that are worth over a certain price? 


You know nothing about my political stance or my own earnings so you have no idea which bracket above i fit into or whether or not i agree with the current tax system. I just deal in the facts but dont care for people who just throw out "tax the rich more" without saying how much they would tax them or can have an informed debate so please dont throw personal insults into the debate as it only lowers your argument.

It's truly fair, for everyone to pay, a proportion of taxes according to their income.

That means it's fair for rich people to pay more than poor people.

Regarding the next line re- other taxes, yes, it's totally fair becausse they are still not paying a bigger proportion of their income.  I don't follow links by the way.  I have more sense.

The rest is a complete load of rubbish and, you conveniently forget that, when the poor peoples income is taxed, it's their REAL INCOME.

                                                                                                                                                                 when the rich peoples income is taxed, it's a make believe income that their accountants have wangled for them.

The fact you are so upset at what I have said, is because I am completely right about what bracket you fit.

I've told you how much I would tax them.   By the same proportion of their total income,  just as as the poor pay.

That means, the rich would be paying a lot more which is why you are so upset.

Your next answer will be " The rich will all go and live somewhere else" and my answer would be "Some might and some won't but those who do will leave openings for others to move into"

For those who leave, good riddance.   The only facts I care about are fairness and no more packs of lies.



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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

It's truly fair, for everyone to pay, a proportion of taxes according to their income.

That means it's fair for rich people to pay more than poor people.

Regarding the next line re- other taxes, yes, it's totally fair becausse they are still not paying a bigger proportion of their income.  I don't follow links by the way.  I have more sense.

The rest is a complete load of rubbish and, you conveniently forget that, when the poor peoples income is taxed, it's their REAL INCOME.

                                                                                                                                                                 when the rich peoples income is taxed, it's a make believe income that their accountants have wangled for them.

The fact you are so upset at what I have said, is because I am completely right about what bracket you fit.

I've told you how much I would tax them.   By the same proportion of their total income,  just as as the poor pay.

That means, the rich would be paying a lot more which is why you are so upset.

Your next answer will be " The rich will all go and live somewhere else" and my answer would be "Some might and some won't but those who do will leave openings for others to move into"

For those who leave, good riddance.   The only facts I care about are fairness and no more packs of lies.



A well run consistent tax system is the best way of ensuring fairness and a worthwhile redistribution of wealth to pay for infrastructure and public services etc.  


If the rich paid all their tax, even at the same rate as PAYE and everyone else, our financial problems would be over. No doubt it would seem like a lot to them because their fortunes are vast, but it would be exactly the same proportion as lower earners so it would be fair.


But they don't. They have no end of tax avoidance schemes in Britain to ensure they pay as little as possible. Britain is one of the best tax havens for the wealthy in the world. That's what they don't tell you. But that doesn't filter down to benefit our society any more. As for leaving the country for elsewhere, well we are a tax haven and make it easy for the rich to avoid their responsibilities here so they might. 

But Great wealth should bring great responsibility. They have a duty to pay their share same as everyone else. 


We live in a global economy now, with global leaders meeting up at Davos, World Economic Forums etc. They can wipe out tax havens at a stroke should they wish to do so. That would make the world a more equal place with everyone paying their share, percentage wise, in every country. This would benefit of the vast majority, wiping out extreme poverty once and for all.


That's the sort of thing the WEF can and should be doing at their world meetings.

But of course they don't. They simply perpetuate the things that are in their own interests, so tax havens survive. The rich get richer, the poor poorer. Things get worse and nothing changes. 

Edited by Anna B
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why would anyone want to vote for labour in sheffield ,its a mess and there mess,lets try the lib/dems and see if its a mess after say 5 years,i doubt it ,or it cannot be worse can it,now nationally i vote labour ,because in goverment they always seem to look after the  working class better,but locally no.

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I'd forget the Party aspect, and vote based on the candidates presentation. Preferably Independents. They have to be pushy and dynamic to make any impression at all, and that applies equally if they get onto the council which is pretty much a closed shop. The Labour party in particular are very cosy thanks, with a strong sense of their own security which makes them complacent at best and a law unto themselves at worst. And look at the state we're in. This has to change. 


I see we've also made it onto Facebook, with loads of unhappy citizens of Sheffield making public far and wide what a tragic dump of a city Sheffield is.   

I may or may not agree with this, but it's not a good look for Sheffield and has to stop. It has to be made a city we can be proud of again.  

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