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Why Should People Vote Labour In May ?

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51 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

And you clearly have a simple misunderstanding of how council budgets work. How much do you think a council gets from council tax as a percentage of its overall budget?

Go on, have a guess.

I genuinely don't know.

Please tell me.

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7 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I genuinely don't know.

Please tell me.

I wanted you to have a guess first, as most people think it contributes all of a council budget, or most.


Its actually around 15% in 2023/24. See page 11...




Not as much as you first thought, i suspect.


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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

I wanted you to have a guess first, as most people think it contributes all of a council budget, or most.


Its actually around 15% in 2023/24. See page 11...




Not as much as you first thought, i suspect.


II thought you were saying that not all our council tax goes to the council. I always assumed it did.  

I know the government contributes some. Are you saying the government contributes 85% of the Council's budget? But that simply means that the taxpayer (ie you and me) contribute the lot. So we still want it to be spent wisely. 


If it's still not enough, it's still not enough, no matter what the government percentage is. The government has heaped a load more responsibility onto the council to provide services. The government has to back that up with the money to fund it. The Council says that with all the cuts they don't give them enough.


The government expects the council to provide services that the council can't afford so that when it doesn't happen because of lack of funding, the government can blame the Councils. 

It's classic buck passing...



Smoke and mirrors....


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9 minutes ago, Anna B said:

II thought you were saying that not all our council tax goes to the council. 


Erm no, what I was clearly saying is not all of the budget is made up of council tax.


The fact that CT has gone up 5% does not mean the council budget has also gone up 5%, Page 11 clearly shows its up a little over 1%. Also remember inflation is nearer 10% than 1%. So no, they dont "have money", as you put it.


So back to the original point, where is a new administration suddenly going to find money to "sweep pavements every day"? No matter who is elected, there isnt a pot to pee in. People need to wake up and realise that.

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59 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Erm no, what I was clearly saying is not all of the budget is made up of council tax.


The fact that CT has gone up 5% does not mean the council budget has also gone up 5%, Page 11 clearly shows its up a little over 1%. Also remember inflation is nearer 10% than 1%. So no, they dont "have money", as you put it.


So back to the original point, where is a new administration suddenly going to find money to "sweep pavements every day"? No matter who is elected, there isnt a pot to pee in. People need to wake up and realise that.

That’s it then , let’s carry on .

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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Erm no, what I was clearly saying is not all of the budget is made up of council tax.


The fact that CT has gone up 5% does not mean the council budget has also gone up 5%, Page 11 clearly shows its up a little over 1%. Also remember inflation is nearer 10% than 1%. So no, they dont "have money", as you put it.


So back to the original point, where is a new administration suddenly going to find money to "sweep pavements every day"? No matter who is elected, there isnt a pot to pee in. People need to wake up and realise that.

Obviously it wasn't clear. Of course I know the Government contributes to Councils as I said in my answer, the rest of which you've ignored.

Council tax gone up so obviously the council is benefitting from the rise, or why are we paying it?

They have more money than last year even if inflation has reduced its effectiveness - join the club, we're in the same boat.

I presume the 'new administration' will have to 'suddenly' find money the same place we are trying to find it, by making yet more cuts until the cupboard is bear.

So our council tax goes up but our services go down.

Where do you think this going to end?

We are very very deep in the do-do with no sign of recovery.


Do you ever ask yourself how we got into this position? 

-Ultimately the government's mismanagement of our taxes and finances over the years, thus losing control of our utilities and essential services, starting with Thatcher's rush to sell off everything we owned and privatise it. We now own very little and are constantly being shafted by the people who do.

The switch from careful fiscal management, to a Free Market Economics free-for-all, has proved to be a huge mistake, especially for us, the little people at the bottom of the pyramid who are only a hair's breadth from disaster. Only the few at the top are safe, and obscenely richer than ever. 


Businesses have only concentrated on short term profits to attract shareholders, instead of long term investment in the infrastructure, consequently the world is all but crumbling around us and we have no money left to repair it.

50 years from now we will be a third world country   




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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Obviously it wasn't clear. Of course I know the Government contributes to Councils as I said in my answer, the rest of which you've ignored.

Council tax gone up so obviously the council is benefitting from the rise, or why are we paying it?

They have more money than last year even if inflation has reduced its effectiveness - join the club, we're in the same boat.

I presume the 'new administration' will have to 'suddenly' find money the same place we are trying to find it, by making yet more cuts until the cupboard is bear.

So our council tax goes up but our services go down.

Where do you think this going to end?



I dont disagree, except for the bit in bold which is clearly rubbish given other income streams wont have risen at the same rate, or have gone down. Go and look at that PDF again and compare the two years.


My only point is nobody on the ballot, or nobody who can be on the ballot, can do a single thing about it. 

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I dont disagree, except for the bit in bold which is clearly rubbish given other income streams wont have risen at the same rate, or have gone down. Go and look at that PDF again and compare the two years.


My only point is nobody on the ballot, or nobody who can be on the ballot, can do a single thing about it. 

Very depressing for democracy implemented  by voting.

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