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Cost Of Living 'Crisis'

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1 hour ago, Irene Swaine said:

It's part of the New World Order. They are blaming it on "the Ukraine war" yeah? It's all part of the plan by the WEF to do the great reset, there is even a page on the great reset on their website. They are saying that they can't get fossil fuels because they are all made in Ukraine (don't you think it's strange how so many resources are allegedly resourced from that one small country?) ....so these windfarms littered all over the countryside don't work then if we still allegedly need to source from overseas. The press are lying about President Putin. He is the one trying to stop the NWO. Look at footage of Ukraine, it does not look war-torn to me. Why is that Zelensky always dressed in a millitary uniform? I have never seen a Prime Minister dress in this way. Why does he have to time to attend social events, if his country is supposedly being attacked? Why all of the yellow and blue flags when there was nothing of the sort for The Falklands, etc? 


We live in a world of corruption. 

By New World Order,  I would guess you've taken your theories from a conspiracy site.

Ukraine is not such a small country.  Its the second biggest country in Europe ( Russia's the biggest ).
Ukraine does have fossil fuels but not all of them.  Many other countries have more.
The wind farms do work but cannot supply all the power we need at this time,  partly due to the National Grid capabilities.
If you think Putin's ok, you are entitled to that view but you are in a small minority in this part of the world.
There is hardly anything left of Ukraine's major cities.  A trip to Specsavers is advised.
How Zelenskyy dresses is completely irrelevant to  the situation and he goes around the world to raise more arms.
Everybody is free to display the Ukraine flag or not.  It's up to each to choose but,  The Falklands are irrelevant as far as the Ukraine situation is concerned.

I agree about the level of corruption.


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1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

Having just read “her” last few posts.

I suspect that she’s up late, rather than early.

"her"  - is it Mr Bloke,  he always calls some peeps "Mr"  

as in Mr Padders e.g.

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