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Queen Camilla

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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Why does anyone who is anti-monarchist automatically get described as sad in your eyes?


You would do well not to keep stirring up feeling regarding the IRA too, when everybody else is trying to keep the peace.

It's sad that someone has got to be a grown man without realising that other people have a right to a point of view too.



I have not described all anti monarchist as sad.  Just for clarification I am describing those anti monarchist using the title of the King's wife  as an excuse in order to attack the monarchy as sad.  There is no good reason why an anti monarchist should make comments about the King's wife because she will be known as Queen Camilla.


It is not true that everybody is trying to keep the peace in Northern Ireland.  There has been a recent republican terrorist attack on a policeman.  



The threat level to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland Related Terrorism is constantly monitored and is subject to a regular formal review. This is a systematic, comprehensive and rigorous process, based on the very latest intelligence and analysis of factors which drive the threat. The threat level review takes into account a range of factors and analysis of recent incidents. - See more at: https://www.mi5.gov.uk/news/threat-level-to-northern-ireland-from-northern-ireland-related-terrorism-raised-to-severe#sthash.HxMuXyoL.dpuf


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36 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Why does anyone who is anti-monarchist automatically get described as sad in your eyes?


You would do well not to keep stirring up feeling regarding the IRA too, when everybody else is trying to keep the peace.

It's sad that someone has got to be a grown man without realising that other people have a right to a point of view too.



It's Axe / West77 -  trolling is what he does best.

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17 minutes ago, Axe said:



It is not true that everybody is trying to keep the peace in Northern Ireland.  There has been a recent republican terrorist attack on a policeman.  



It has already been pointed out to you on another thread that the people still engaging in violence in Northern Ireland are a bunch of gangsters using both republican and loyalist ideology as an excuse and cover for their criminal activities. In fact it has reached the stage where these gangsters are consorting with each other.



The Troubles are over, the process of reuniting the country is underway. All genuine republicans understand that while it is inevitable  it will take time in order to achieve it in the most peaceful way possible


You are an obtuse and obsessed person with virtually no knowledge of what you are on about. Give it a rest, keep pulling the forelock.

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20 minutes ago, m williamson said:

It has already been pointed out to you on another thread that the people still engaging in violence in Northern Ireland are a bunch of gangsters using both republican and loyalist ideology as an excuse and cover for their criminal activities. In fact it has reached the stage where these gangsters are consorting with each other.



The Troubles are over, the process of reuniting the country is underway. All genuine republicans understand that while it is inevitable  it will take time in order to achieve it in the most peaceful way possible


You are an obtuse and obsessed person with virtually no knowledge of what you are on about. Give it a rest, keep pulling the forelock.

It has been pointed out to you that MI5 has increased the threat level from terrorism to severe. MI5 are not trying to brush terrorism in Northern Ireland under the carpet by referring it as gangster activity. In the link you  provided the New IRA admit responsibility for the attack on the policemen.


MI5 have more credibility in judging what is terrorism than an anti British, anti monarchy and terrorist sympathiser contributor.

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4 minutes ago, Axe said:

It has been pointed out to you that MI5 has increased the threat level from terrorism to severe. MI5 are not trying to brush terrorism in Northern Ireland under the carpet by referring it as gangster activity. In the link you  provided the New IRA admit responsibility for the attack on the policemen.


MI5 have more credibility in judging what is terrorism than an anti British, anti monarchy and terrorist sympathiser contributor.

Haven't worked out what MI5 are doing in Northern Ireland yet have you? Winston Churchill once said that you could always rely on the Americans to do the right thing, after they'd done everything else.

You could say the same about the British establishment. MI5 have a HQ at Palace Barracks just outside Belfast where they are monitoring and infiltrating both groups of gangsters. When reunification comes there will unfortunately be a violent rection from the so called loyalists.

However, this time instead of being backed up and colluded with by state forces they will be up against those state forces.

Loyalist paramilitaries claimed that they were opposing the PIRA but they were the ones that started the Troubles by killing innocent Catholics and 87.2% of all their killings were of innocent civilians targeted because they were assumed to be Catholic.



The difference between a sympathiser and someone who understands the reasons has been pointed out to you more than once. Yet you persist with the name calling. You are a monarchist and you brought up the subject of Mountbatten, how would you feel about me referring to you as a pedophile sympathiser? 

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Was on about , the bit about St Diana 

With what she had to put with the difunctionals,  she is a Saint.    Mountbatten tried his best to keep Charles and adultress Camilla apart even before Diana appeared on the scene,    In the early stages,  Mountbatten knew the high level scandle it would cause if the two were caught out,  Mountbatten was no saint,  he was known as the plotter,  he had words or should I say,   grassed Charles up to Phillip and the Queen  about Camilla and then between them devised a plan to keep em apart,   then later influenced Charles into meeting a young bird  which wasn't at a medical risk to sire an heir to the Throne, then give her the boot by which time Camilla would be divorced and be able to carry on where they left off,   Diana was used and abused by the disfunctionals. So in my book she is and always will be a Saint.   :roll:

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8 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

With what she had to put with the difunctionals,  she is a Saint.    Mountbatten tried his best to keep Charles and adultress Camilla apart even before Diana appeared on the scene,    In the early stages,  Mountbatten knew the high level scandle it would cause if the two were caught out,  Mountbatten was no saint,  he was known as the plotter,  he had words or should I say,   grassed Charles up to Phillip and the Queen  about Camilla and then between them devised a plan to keep em apart,   then later influenced Charles into meeting a young bird  which wasn't at a medical risk to sire an heir to the Throne, then give her the boot by which time Camilla would be divorced and be able to carry on where they left off,   Diana was used and abused by the disfunctionals. So in my book she is and always will be a Saint.   :roll:

In my book, she’s anything but 

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Charles, tbf,  was pressured into marriage and did his duty,  that was expected in those days.  He was asked if he was in love and replied 'whatever love is'.   Diana,  only 19 years old - it all probably went over her head.


Camilla should have kept her nose out,  but the thought of being influential in Charles' future life,  was too much for her not to contemplate.

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