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White Actors Only Given 57% Of Roles ( = Below Their Population Proportion)

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15 minutes ago, Mister M said:


Of course on an interpersonal level on which all of us individually operate, seeing the person for who they are is what most of us do.


However, if your experience of the world is being excluded, or discriminated against at work, or being hassled by the police endlessly simply because your identity is different - that difference is going to be magnified many times over.

We all define ourselves differently, simply because we are different - in our economic circumstances, our backgrounds, our heritage, our abilities etc. It's part of who we are. And if who we are causes conflict for other people, not because we have chips on our shoulders, or are 'behaving outrageously' what do we do? Pretend we don't exist. Not aiming this at you RJ, but more widely for you to understand where I'm coming from.

Television and the media in general are powerful tools, it has been used against us as a means of stigmatising and marginalising us. I can only speak for the gay experience, and not any other marginalised group, but by organising, campaigning, and sometimes getting on the inside of media organisations has any change come about. 


I think earlier in this thread Chekov said that in his opinion 'there was no cynicism, divisiveness or racism before BLM' existed. Sorry but that's laughable. BLM or other organisations have been set up precisely because there has been divisiveness and racism. 

To someone like you and me who is white (I'm making the assumption that you are white), we don't experience it first hand. We see it on the television and on the streets and in the newspapers. To say that there was no racism in this country before 2013 is just mind blowing.



With all due respect that's very naive and quite insulting. I have personally suffered from racism and not just once. If you'd like I can tell you some of the slurs I've had to put up with.


My bold.

Again, with all due respect you should look into BLM more closely. 

They aren't what you think.

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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


With all due respect that's very naive and quite insulting. I have personally suffered from racism and not just once. If you'd like I can tell you some of the slurs I've had to put up with.


My bold.

Again, with all due respect you should look into BLM more closely. 

They aren't what you think.

I'm sorry you've had to put up with racism, nobody should.

If BLM aren't your choice of campaigning organisation, there are others: Race Equality Foundation, Kick it Out, Muslim Council of Britain....

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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

I'm sorry you've had to put up with racism, nobody should.

If BLM aren't your choice of campaigning organisation, there are others: Race Equality Foundation, Kick it Out, Muslim Council of Britain....

My bold.

No, they aren't. I like my campaigning organisations to be honest, non violent and non racist.

Look into them. It makes for disturbing reading. 

3 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm sorry you've had to put up with racism, nobody should.


I appreciate that 🙏 

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>>Chekhov said : TBH I do not think anything positive has come out of BLM.

If anything is is stirring up cynicism, division and racism where there was none before. <<

On 06/04/2023 at 19:26, Mister M said:

So there was no cynicism, division and racism before BLM?

I think you need to give examples of the wonderful world we had before BLM! And why BLM came into existence.

On 06/04/2023 at 21:48, Mister M said:

I think earlier in this thread Chekov said that in his opinion 'there was no cynicism, divisiveness or racism before BLM' existed. Sorry but that's laughable. BLM or other organisations have been set up precisely because there has been divisiveness and racism. 

Maybe I should clarify what I mean.

There was cynicism, division and racism amongst certain groups before, but I do not think BLM had much of a positive effect on them. If anything it will have confirmed their views.

More unfortunate is the effect on the majority who are not racist but thought the whole thing was such an over blown exaggeration (e.g. taking the knee at football matches and tearing down historical statues*) that many of them are cynical now. It may even have tipped some who were not racist into being more racist than they were before.

What's more I think the whole process is being repeated with the trans debate.


*I will never forget the fact that during Covid the authorities were clamping down on protests and people even just meeting up, but BLM protest, that's fine (we'll just ignore them).



Edited by Chekhov
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Guest makapaka
On 05/04/2023 at 14:22, altus said:

So in 2022 white performers were under-represented on streaming services by 4% but over-represented in cinemas by 2%. Contrast this to 2019 where, overall, white performers were overrepresented by 16%.


I think that you are complaining about this reveals much about you.




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Guest makapaka
On 06/04/2023 at 10:24, Chekhov said:

Sorry, are you saying that positive discrimination is not in evidence here ?

No - they’re saying if you start a thread bemoaning a 4% comparative under representation in 2022.


and completely disregard the 2% over representation in theatres and the 16% over representation in the immediate year prior - it would suggest you’re cherry picking data and not balancing the argument.


so obviously people are gonna wonder why that is the case?


why is that the case?

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On 06/04/2023 at 20:10, Mister M said:


There was a thread on here, I can't remember when, but basically someone was getting their knickers in a twist because they thought there were more black people in adverts than in society - or the proportion of black people on our screens was greater than the proportion in wider society. Well so what? - What does it matter? Unless someone has a problem with gay people.

Does it matter what advertiser's do?

If the Government were doing it, then it might be a problem. If you don't identify with what is being promoted, don't buy it. 

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5 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Does it matter what advertiser's do?

If the Government were doing it, then it might be a problem. If you don't identify with what is being promoted, don't buy it. 

That was the point I was making. As long as it meets the regulations of the Advertising Standards Agency, then there shouldn't be a problem.

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