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White Actors Only Given 57% Of Roles ( = Below Their Population Proportion)

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On 06/04/2023 at 20:10, Mister M said:


There was a thread on here, I can't remember when, but basically someone was getting their knickers in a twist because they thought there were more black people in adverts than in society - or the proportion of black people on our screens was greater than the proportion in wider society. Well so what? - What does it matter? Unless someone has a problem with gay people or people from different ethnic minorities existing, then why should it be a problem?

If it was to do with talent then I would not.

The problem with all that BLM is I am now even more cynical and wonder if it still is. Even worse, it smacks of being told what to think.

Which is the whole point of what I said :


There was cynicism, division and racism amongst certain groups before, but I do not think BLM had much of a positive effect on them. If anything it will have confirmed their views.

More unfortunate is the effect on the majority who are not racist but thought the whole thing was such an over blown exaggeration (e.g. taking the knee at football matches and tearing down historical statues*) that many of them are cynical now. It may even have tipped some who were not racist into being more racist than they were before.

What's more I think the whole process is being repeated with the trans debate.


*I will never forget the fact that during Covid the authorities were clamping down on protests and people even just meeting up, but BLM protest, that's fine (we'll just ignore them).


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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

If it was to do with talent then I would not.

The problem with all that BLM is I am now even more cynical and wonder if it still is. Even worse, it smacks of being told what to think.

Which is the whole point of what I said :


There was cynicism, division and racism amongst certain groups before, but I do not think BLM had much of a positive effect on them. If anything it will have confirmed their views.

More unfortunate is the effect on the majority who are not racist but thought the whole thing was such an over blown exaggeration (e.g. taking the knee at football matches and tearing down historical statues*) that many of them are cynical now. It may even have tipped some who were not racist into being more racist than they were before.

What's more I think the whole process is being repeated with the trans debate.


*I will never forget the fact that during Covid the authorities were clamping down on protests and people even just meeting up, but BLM protest, that's fine (we'll just ignore them).


But who is telling you what to think?

You started off the debate with this opening gambit:

On 05/04/2023 at 12:47, Chekhov said:

Can anyone defend this ?

More to the point isn't this kind of woke discrimination more likely to increase racism rather than the opposite ?


White actors' film roles decline in wake of Black Lives Matter
Study showing fall comes after protests and complaints of a lack of diversity in Hollywood.

On streaming services in 2022 only 57% of all roles went to white performeres, which is below their 61% proportion in the population.



So you already started with the assumption that white actors film roles were in decline, "in the wake of of blm".

However, as altus pointed out:

On 05/04/2023 at 14:22, altus said:


Here's a bit more, less selectively quoted, of that article.

So in 2022 white performers were under-represented on streaming services by 4% but over-represented in cinemas by 2%. Contrast this to 2019 where, overall, white performers were overrepresented by 16%.


The "taking of the knee" by some footballers, I think was in the wake of the death of George Floyd. As was the taking down of various statues in Britain Edward Coulston amongst them. 

Naturally it's understandable why a great many people felt so angry at the death of George Floyd, and the manner in which it happened. Not the first case to show the brutality of some of the police in America, Floyd being the latest in a long line of black people who have had brutality and discrimination shown toward them. Coulston a slave trader and murderer, was lionised by having a statue in his honour. 


For me I can understand why, at that point so many people (many of whom may have experienced sustained discrimination from police and from others in society), felt so much anger. I'm approaching this not as someone who has experienced discrimination by virtue of my ethnicity, but has experienced discrimination in the past. I no longer do thankfully. However I could imagine how enraging it must be to have injustice visited upon me and people like me by bigots.


I don't think many people minds will have been changed by the taking of the knee of some footballers, or the tearing down of a statue. Some people who never understood will still not want to understand; though listening to conversations on the radio at the time, some callers who found out who Coulston was, expressed an opinion that the statue should've been removed a long time ago.



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On 08/04/2023 at 17:08, Mister M said:

I don't think many people minds will have been changed by the taking of the knee of some footballers, or the tearing down of a statue. Some people who never understood will still not want to understand; though listening to conversations on the radio at the time, some callers who found out who Coulston was, expressed an opinion that the statue should've been removed a long time ago.

I do not think BLM has made any difference at all, not in this country. Well, maybe, but in a negative direction.


>>some callers who found out who Coulston was, expressed an opinion that the statue should've been removed a long time ago.<<


The ripping down of Coulston's statue might have made more of a difference, but definitely in a negative direction. I do not think I have ever talked to anyone who approves of stuff like that. At best they think it's erasing history, at worst they think it's woke ballcox (though most of them would not use, or even be aware, of the term "woke"). I agree with both of them.

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4 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I do not think BLM has made any difference at all, not in this country. Well, maybe, but in a negative direction.


>>some callers who found out who Coulston was, expressed an opinion that the statue should've been removed a long time ago.<<


The ripping down of Coulston's statue might have made more of a difference, but definitely in a negative direction. I do not think I have ever talked to anyone who approves of stuff like that. At best they think it's erasing history, at worst they think it's woke ballcox (though most of them would not use, or even be aware, of the term "woke"). I agree with both of them.

I'm not aiming to change your mind because we both have very different life experiences; and speaking for myself, my experience has shaped my outlook. As I said above there are some people with no experience of sustained discrimination and hostility from the authorities which has made a tangible impact on their life, but who nevertheless have the imagination to understand on a visceral level how others who have experience it are feeling and thinking. And there are those that don't.


I will mention that when those 2 ladies arrested for having a wander through the Derbyshire Dales drinking peppermint tea during the Covid-19 pandemic, the reaction of the tabloids and callers to phone-in programmes was predictable. 

These ladies weren't as far as I'm aware beaten up, patronised, humiliated or mistreated by the police. Nevertheless, the response of the tabloids and the so called 'silent majority' was fury.

Yet, apparently the silent majority seem to have no problem with random stop and searches of young people, 'anti woke' policing, or humour that seeks to disparage minorities.


If you or the people you know think that the ripping down of Coulston's statue is 'woke ballcox', well so what.

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9 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm not aiming to change your mind because we both have very different life experiences; and speaking for myself, my experience has shaped my outlook. As I said above there are some people with no experience of sustained discrimination and hostility from the authorities which has made a tangible impact on their life, but who nevertheless have the imagination to understand on a visceral level how others are feeling and thinking. And there are those that don't.


I will mention that when those 2 ladies arrested for having a wander through the Derbyshire Dales drinking peppermint tea during the Covid-19 pandemic, the reaction of the tabloids and callers to phone-in programmes was predictable. 

These ladies weren't as far as I'm aware beaten up, patronised, humiliated or mistreated by the police. Nevertheless, the response of the tabloids and the so called 'silent majority' was fury.

Yet, apparently the silent majority seem to have no problem with random stop and searches of young people, 'anti woke' policing, or humour that seeks to disparage minorities.


If you or the people you know think that the ripping down of Coulston's statue is 'woke ballcox', well so what.

My bold.

I have no problem with stop and search..


Not sure what you mean by 'anti woke policing'..


Humour disparaging any group is fine, it's just humour

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

I have no problem with stop and search..


Not sure what you mean by 'anti woke policing'..


Humour disparaging any group is fine, it's just humour

Well that's your opinion.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Well spotted 👍


By the way what's 'anti woke policing '?

It's the kind of nonsense that the Daily Mail come out with.

Being observant, you'll have noticed that I put the phrase is in single quotation marks to highlight that I think the phrase is nonsense.

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8 minutes ago, Mister M said:

It's the kind of nonsense that the Daily Mail come out with.

Being observant, you'll have noticed that I put the phrase is in single quotation marks to highlight that I think the phrase is nonsense.

Being observant, I noticed your post on the matter was full of misinformation.


Linking the absurd over reaction to 2 people taking a stroll, coffee in hand, to stop and search policies and whatever else you are alluding to is quite a stretch.

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