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Who Benefits From The War In Ukraine?

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6 hours ago, cressida said:


"But people should also look at the reasons that Russia has invaded Ukraine....there are always two sides to a story some would say that they have a good case for war"


I agree with The Daddy on this,  a minority of Russians were being harassed  in the Ukraine and from there everything kicked off.

Some might, but the Ukranians (and most counties) would disagree and they knew an invasion might come ever since the Russians invaded Crimea.


The Chinese are benefiting because they are buying cheaper oil and gas, plus they probably favour a weaker Russia.  Also, they see that Europe is having to give all its attention to the war.


If Moscow had been successful in capturing Kiev, they would have have had Nato on their borders anyhow.


From what I have seen and heard, I wouldn't believe anything the Russians say.

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8 hours ago, m williamson said:

As ever the the Military Industrial Complex will make Billions from this situation.

Imagine all the equipment that has been used, all the tanks and bombs and bullets and other material that has been destroyed.

It all needs replacing and there will be a demand for new improved,more plentiful  more expensive kit.

And don't forget the rebuilding of destroyed infrastructure, money to be made.


The best description of how it works was given by General Smedley Butler one of the most decorated US Marines. 



If that link doesn't work google war is a racket by Smedley Butler. After a long and distinguished career he realised that he and his comrades had been used by Big Business. 

Smedley Butler died in 1940, I'm not sure it has much relevance to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (Admittedly not having read the book) other than Smedleys actions are similar in nature to the Russian Army now. 

Edited by sadbrewer
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2 hours ago, sadbrewer said:

Smedley Butler died in 1940, I'm not sure it has much relevance to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (Admittedly not having read the book) other than Smedleys actions are similar in nature to the Russian Army now. 

The thread asked who benefits from the war.


 Smedley Butlers analysis of how things worked when he was in charge of military missions in foreign lands is just as relevent today.


Big Business benefits from war.


The Iraq war resulted in Billions of dollar profits for Corporations. The Iraq military structure was destroyed which meant the private security companies were employed to keep control https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11521579 . The infrastructure was destroyed and Halliburton made $39.5 Billion from that. Dick Cheney American Vice President at the time was a former CEO of Halliburton and held thousands of shares ( stock ) in the company https://www.projectcensored.org/24-cheneys-halliburton-stock-rose-over-3000-percent-last-year/

The Iraq financial system was destroyed and J P Morgan won the contract to oversee the reconstruction making billions from the deal. Tony Blair who took the UK into the war receives several million dollars a year from P Morganhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7186975.stm


General Smedley Butler tried to expose the scam that results in millions of deaths, massive destruction and huge profits for Big Business achieved by persuading hoi polloi using patriotism, religion or ideology to persuade young men and women to sacrifice their lives in a cause.


Nothing has changed, it's all about profit for the few. 

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It's a stretch of the imagination to think that the Ukraine war was started purely in the interests of major corporations, or China threatening Taiwan, or Assad in Syria.

In the aftermath, when re-building takes place, it is likely that many foreign firms will be awarded contracts, consequently many will benefit such as the workers for these companies, the tax taken, and perhaps even people on here might benefit.

Edited by carosio
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14 minutes ago, carosio said:

It's a stretch of the imagination to think that the Ukraine war was started purely in the interests of major corporations, or China threatening Taiwan, or Assad in Syria.

In the aftermath, when re-building takes place, it is likely that many foreign firms will be awarded contracts, consequently many will benefit such as the workers for these companies, the tax taken, and perhaps even people on here might benefit.

It may not have been started for that reason I didn't suggest that it was, but the answer to the question asked by the thread title is Big Business and especially the Military Industrial Complex.

Major business corporations have huge influence over political party's.  https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu/good-corporation-bad-corporation/chapter/11-corporations-and-politics-after-citizens-united/


Hardly a situation to encourage world peace is it?

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