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City Lofts - Sheffield's Tallest Tower (is on the up!)

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Better than what?


Most of the other apartment blocks that have been built. In that picture it looks quite narrow, so from certain angles it won't actually have that much bulk.

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Just what Sheffield needs - more appartment blocks.


Considering so many lie empty already, one wonders who on earth, apart from optimistic property developers, is actually going to buy them. Sheffield is a city with a town centre. The 'city living' tag is a fallacy.


I would add that this is not an anti Sheffield tirade, more a statement of fact. I am all for the city centre being redeveloped, but I just dont see the point of this particular development, unless it appeals to people who want to brag about living in the tallest building in Sheffield.


Maybe HSBC could use the building for their offices, thus flattening the grey monstrosity they currently use, which in turn could be used to create a good mix of retail units and affordable housing.

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It looks awful. The council want stringing up for allowing it and the Architect needs to go back to school and maybe try picking up some new design skills.

High Rise blocks knocked down elsewhere because they are a blot on the landscape...new High rise block built in town..go figure.:loopy:

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Most of the other apartment blocks that have been built. In that picture it looks quite narrow, so from certain angles it won't actually have that much bulk.


The angle where it will have bulk is the angle you're looking from if you're by the silver balls, in the Peace gardens or in the Winter garden.

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Just what Sheffield needs - more appartment blocks.


Considering so many lie empty already, one wonders who on earth, apart from optimistic property developers, is actually going to buy them. Sheffield is a city with a town centre. The 'city living' tag is a fallacy.


I would add that this is not an anti Sheffield tirade, more a statement of fact.


I feel that we are simply laying the foundations for bigger things to come. The economics are right, the demand is there (albeit, not initially) and these things do take time to come to fruition (post development). I'm no expert but (maybe) for example - by year 3 post development, a 60% uptake is factored in to the development costs? I certainly know that developments such as these attract onward investment and growth in other areas. I certainly would not expect such a development to be 100% occupied from day one. But the scope (capacity) is there and surley the economic climate fits. Additionally, this is private sector funded, so we don't spend a penny! Which is nice.

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My opinion - this is the latest in the series of ill concieved ugly buildings that Sheffield Council has decided will "modernise" the city.

The "new" town hall of the seventies had precisely these arguements put forward about why it was so good, and where is that now???

The Manpower Services Building at the foot of The Moor only served to be a barrier between the bottom of The Moor and the end of London Road, resulting in the decline of both as shopping areas. (I bet the old S&E Co op were just delighted at being isolated from the town centre like they were)

Sheffield used to have a landmark that was known all around the world when it had the "hole in the road" so what did the council do? - fill it in and put a tram stop on top of it!!!!:rant: :rant: :rant:

So, a couple of new ugly towers are going up in the city, woop di doo, now my beloved Sheffield can look just like every other major city in the country, and lose even more of its' individuality and charm!

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