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City Lofts - Sheffield's Tallest Tower (is on the up!)

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This is a local shop, for local people. Forgive me for drawing parallels with Royston Vasey, here.


Can we keep this on topic please?


this is totally to do with the topic.Yet another high rise apartment block with stupidly expensive properties that your average sheffielder will not be able to afford and never use. What use is a 32 storey monstrosity to me!?


will you be buying on big flesh?? i wonder

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Anyone got any idea on prices?


Put it this way. The most expensive pad in west one goes for about £325,000.


The average two bedder in Sheffield city centre (between 700 and 950 square feet) goes for between £145k and £190k.


Considering this is a "landmark" building, you can whack an extra 20 or 30k on that for a start.


I genuinely wouldnt be shcoked if the penthouse sh@g pad went for half a million.

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Judging from the positioning of it, it could blot out most of the late afternoon sun in the winter all the way up to pinstone street, including putting the winter gardens and the peace gardens in the shade.


Phan, I did some digging and came up with this... hope it helps


One of the concerns was the overshadowing of the Winter Gardens. The planning department commissioned an independent study which showed a net 5% reduction in direct sunlight into the gardens, the shadow of the tower passes over between 12 and 1.00pm. The study was conducted by the consultants who did the original planting for the gardens who concluded that there would be no significant effect on the plants.

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Yet another high rise apartment block with stupidly expensive properties that your average sheffielder will not be able to afford and never use.


How can you say that?! There are plenty of people in Sheffield that could get a mortgage to pay for these flats. You don't have to be rich to afford a £150,000 mortgage, you know!!

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Who cares if the 'average Sheffielder' can't afford it? There are plenty of other places in the city that the average Sheffielder can, but probably not many quality apartments that would appeal to the target audience in the case of this tower.


I see this building as a carrot, to lure a more professional skilled worker. If Sheffield has more of these maybe, just maybe, it will start to attract big business.


This city has to move with the times. Too many people criticise the council but looking at some posts on here it seems the population are just as bad.


I am saddened for those who's sunlight will be blocked out by this tower, but surely there are other places to go for your lunch? Walking around Manchester I do encounter areas of shade caused by some of the big towers, but it's hardly putting the city in perpetual darkness a-la Independence Day or that episode of The Simpsons when Mr Burns unveils the sun blocker and gets shot. I think people must get their priorities right and put the city first.

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Who cares if the 'average Sheffielder' can't afford it? There are plenty of other places in the city that the average Sheffielder can, but probably not many quality apartments that would appeal to the target audience in the case of this tower.


I see this building as a carrot, to lure a more professional skilled worker. If Sheffield has more of these maybe, just maybe, it will start to attract big business.



Well said, that man. My sentiments exactly.


This city has to move with the times. Too many people criticise the council but looking at some posts on here it seems the population are just as bad.



Well, the SF community anyway (probably not a true reflection of a population in excess on half a million)


or that episode of The Simpsons when Mr Burns unveils the sun blocker and gets shot.



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Personally, I think from that picture it's going to look a little odd stuck there in the middle of Sheffield's skyline... in fact, that pic almost makes it look like some min-reconstruction of the World Trade Centre towers!?


It does Lucy, you're right.

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