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City Lofts - Sheffield's Tallest Tower (is on the up!)

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How can you say that?! There are plenty of people in Sheffield that could get a mortgage to pay for these flats. You don't have to be rich to afford a £100,000 mortgage, you know!!


For £100,000 you'd be lucky to a studio. And who wants to fork out £650 a month on mortgage payments to live in a box.


Cynicism aside, I do genunely hope that is brings prosperity and wealth to the city.


Cynicism abound, I predict a **** load of glossy brochures when this development launches depicting a beautiful, orthodontically blessed couple rolling around on a bed having a pillow fight before going out to one of sheffields "many trendy" bars, to mix with their equally beautiful friends, one of which will be Oriental, and one black.


Frankly, I'd rather brochures gave just a semblance of reality now and again and depict three students up to their knees in crap, smoking a joint and playing Championship manager.

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Personally, I think from that picture it's going to look a little odd stuck there in the middle of Sheffield's skyline


What about the University Arts Tower when viewed from the top of Meersbrook Park? Or the Hallam Tower and Hallamshire Hospital?

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For £100,000 you'd be lucky to a studio. And who wants to fork out £650 a month on mortgage payments to live in a box.


Cynicism aside, I do genunely hope that is brings prosperity and wealth to the city.


Cynicism abound, I predict a **** load of glossy brochures when this development launches depicting a beautiful, orthodontically blessed couple rolling around on a bed having a pillow fight before going out to one of sheffields "many trendy" bars, to mix with their equally beautiful friends, one of which will be Oriental, and one black.


Frankly, I'd rather brochures gave just a semblance of reality now and again and depict three students up to their knees in crap, smoking a joint and playing Championship manager.


Ok... I admit I was a bit out with the £100,000 lol. I've amended it now to £150,000 which might give the purchaser a few more centimeters for their money ;)


I agree with you on the pretentious marketing stuff they usually kick out. I like the student thing and think you would make a career in marketing ;)

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I agree with you on the petentious marketing stuff they usually kick out. I like the student thing and think you would make a career in marketing ;)


We should have a law where we make estate agents refer to them as "high rise flats", that should keep the prices down a bit.

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, the shadow of the tower passes over between 12 and 1.00pm. The study was conducted by the consultants who did the original planting for the gardens who concluded that there would be no significant effect on the plants.



But all those who go to the winter gardens for some lunch will have to sit in the shade.


Winter gardens - warm place to go in winter, with trees and plants in blossom as if it was summer


Winter - part of the year that the sun is normally hidden away behind an obstacle of sorts, generally a cloud


Big bloody tower - obstacle that will block the sun to the winter garden (see description above)

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But all those who go to the winter gardens for some lunch will have to sit in the shade.


Winter gardens - warm place to go in winter, with trees and plants in blossom as if it was summer


Winter - part of the year that the sun is normally hidden away behind an obstacle of sorts, generally a cloud


Big bloody tower - obstacle that will block the sun to the winter garden (see description above)


Don't forget that these are the WINTER Gardens. They are gardens we can use in the Winter to get the effects of the winter sunshine but without the cold air. In winter there is a limited time during the middle of the day when the sun will not be obscured by the nearby buildings. Adding a high rise block of flats that will block out the light at the very middle of the day is criminal negligence. The plants may well not be affected, but the people will be.

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The plants may well not be affected, but the people will be.


I think the prospect of more jobs and business in Sheffield out way a few people having a mild shiver at a certain time of the day in the winter.

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All the discussions on this page seem to be missing the point.The Heart of the City scheme was supposed to celebrate and produce a development scheme that is worthy of a 1 in a 1000 year event.The corporate part of the development in no way achieves the high standard of the public domain.As a member of the new Sheffield Civic Trust I shall be putting forward proposals to show the Sheffield public what could have been (and hopefully in the future what will be) the most stunning city centre development, certainly in this country and possibly anywhere in the world.Oh,and it doesnt include a 32 storey monstrosity.

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Cynicism abound, I predict a **** load of glossy brochures when this development launches depicting a beautiful, orthodontically blessed couple rolling around on a bed having a pillow fight before going out to one of sheffields "many trendy" bars, to mix with their equally beautiful friends, one of which will be Oriental, and one black.


They will be laughing and playing Jenga while drinking cocktails, in the corner a live jaz band will be playing, then they will leave and walk home through the "colourfull" street to their loft.

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