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City Lofts - Sheffield's Tallest Tower (is on the up!)

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Membership's £10 and I guess you'll be able to join on the door. If you search for civic trust, there's a thread on here somewhere with more info. Or look here - http://www.yhacs.org.uk/news/news.asp?id=20


I had already looked at that site and all I can find is information about an AGM and nothing about recruiting members. Since you are a member and obviously concerned about the city then perhaps you can help by getting them to make it easier for people to join! I hadn't even heard of it until today.

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All the discussions on this page seem to be missing the point.The Heart of the City scheme was supposed to celebrate and produce a development scheme that is worthy of a 1 in a 1000 year event.The corporate part of the development in no way achieves the high standard of the public domain.As a member of the new Sheffield Civic Trust I shall be putting forward proposals to show the Sheffield public what could have been (and hopefully in the future what will be) the most stunning city centre development, certainly in this country and possibly anywhere in the world.Oh,and it doesnt include a 32 storey monstrosity.


And, what does it include then? How do you propose to make Sheffield the most stunning city in the world? I'm interested to hear how this group proposes to do that!! Anyway, why are you are so confident that everyone will love your plans?! Surely, all this is subjective anyway.

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sheffield = no imagination the spire tower thats going down the wicker should be in the town centre why does evry other city do it better than sheffield


The fact is they dont. Have you seen Leeds lately? Identikit buildings there too. The only place you will find decent design is London, where companies want to make a statement through their head offices and will pay accordingly.

The new retail quarter is also the same design as every other city centre retail regeneration scheme that is going on in the majority of the UK's cities. Mainly because the same 2/3 development companies are behind them all.


People are right to knock the crappy schemes going up, but dont think its just Sheffield that accepts them because we're so desperate for regeneration- its everywhere.

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Why oh why do we have to accept such a bland structure. No imagination seems to have been employed at all. The Winter Garden showed that it can be done.


On a recent visit to Amsterdam, I saw some truly exciting modern buildings and the ones below in France show what can be achieved.





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Why oh why do we have to accept such a bland structure.


Love the pics, but my own opinion is that the City Lofts development is 'best in class' for a city of our current size and demographic makeup. The Viennaslide is truly magnificent!

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No doubt most people will disagree with me -


but I feel that a few tall buildings in a city's skyline shows prosper and wealth.


If Sheffield had more of a historical feel like york or chester than tall buildings would look very odd but the fact is - sheffield city centre is surrounded by run down 60's concrete blocks.


The new regeneration - including some tall towers can only be a good thing.

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What's that then a huge tree with leaves of gold? Come off it people we are living in a city here, if you want countryside go live in Bakewell or a little village. There's no pleasing people in Sheffield and this forum really depresses me as all the responses you get are negative and people moaning about pointless things that probably won't even effect their lives. There's plenty of open spaces in Sheffield, Millennium Square, Tudor Square, Paradise Square, Peace Gardens and Devonshire Green. Why would need more? This is a city and cities have buildings, sometimes tall, sometimes ugly but get over it.

Its good to know we have people in the city that are prepared to live in ugly, depressive surroundings.It really fills my heart with glee-NOT!The commercial developments,under my proposals, would simply be better located in the scheme thereby working better both commercially and from a generic planning point of view.The architecture would also be of much higher quality which would be needed to attract the type of businesses that would bring in hundreds of thousands of extra visitors a year thereby creating a REAL city of european significance.The existing businesses are in no way prestigious enough for this location and do nothing to boost the image of the city internationally.

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And, what does it include then? How do you propose to make Sheffield the most stunning city in the world? I'm interested to hear how this group proposes to do that!! Anyway, why are you are so confident that everyone will love your plans?! Surely, all this is subjective anyway.

Plans are being drawn up to show a high quality commercial development(quality is not subjective-most people know and appreciate a high quality product when they see it).At the first meeting of the newly formed Sheffield City Trust most people were up in arms at the poor quality and lack of imagination of the regeneration of Sheffield.The main ethos of the trust is to improve the built environment and architectural appeal of the city from a non political stance, working with and giving advice and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to various public and private organisations.

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