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Gays Against Groomers.

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7 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Trans are the new enemy like gays used to be before it was mostly accetable

I've never be against gays but I strongly believe in choices,  'don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to say'

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10 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Trans are the new enemy like gays used to be before it was mostly accetable

I think the problem people have with the Trans activists is that they arent asking for equal rights....which they already have


They are DEMANDING that we all change everything we believe, scientifically and culturally....otherwise we are all hateful bigots and should be silenced



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14 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

Basically, the extreme trans view is that you are what you say you are and to argue is phobic. Also, to not be attracted to a trans person is phobic, too. So, in their eyes:


If you are a straight man, and a trans woman approaches you, you have to be attracted to them, despite the fact that they are a man.


Similarly, a lesbian has to also be attracted to them, despite them prefering bacon to sausage.


Basically... to not be 'phobic' you must suspend all notion of physical reality.

I've already on this forum before that the debate has got way too toxic. 

There are a number of high profile 'commentators' who for their own reasons stormed into the debate, threw a hand grenade, and enjoyed watching the fall out.

The few trans people I know are extremely vulnerable and fragile, both because of their internal struggles, and the way that people around them have treated them. 

I've not seen or heard any trans woman (or man) complain that because someone isn't attracted to them, they are therefore 'phobic' (that sounds like someone's wounded pride at being rebuffed) . If it has happened then yes that's unfortunate. But to say that is representative of how all trans people feel/ think is also suspending notions of physical reality.

4 hours ago, melthebell said:

Trans are the new enemy like gays used to be before it was mostly accetable

That's how it seems to me. 

And what I really hate more than anything are those gay people disrespecting trans people for who they are - being cruel, discriminatory and lacking empathy. Exactly the same thing that gay people complain about when it happens to them.

Edited by Mister M
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15 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Gays Against Groomers is a 501(c)4 organization of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating, sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+”
Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent Groomers.





It's an American group so may not be super relevant to the UK, yet! 

But there is beginning to be a pushback against the 'indoctrination', 'sexualisation', 'medicating' and in some cases 'life changing non reversible operations' some kids are now having I wouldn't be surprised if this group expanded across the globe or more likely a UK arm will spring up somewhere in the not too distant future? The fact mainstream media call them extreme right etc is meaningless as anything they disagree with is painted as such that the term is losing all meaning..


Your thoughts?


The sexualisation of children didn't start with, and doesn't end with gay people. 

I don't know of they are 'extreme right', but they aren't the first gay people who having achieved happiness and acceptance in their lives to throw another other disadvantaged people under the bus on their quest for acceptance.

Edited by Mister M
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7 hours ago, Mister M said:

I've already on this forum before that the debate has got way too toxic. 

There are a number of high profile 'commentators' who for their own reasons stormed into the debate, threw a hand grenade, and enjoyed watching the fall out.

The few trans people I know are extremely vulnerable and fragile, both because of their internal struggles, and the way that people around them have treated them. 

I've not seen or heard any trans woman (or man) complain that because someone isn't attracted to them, they are therefore 'phobic' (that sounds like someone's wounded pride at being rebuffed) . If it has happened then yes that's unfortunate. But to say that is representative of how all trans people feel/ think is also suspending notions of physical reality.

That's how it seems to me. 

And what I really hate more than anything are those gay people disrespecting trans people for who they are - being cruel, discriminatory and lacking empathy. Exactly the same thing that gay people complain about when it happens to them.

1. You need to pay more attention to the media - the trans people screaming 'transphobia' is deafening.


2. Neither are 'the few you know' representative of the entire trans community.


3. How can you have empathy with someone who clearly has mental health issues and feels everyone else should suspend reality so as not to hurt their feelings???


4. Why is criticism of an ideology 'phobic'? There are many key issues attached to the trans agenda which need to be questioned but, in doing so, the critics are classed as 'phobic'.


The trans MMA fighter Fallon Fox literally cracked the skull of a female MMA fighter... and he/she/they/it were proud of it! But to question it is being transphobic. Apparently being concerned for the safety of fellow humans means you're a bigot...

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6 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

1. You need to pay more attention to the media - the trans people screaming 'transphobia' is deafening.


2. Neither are 'the few you know' representative of the entire trans community.


3. How can you have empathy with someone who clearly has mental health issues and feels everyone else should suspend reality so as not to hurt their feelings???


4. Why is criticism of an ideology 'phobic'? There are many key issues attached to the trans agenda which need to be questioned but, in doing so, the critics are classed as 'phobic'.


The trans MMA fighter Fallon Fox literally cracked the skull of a female MMA fighter... and he/she/they/it were proud of it! But to question it is being transphobic. Apparently being concerned for the safety of fellow humans means you're a bigot...

Cracking post 👏👏👏

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