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Trump is an A hole but I do believe the Ukrainian thing would not have happened with him still in charge sleepy Joe is a total joke who can’t even make it up stairs without falling over he can’t even find his way off a stage Putin must laugh at him.

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Is Trump any worse than some past presidents?


President Kennedy who had an affair with Marilyn Monroe, some say he had her murdered when the affair ended, or his brother Ted Kennedy who was favourite to be a future President, until he drove his car into a pond and left a woman to die when forensics said if he had reported the accident straightaway instead of leaving it until the next day she could’ve been saved, a fine President he would have made. President Clinton lied about having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the the Oval Office. We then have the worst President of all, in my opinion, Bush junior who along with Blair invaded Iraq. 

The Democrats must be desperate to get rid of Trump, I prefer him to Biden.

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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

I know Trump is a crook, adulterer and liar but is he the only one to stick up to Putin ?

No pattricia. You've been told he's all those things, you don't know them to be true.

But anyway, I believe had he still been in office Russia wouldn't have invades Ukraine. 

Whilst Trump is faaaaaaar from perfect (who is?) all this indictment rubbish is purely a distraction. 

America is failing.

America will no longer be the top dog.

War is coming too in my opinion because there is no way America will just go quietly into the night.

Dodgy times ahead maybe?

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7 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

No pattricia. You've been told he's all those things, you don't know them to be true.

But anyway, I believe had he still been in office Russia wouldn't have invades Ukraine. 

Whilst Trump is faaaaaaar from perfect (who is?) all this indictment rubbish is purely a distraction. 

America is failing.

America will no longer be the top dog.

War is coming too in my opinion because there is no way America will just go quietly into the night.

Dodgy times ahead maybe?

So you don’t think he’s an adulterous liar?

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He went to Russia, North Korea, Israel and the Middle East to forge better relationships and to broker peace deals


But there are a lot of people in the US government who don't want the world to be a peaceful place


So they got rid of him



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