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Easter Sermons.

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6 hours ago, Padders said:

The Archbishop of Canterbury told the faithful this Easter Sunday that unless we abandon our greed, we will be responsible for the death of our planet..


I'm not sure that I can take a lecture on greed from a man who heads one of the Western World's richest institutions.

As we huddle under a patio heater to stay warm while having a fag in the rain, his Bishops are living in palatial splendour with banqueting halls, wondering where to invest the next billion.

And are the churches open at night as shelter for the homeless and the weak? No, they are locked lest someone should decide to redress the inequalities of Western society by half-inching a candelabra and fencing it to to buy Easter Eggs.

Then we must ask how much old Justin really understands about the implications and causes of global warming, he thinks that taking a holiday in Florida and driving a Range Rover causes flooding, but then he also believes it's possible for a man to walk on water, and feed a crowd of 5,000 with nothing more than a can of sardines......


In Britain, this summer is forecast to be baking hot by the BBC's hysterical news channel, it won't be, it will be wet and soggy, much like all the Summers of my youth.

And the only reason we will get floods is because we've all block paved our drives and built houses on the flood plains, so the water has nowhere to go apart from Mrs Miggins front room..

In the light of all this, I would like Justin Welby to come out from behind his eyebrows and tell us how many people have been killed by greed-induced global warming, because even the most swivel eyed lunatic would be hard pressed to claim that many..

Meanwhile, I reckon the number of people killed over the years by religious wars is about 809 million, I'll tell you this Justin, Many, many more people have died in the name of God than were killed in the name of Hitler...


Between about 1100 and 1270 the crusades killed 1-5 million. way more than has been killed by patio heaters and Range Rovers combined..Then there was the 30years war, which reduced Europe's population by 7-5 million. And the slaughter is still going on today in Ukraine and Russia and Palestine and Israel.

Benazir Bhutto was killed by a religious nut, not a homeless  Polar Bear.

If, however, old Justin wants to bring peace and stability to the World, if he really believes Britain can be a force for good and a shining beacon in troubled times, then I urge him to close the Church of England....

If we can demonstrate that we can survive without a Church-and note that on Good Friday 750,000 more people shopped online than went to church, you could argue we already do..

Then, who knows, maybe the mad Mullahs and left footers might follow suit.

I genuinely believe we are born with a moral compass and don't need it reset every Sunday morning  by some weird beard communist in a dress..

Morally, the World would be no worse if religion were to be abolished.. Practically, it would be much, much better. And so, given the choice of what we should give up, God or the Patio Heater, the choice is simple................


The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby once said:


In 2013 that senior bank executives avoided being given information about difficult issues to allow them to "plead ignorance". He also said he would possibly have behaved in the same way and warned against punishing by naming and shaming individual bankers which he compared to the behaviour of a lynch mob.'


Justin Welby  retired from working as a banker & with an  estimating personal. wealth of £3 million. 


Meantime, the BBC was running a report today that CoE churces were struggling with energy costs. 


Meanwhile, the currnt head of the CoE is worth around £400 million.  

Edited by Baron99
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The Vatican would need the money to help causes,  e.g. disaster funds,  earthquakes, etc.  at least I would hope so,  we don't have access to the charitable causes they support but I would guess any donations are safer with them than some of the ones we read about in the media.


Not sure if they help with restoration of old churches,  I would hope our Church of England give support if viable.

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4 minutes ago, cressida said:

The Vatican would need the money to help causes,  e.g. disaster funds,  earthquakes, etc.  at least I would hope so,  we don't have access to the charitable causes they support but I would guess any donations are safer with them than some of the ones we read about in the media.


Not sure if they help with restoration of old churches,  I would hope our Church of England give support if viable.

And the billions they pay out each year for the priests who cant stop touching kids


There a study that says that 6% of priests are child molesters


There are 500,000 priests in the world...do the maths

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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

And the billions they pay out each year for the priests who cant stop touching kids


There a study that says that 6% of priests are child molesters


There are 500,000 priests in the world...do the maths

These priests  should be ashamed of themselves,  they don't know right from wrong,  but how does the Vatican get rid of them,  stick 'em in a priest hole - probably to accustom them to hell.

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3 minutes ago, cressida said:

These priests  should be ashamed of themselves,  they don't know right from wrong,  but how does the Vatican get rid of them,  stick 'em in a priest hole - probably to accustom them to hell.

You should watch this oscar winning movie @cressida


Its a true story and the revelations about the catholic church and the abuse is astonishing



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12 minutes ago, carosio said:

The Archbishop also said that the Resurrection was 'amongst the most certain facts in history'. I'm not sure which facts he's referring to.

I can imagine the conversation they had after Jesus was crucified 


"S**t.....we said he was the Messiah, The Son of God....the King of the Jews and they just nailed him to a cross like a man and walked off"


"I know lets just say that he has risen from the dead....job done"

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