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45 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I am my fathers son and would do what he did, which was despite being anti monarchist fight for his family, his friends and his country, in that order and with no loyalty whatsoever to kings and queens.

I've had family fight for this country and family die for this country and the opinion of a pedophile sympathiser means less than nothing to me, clear enough?

Who is the Paedophile?

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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

I do not excuse their behaviour.

From what I have read Charles was pushed into the marriage.

Which is another example of how anachronistic and ridiculous the whole charade is. Diana was used for breeding purposes and expected to simply accept the whole ludicrous situation.

They would all be far happier if they could retire to their country estates and live the lives of country folk. Historically they came by their wealth and priviledge  by murder and theft, but that was all a long time ago and in my opinion it should be let go and allow them to get on with their lives the same as the rest of us. 

Obviously they would enjoy a bit more comfort than the rest of us but so what.

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11 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Which is another example of how anachronistic and ridiculous the whole charade is. Diana was used for breeding purposes and expected to simply accept the whole ludicrous situation.

They would all be far happier if they could retire to their country estates and live the lives of country folk. Historically they came by their wealth and priviledge  by murder and theft, but that was all a long time ago and in my opinion it should be let go and allow them to get on with their lives the same as the rest of us. 

Obviously they would enjoy a bit more comfort than the rest of us but so what.

I am sure Royalty would prefer to live their lives out of the spotlights but they are born to undertake duties to maintain our monarchy and have little choice in the matter.

They should live their lives in a manner appropriate to their position.


I much prefer my life to theirs.


Edited by harvey19
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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Who is the Paedophile?

Lord Louis Mountbatten  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/lord-mountbatten-was-homosexual-perversion-18959588




Westy aka Axe got into the habit of calling me a terrorist sympathiser because unlike him I actually know a little bit about Irish history. I tried pointing out to him that there is a difference between understanding why something happened and sympathising with the actions.

Obviously he isn't that bright and he  repetitively posted the same nonsense, I got a little tired of it and when he brought up Mountbatten It amused me to point out that he was showing sympathy for a pedophile.

What happened to Mountbatten was not excusable but my sympathy lay more with the innocent youngsters that died with him.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

I am my fathers son and would do what he did, which was despite being anti monarchist fight for his family, his friends and his country, in that order and with no loyalty whatsoever to kings and queens.

I've had family fight for this country and family die for this country and the opinion of a pedophile sympathiser means less than nothing to me, clear enough?

Who is a paedophile sympathiser?   



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4 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I am sure Royalty would prefer to live their lives out of the spotlights but they are born to undertake duties to maintain our monarchy and have little choice in the matter.

They should live their lives in a manner appropriate to their position.


I much prefer my life to theirs.


There is absolutely nothing to prevent them abdicating and closing the whole rigmarole down. I would suggest that they enjoy the priviledge  the perks and the bowing and scraping that so many are prepared to indulge them with.


It's Ruritanian and somewhat embarrasing to many.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Rather than bring the nation together in a day of celebration, the Coronation sounds as if it's going to be yet again another source of very divisive issues. 

I wonder (genuinely) if the watching world will be envious, or asking the same questions about the cost of a ceremony costing 100 million in a country that has a huge cost of living crisis and foodbanks on every corner? 


 It might prove to be something of an own goal....

The Coronation is not a divisive issue.  The problem with social media and discussion forums is the small minority shout the loudest and attempt to spoil traditional values and national events for the mostly silent majority.

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7 minutes ago, Axe said:

The Coronation is not a divisive issue.  The problem with social media and discussion forums is the small minority shout the loudest and attempt to spoil traditional values and national events for the mostly silent majority.


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1 minute ago, Axe said:

Who is a paedophile sympathiser?   



By the same ' logic ' as you employ in accusing me of being a terrorist sympathiser you are.


You're a royalist are you not?







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5 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Oh dear. You are an embarrassment. 

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