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I bear no ill will toward the royal family, neither do I have any particular respect for them. Respect is not something that should be given without being earned, none of them have earned any respect from me.


Despite my republican beliefs I did however have some respect for the late queen. The institution itself is ridiculous and anachronistic in this day and age but she carried out what she saw as her duties as well as anyone could expect. 


The country now has a sovereign who swore an oath to be faithful to his first wife with no intention of keeping it as he spoke the words. A man who told that wife that she couldn't expect him to be the first Prince of Wales not to have a mistress.  A man who has used his valet Michael Fawcett as the fall guy to try to cover up his dodgy Del Boy dealings. And a man who has been delighted to accept suitcases full of cash from someone who's country has an appalling human rights record.


As good fortune had it I was born with dual nationality as a birthright and have held an Irish passport since 1972. 


He is not my King.

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Seen some thing about traditional  ivory rods and sword handles on TV  today ,  I thought old Charley and his son where out to save the Elephants so should voice their objections to the use .

Perhaps their departed relations shot a few , just for sport mind you .

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3 minutes ago, cressida said:

 I have a Union Jack dress I'll be wearing on the day,  those who disapprove need not join in 😊

I 100% approve and support someone's right to wear a Union Jack dress 😍


Girl Power👍



Edited by Jack Grey
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I'm not impressed with him so far,  I get the feeling Camilla may be influencing him, making Andrew and Harry vacate their houses.  



Edited by cressida
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