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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

They would say that wouldn't they as royalists and Tories?

So they are also chucking money away on firms of consultants to tell us OUR MONEY IS NOT BEING WASTED!


I honestly can't believe you lot.

I think you actually deserve a fairy tale coronation as a reward for being so naive.



Good job you aren't outraged about it all.



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It always seems to be the same people who complain about things like this being a waste of money but the next conversation is about how they think we should open our borders to the world and its ok to put over 80,000 men in 5 star hotels

Edited by Jack Grey
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55 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Fine,  That's up to them.

Just wouldn't like to thing that was the most amazing thing to  happen in my lifetime.


Not outraged at all.  that's usually your forte

Just stating our views as you often do.

It's just that, not everybody thinks that we have much to celebrate when we as a country are always skint and  always at the bottom of the pile whatever you care to mention.



Good god man, anyone would think you lived in Mogadishu!


Get a grip FFS 

Edited by Al Bundy
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17 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Good god man, anyone would think you lived in Mogadishu!


Get a grip FFS 

Have you actually got anything to say bundy?   If you have, why not say it instead of this meaningless claptrap.



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6 minutes ago, *Wallace* said:

I’m hoping the not my king brigade get up to some mischief to liven it up a bit.

Yeah its always fun to see some self entitled woke idiot with pink hair being set upon by the crowd and then rugby tackled by security 

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At the very least it will stimulate debate about the monarchy (as it has here,) class, status, money, and the inequality between rich and poor. All worthwhile issues that certainly need debating.

You never know, something positive may come from it.

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2 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

None of which would be affected by cancelling the Coronation.


The foodbank issue - a lot of it is down to personal responsibility. I've seen it first hand, through my job, that people see Netflix and vaping as a necessity, and can't be bothered to learn to actually cook. If we gave these people more money, they still would use foodbanks because it's easier to blame society than take personal responsibility. Likewise with the 'homeless' in Sheffield - the majority of whom do have housing or are ferried in as part of OCGs. But, it's easier to beg than go out and get a job.


Tesco price-match Aldi on a lot of things - we got 4 big bags of veg for under £1, so you can't say that food is too expensive. People would rather buy a pack of chicken breast instead of a whole chicken because they don't understand how to get the most out of a full bird.


Certainly with social housing - this revenue is generated through rent, so isn't affected by the national pot. There is enough housing, the public are just too selective... again, speaking from personal experience.


We were worried about the heating... but we surprised ourselves with how OK we were. We didn't get anywhere near the cost i thought we would because we wore an extra layer; turned radiators off in rooms we weren't using. Bought a cheap heater to use in the living room as electric is cheaper than gas, so ran the heater for hours without the impact on the gas.


Obviously there is a small percentage of genuine cases, but the majority of people would rather complain than make some small tweaks to their lives.


Just throwing money at people won't help - they'd just spend more on the stuff they don't need.


I'm not a royalist, but i don't see how cancelling it would actually benefit society.


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