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16 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I just did.


With the way you carry on, anyone would think you are walking around barefoot and living off bread and water.


You are just systematic of the spoilt West.


Compared to billions on this planet your life will be fantastic, yet all you do is moan how bad every thing is.


Typical Westerner, spoilt rotten.



What a typical post from you again..

Don't know what everyone thinks but I do know that your thinking is quite odd.

Can we take it that you are a Russian, Chinese or a an inhabitant of some other eastern country. You sound dafter the longer you carry on.

You have never been interested about the billions on this planet or you wouldn't be so selfish and greedy.

If you don't want to hear anyone moan, why spend so much time on a discussion forum.

Whilst on the subject, why not actually discuss something instead of just having a go at the posters?

Typical Easterner are you?   or    are you a spoilt Westerner like me.

      You even tie yourself in knots.



14 minutes ago, Delayed said:

I do it not for the poster but for those that read and don't contribute 

Don't you think you could let those people make up their own minds then?



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4 minutes ago, Delayed said:

I do. With the right information 

And you would be the hero who has the right information would you?

More likely, you are a big believer in brain washing to stifle debate.

Another one who should live in the east.




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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Why are you so argumentative  ?

What's it to do with you?

Try discussing the coronation unless you are another one with no views.



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54 minutes ago, m williamson said:

As someone who is half English half Irish and has lived in both country's the answer to your question is no, apparently not, unless the monarchy order you to.


Every year around the 17th of March I await the usual moans about St Patricks Day celebrations. Comments are made about St Georges Day and why it isn't celebrated in the same way. What's stopping you?  A group of us have  spent a weekend in Keswick at that time for years now. The St Georges day celebrations are pitiful, a group of locals dressed as crusaders ( who were mainly French ) and complete indifference from just about everyone else.


I've come to the conclusion that the English are not a party people, but will make the effort when royalty gives the go ahead.



Why should St Patricks day be celebrated in Warrington .

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