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If anyone is watching the coronation concert...


Whilst I'm  sure it was not done as a conscious decision to annoy them..... I can't help but smile thinking of some of the more rabid Liverpool fans imploding whilst you'll never walk alone was being performed at the behest and before his majesty

Edited by ECCOnoob
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4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

I can't help but smile thinking of some of the more rabbid Liverpool fans imploding whilst you'll never walk alone was being performed at the behest and before his majesty

A cross between jewish clergy and bunnies?

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On 07/05/2023 at 10:30, harvey19 said:

I really find it very sad that some people are unable to enjoy what they have and go on about how unhappy they are about things without doing a thing about it except moaning.

I have come to the conclusion that some people enjoy feeling victims and like drawing attention to themselves by trying to have different views to the majority again without actually doing anything.

Some people moan about how money is spent by some organisations without condemning others fortunes and  constantly tell us how badly off some people in society are without looking into the reasons why .

Life can be enjoyed in this country if one only allows oneself to enjoy it.

I tend to agree with this.  

It can't be denied the die-hard anti-monarchists certainly have a point on a number of fronts, but the money's been spent, and there really has been something for everyone to enjoy if they've the will to do it, so let it go for once, there'll be plenty of time to plot the downfall of King Charles later. 


It has brought the majority (?) of people together, even if it was only to have something to talk about to relative strangers - and let's face it, that's what most of our neighbours are these days. The Coronation ceremony alone must have generated no end of discussion, it's splendour and pageantry, the music and vows, the personalities.. Maybe even triggered an interest in our history for those who never took notice of it at school or since. As a new chapter of our historybegan before our eyes.


Then today there have been some joyous street parties and picnics in all sorts of places, as people got together. I was lucky enough to unexpectedly go to one at a village in North Yorkshire, and the good will, happiness, and sense of community was almost palpable. 

Then to finish off the day, a Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle with an eclectic mix of performers to suit many tastes. And if Charles and Camilla can sit through one of those  so can anyone. They actually seemed to be enjoying it with other members of the family. 


And then tomorrow a day of 'giving' with acts of kindness and volunteering. That's not happened yet, but let's hope it does well and produces a legacy to remember Charles' Coronation by on a scale of the 'pay it forward' campaign or even better. 


I approached the Coronation with a good deal of cynicism, and still think there will be more discussion about the veracity of the monarchy and so there should be. But this weekend, what's not to like? I've been won over by Charlie and his complex mix of power and vulnerability.

He has his work cut out. He'll make mistakes. But I think he's a good egg, and I believe his intentions are well meant and honourable. He's definitely his Mother's son.   


I wish him well.



Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:




And just to cap off their bitterness and spite!


What a pathetic childish organisation they are.


Obviously our friend Al is here just to gleefully dangle his bait, as ever, but it did make me chuckle to see the Graun publish a letter from one of its faithful subscribers bemoaning the constant stream of anti-Royal articles, which have definitely got tiresome of late.  What did he think he was subscribing to?   This is the paper that gave a copy of the new Hogwarts game to one of the most the most ardent trans activists they employ to write their review.


To add a bit of OT balance to Al's anti-Guardian rants, credit to the sister paper, The Observer, for being a wee bit more open to straying outside the party line on at least some subjects, with their publications of articles by, for example, Sonia Sodha:


The police are curbing free speech, and it’s not just at the behest of the right (published yesterday, and well worth a read).


At last, a consensus is emerging on protecting women-only spaces


Stoking a culture war? No, Nicola Sturgeon, this is about balancing conflicting rights

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Crikey, their hypocrisy is astonishing.


Forever going on about misogyny and how women are looked down upon, yet when it suits their narrative it's ok to make fun of numerous women.


They get themselves into such a state they forget about what they stand for.


Just a snippet......


"Penny Mordaunt, widely considered to have stolen the show with her sword-holding prowess, was dressed in a bespoke outfit which some said bore a striking resemblance to the colour and logo of the bargain-basement high street chain Poundland"





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15 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Crikey, their hypocrisy is astonishing. ... [snipped remaining bait]

A baiter baiting with another baiter's clickbait.  I think the forum might implode.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Crikey, their hypocrisy is astonishing.


Forever going on about misogyny and how women are looked down upon, yet when it suits their narrative it's ok to make fun of numerous women.


They get themselves into such a state they forget about what they stand for.


Just a snippet......


"Penny Mordaunt, widely considered to have stolen the show with her sword-holding prowess, was dressed in a bespoke outfit which some said bore a striking resemblance to the colour and logo of the bargain-basement high street chain Poundland"





The lefts hypocrisy is so astounding they don't even try and hide it anymore. 


Especially if you go to The Guardians headquarters based in trendy central london


It's huge offices filled with Apple Macs, Zoom calls and Starbucks coffee cups on every desk


Everyone on their iPhones looking at twitter and Instagram all day

Edited by Jack Grey
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