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Sykes County Cricket Club


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  • 3 months later...


did you find out any information?  My father in law used to play for Sykes CC in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. He now has Alzheimer’s and his memory in failing, however he still talks about his playing days with great fondness. He tries desperately to remember names of fellow players, but struggles to remember any. If anyone can provide any names of Sykes CC players from those days I’d be very grateful, in particular my father in law talks about an “Asian man” (Indian or Pakistani), who he mentions a lot, but frustratingly can’t remember his name, though we can’t determine if this chap played for Sykes or another club. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

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  • 11 months later...

This may be so long after your original request my grandad was secretary for Sykes, I've got a photo not sure how old and some cups awarded to my grandad, which I may polish, late 49s my grandad 5 th in from the right front to Jack Clark 


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