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Golliwogs Causing Controversy.

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31 minutes ago, dsweetman said:

some pubs have displays of teapots.....are there any teapot haters out there,some have kettles.....any kettle haters.....some have toys....any toy haters!So why does some idiot feel the need to report a golliwog display and even worse why on earth are the police involved?If a plank is offended by a doll there is no hope!!!!

Quite so, and if we all carry on following  this stupid  woke culture, we will have no freedoms left, other than to breathe.

It's a kids doll that idiots have attached racial tones to and other idiots have been daft enough to follow.

The coppers need to spend their time doing something useful.  No wonder we have no law & order.

The landlady was right to replace them.

I don't like racists but there's one thing for sure.  They will never pass a law which can tell people what to think .

Anyone who thinks they can change peoples minds by legislation are too daft to be legislating.



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4 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:


I don't like racists but there's one thing for sure.  They will never pass a law which can tell people what to think .

Anyone who thinks they can change peoples minds by legislation are too daft to be legislating.




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49 minutes ago, melthebell said:


if you dont know the history of the golliwog and why some people might be offended you need to think a little bit more and maybe do some reading.

If you agree that a golliwog, a kids toy, is offensive, simply because some racist idiots back in the past latched onto them, you must be as daft, woke, and easily led,  as they were.

Anyone who's offended just has a little growing up to do.

To think I used to like the Black & White minstrel show.  Maybe I should be run out of town for enjoying some old songs.



Edited by Organgrinder
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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

If you agree that a golliwog, a kids toy, is offensive, simply because some racist idiots back in the past latched onto them, you must be as daft, woke, and easily led, t as they were.

Anyone who's offended just has a little growing up to do.

To think I used to like the Black & White minstrel show.  Maybe I should be run out of town for enjoying some old songs.



Im not, i have my Dads old golliwog badges from Robertsons jam, but they are my private family history stuff and i dont go shoving them in peoples faces, some people rightly so dont like what they represent.

Ive always said the slave era statues should be in museums not in the middle of city streets flaunting it in peoples faces

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

Im not, i have my Dads old golliwog badges from Robertsons jam, but they are my private family history stuff and i dont go shoving them in peoples faces, some people rightly so dont like what they represent.

Ive always said the slave era statues should be in museums not in the middle of city streets flaunting it in peoples faces



But anyone who sees them has not in anyway been a slave.


Do you think the George Floyd statues should be in the streets, after all he did rob folk at gunpoint?

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17 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Im not, i have my Dads old golliwog badges from Robertsons jam, but they are my private family history stuff and i dont go shoving them in peoples faces, some people rightly so dont like what they represent.

Ive always said the slave era statues should be in museums not in the middle of city streets flaunting it in peoples faces

Can't make up my mind what to think about the statues which, we know now, never should have been erected.

I wouldn't object to them being pulled down, or a sign beside them saying how they had profited from slavery.

Unfortunately, we can't undo history but we should definitely learn from it.

It would help if we stopped putting people on a pedestal because they made loads of money and thinking they deserved a place in the Lords.

I still think people are too easily offended and wish we could watch Love thy Neighbour and tell Irish Jokes like we used to do before all the pc stuff.



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23 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



Do you think the George Floyd statues should be in the streets, after all he did rob folk at gunpoint?

Surprised you cant see the irony in your statement underneath the spit.


You seem to be equating statues of on one hand a man that was implicit in the slavery of 84.000 people and the deaths of maybe 19.000 and a man that may have robbed a handful of people.

As for George Floyd i think its what it represents rather than celebrating the man, as for Colston, its the other way round, it was about the man but as time goes on its become about what it now represents looking at it through more civilised eyes.

4 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Unfortunately, we can't undo history but we should definitely learn from it.




Indeed i agree, like i said we can view and learn from museums, rather than walking past them in the streets on a daily basis

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5 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Surprised you cant see the irony in your statement underneath the spit.


You seem to be equating statues of on one hand a man that was implicit in the slavery of 84.000 people and the deaths of maybe 19.000 and a man that may have robbed a handful of people.

As for George Floyd i think its what it represents rather than celebrating the man, as for Colston, its the other way round, it was about the man but as time goes on its become about what it now represents looking at it through more civilised eyes.

Indeed i agree, like i said we can view and learn from museums, rather than walking past them in the streets on a daily basis


Ahhh, right.


Silly me.


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