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Are Irish Americans Americans .

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Gateshead and Newcastle saw a large influx of Irish from round about mid 19th century. Some came over because of the potato famine in Ireland. Others were brought over by industrialists to work in terrible conditions in chemical factories, Glass factories, shipyards, mining and building bridges across the River Tyne. The majority lived in awful conditions in the Pipwellgate area of Gateshead, now demolished,  where sanitation was none existent.  They were used as cheap labour and paid less than someone who was born and bread in Gateshead and Newcastle.  

There is a lot of Irish cultural societies in the North East also Catholic Churches.  Like the Americans a lot of them up here are proud of their Irish ancestors.

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11 hours ago, cuttsie said:

You must have been  a youngster , I was 20 when they appeared at the Azena and a member of the St Aidans youth club on City Road , The Beatles where originally booked to appear there but were moved to the Azena after they appeared on TV , People say Pete Stringfellow was responsible for the gig but the bloke I remember at St Aidans was called Terry Thornton . He was  on the door , took entrance money into a wooden cash tray and chucked you out if you messed around .  He also stamped the back of your hand with a ink pad  incase you tried to sneek in ,    I believe he was a character in years following .

Me and Slinney were also members of the club 60 club on Shalesmoor , it was in a cellar , We saw Dave Berry and Frank White perform there . Frank was the best guitar man who ever lived and a smashing bloke as well . RIP  Frank miss you .

I was age 15 when I first sampled the clubs in 1962, and being a big lad I was rarely asked to prove my age in pubs, let alone discos. I recall Terry Thornton, from the Club 60, Pete Stringfellow also comes to mind from the Club 60 as well as the Mojo. The Police were fascinated by the clubs, they were obviously led by folk in their 40’s/50’s who had very likely served in WW2, what they expected to find us doing, God only knows. :huh:

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2 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I was age 15 when I first sampled the clubs in 1962, and being a big lad I was rarely asked to prove my age in pubs, let alone discos. I recall Terry Thornton, from the Club 60, Pete Stringfellow also comes to mind from the Club 60 as well as the Mojo. The Police were fascinated by the clubs, they were obviously led by folk in their 40’s/50’s who had very likely served in WW2, what they expected to find us doing, God only knows. :huh:

I was stood outside the Manor picture house one evening , minding my own business when a copper from the Manor Top police station came up to me and stood on my feet .

I said " thart stood on mi feet " He replied " i'le stand on thi flippin head if tha dun't move on " or words to that effect .

To this day I do not know why ?????

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8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I was stood outside the Manor picture house one evening , minding my own business when a copper from the Manor Top police station came up to me and stood on my feet .

I said " thart stood on mi feet " He replied " i'le stand on thi flippin head if tha dun't move on " or words to that effect .

To this day I do not know why ?????

When I talk to fellow South West Sheffield residents and mention that I originated from S2, they can’t work out how I escaped with my life. 😉 

The ‘copper’ that you mention would have to have grown up sharpish or transferred to a more ‘civilised’ area if he wished to progress within the force. 

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

I was stood outside the Manor picture house one evening , minding my own business when a copper from the Manor Top police station came up to me and stood on my feet .

I said " thart stood on mi feet " He replied " i'le stand on thi flippin head if tha dun't move on " or words to that effect .

To this day I do not know why ?????

Preventive policing.

Showing who is the boss and not to mess with them.

Edited by harvey19
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