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'Robocops' To Hit The Streets Of New York This Summer .

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......- Including 'Racist' Robot Dog

The NYPD has unveiled a fleet of new 'robocops' which will begin patrolling New York this summer - they'll be used to help police in Times Square and even defuse hostage situations


Over in New York, there's a new sheriff in town—and it looks like a wheelie bin.

The NYPD has just announced plans to begin street patrols of Manhattan using a fleet of robots.





A sign of things to come or just a publicity stunt?

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5 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

They should try anything to curb the rising of crime, drugs and murders in these democrat run states.

Trouble is it won't have that effect. 

It will just clog up with law abiding citizens making mistakes, or contravening pointless rules.

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