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Just Stop Oil Cretins Stop Snooker At The Crucible

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8 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:


Like what?



Yes it riles me that parasites like him ruin people's experiences in which they have probably paid lots of money for, money which they have likely worked really hard for, unlike that dick who begs for money.

So you think that everybody who has loads of money has worked really really hard for it - pull the other one.

There are as many bone idle rich as their are bone idle poor and always has been,


As I said, it will give him great satisfaction to know how angry you all are and that's exactly what he was aiming at to make sure you remember.

Take your tablets and have a lie down.


7 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

I have OBVIOUSLY read your comment - otherwise why would I have replied.


'This guy' isn't 'upsetting' me, and the group he claims to be a member of is financed by an (I suspect) estranged member of the Getty oil dynasty.

And who cares?

Besides you I mean?


5 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Please find any post of mine that is racist or sexist and kindly repost it.


If you can find one I will review it and offer my apologies if it is deemed as such.


I am not interested in your apologies.

Just wish you were  a bit more caring but I suppose that's asking too much.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Just now, RollingJ said:

You clearly don't - you just like to have a pop at whoever dares to have a different outlook from you.

I feel sorry for you, but I don't care for your attitude.

Like to have a pop at those who only see wrong doing when it affects them or something they like..

Don't need your sorrow, I can look after my self, and I'm not much bothered about what you care for.


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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Like to have a pop at those who only see wrong doing when it affects them or something they like..

Don't need your sorrow, I can look after my self, and I'm not much bothered about what you care for.


Can you find a post that clarifies your accusations that I am a racist or sexist please?

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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

Can you find a post that clarifies your accusations that I am a racist or sexist please?

I will when I have time.

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If these peopel are so confident the public support  then why don'y they stabnd for parliament ?

Could it be that, err, they know the public are not supportive of them ?

TBH they want to quit whilst they're ahead anyway as all the major political parties are in favourof this Nett Zero madness and the people have had no say in it. I guarantee if they were asked they'd say, no thanks, we don't want to live in a country where only the rich get a decent quality of life (foreign holidays, a car and a warm house....).

What a great democracy we live in.

Edited by Chekhov
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18 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Can you find a post that clarifies your accusations that I am a racist or sexist please?

ALL of your posting history, under all of your names

Edited by melthebell
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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If these peopel are so confident the public support  then why don'y they stabnd for parliament ?

Could it be that, err, they know the public are not supportive of them ?

We could well ask the same question of you.

Instead of repeatedly crying,  you could stand for parliament and do something about it.


Maybe you know that,  err,   the public are not supportive of you either


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