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Just Stop Oil Cretins Stop Snooker At The Crucible

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I am saying "the people" have not seen anything yet. Up to now it's been arguments over onshore wind farms or if we should produce electricity from coal or gas, all relatively petty stuff really. The government have even managed to significantly decrease energy consumption by hugely increasing the price - the only mechanism that will work - and don't even have to take the can for it ("it was Putin and Covid"). From that point of view they've been very lucky.

When this really gets going (banning gas boilers, banning petrol/diesel cars etc etc) there will be genuine anger from millions of ordinary people about what is negatively affecting their lives directly and obviously. Not a load poncey middle class student types making trouble over unprovable points about what might happen years down the line.

And, as I keep saying, they are wasting their time anyway because the government (and Labour) are doing more or less what the protesters want anyway. It is arguable if even what the government have planned is possible and it is certainly not possible to do it any faster. "Just Stop Oil" protesters are idiots who have an excess of time and a shortage of brain cells.

Your entire argument is wrong.  The reason being that the government has not actually done anything yet,  WHICH IS WHY THE PROTESTERS ARE PROTESTING.

The government has done a lot of talking, as usual, but have not done one single thing about climate change.

Whether it's possible, when they do finally decide to act, is neither here nor there. There is an agenda to follow and eventually, they will have to start following it.

Whatever anger arises will be the same anger as the "poncy middle class students" are feeling now, and   I'd like to bet you wouldn't dare call them that except behind the safety of this forum..

You are just another loud mouth who has found something else to shout about.  Why don't you stop shouting, follow the "ponces" and start doing something instead.

Just a lot of hot air like the government.


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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Where do you get the idea Johnson is "my mate" ?

I think he is a ****head and always have done, get your mate Steve to waste more of his time dredging up my past posts, I can't be arsed.


And I do not give a toss what "most governments voted for". It's what the people of this country vote for that matters, not that they have been given an opportunity to vote, which is totally undemocratic.


OK we have, on the one side, a few poncey middle class student types virtue signalling about what might happen years down the line.


Or, we have people angry because their basic rights are being taken away (during Covid) or their cars or heating or holidays are being priced out of reach (Nett Zero).


Can you not see the difference ?

Your mate because, you are a tory voter and voted Johnson in.

I don't even know who this supposed mate "Steve" is. I don't know any Steves on the forum.

Your second line is correct and you said it yourself, "You & We, have not been given an opportunity to vote.    What are you going to do about that then,  some more shouting?

You need to be careful with the "poncy"  word.  You are really overdoing it this morning but, you are doing it the cowards way - from in hiding.

ANGRY? yes, I won't bother to discuss that with you because you have brought up Covid again and everyone has had their say on that except you.

Cars, heating and holidays will never be out of reach to our politicians, who we keep in comfort.   When will it dawn on you that you are shouting at the wrong people.

It's those who rule you, National & Local, who are screwing you, not the "ponces"



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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Your mate because, you are a tory voter and voted Johnson in.

I don't even know who this supposed mate "Steve" is. I don't know any Steves on the forum.

Your second line is correct and you said it yourself, "You & We, have not been given an opportunity to vote.    What are you going to do about that then,  some more shouting?

You need to be careful with the "poncy"  word.  You are really overdoing it this morning but, you are doing it the cowards way - from in hiding.

ANGRY? yes, I won't bother to discuss that with you because you have brought up Covid again and everyone has had their say on that except you.

Cars, heating and holidays will never be out of reach to our politicians, who we keep in comfort.   When will it dawn on you that you are shouting at the wrong people.

It's those who rule you, National & Local, who are screwing you, not the "ponces"



Coming from the bloke who keeps calling folk racist but can't back his cowardly accusations up.




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22 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Coming from the bloke who keeps calling folk racist but can't back his cowardly accusations up.




Don't know what's cowardly about that accusation, I would say it to your face too.

Maybe you should look up what some English words mean.


You proved it again last night.

You cannot post on any subject at all without referring to the terms, Black, White, Colour, or Race

Other posters besides me have noticed too.

It means that you have to behave yourself now because I, and others, are watching you so that we can point it out so, you have shot yourself in the foot.



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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Don't know what's cowardly about that accusation, I would say it to your face too.

Maybe you should look up what some English words mean.


You proved it again last night.

You cannot post on any subject at all without referring to the terms, Black, White, Colour, or Race

Other posters besides me have noticed too.

It means that you have to behave yourself now because I, and others, are watching you so that we can point it out so, you have shot yourself in the foot.



Please quote a post that confirms your accusations of me being racist.


Highlighting sexist and racism and taking about it does not make it racist.


We shall all be waiting.


Either put up or shut up.





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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I think you are missing the major point and getting side tracked into a minor siding.

Petrol and diesel cars will effectively be banned in this country if people cannot buy a new one because within 10 to 20 years almost all will be off the roads anyway mainly as a result of corrosion from the salt we put on our roads. Having said that, if this insane edict does come to pass I predict a big increase in car repairs keeping old models on the roads, a bit like Cuba. The thing is Cuba doesn't put salt in its roads.....

If you think I "whinge the longest and loudest" I think you want to get out more, or at least read some other forums, particularly motorist forums.

I'm not missing any points or getting side lined into a minor siding,I'm responding to your false statement that "petrol and diesel cars will be banned "  in 2030. They will NOT be banned. If as you claim  the salt eats them, for sure some, which are not looked after properly will suffer and be taken off the road. To say they will be banned is just not correct or true. You  then go on to say that there will be a big increase in car repairs to keep them on the road....so they are not banned then after all which contradicts you earlier statement. 

With proper maintenance and treatment cars should last a long time, it's often the owner who wants to change the car for another reason , not because of a problem with it. For what it's worth, I have a vehicle on the road which is just over 50 years old,it's seen more salt than you have and it's perfectly fine thank you.

Edited by Meltman
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