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Just Stop Oil Cretins Stop Snooker At The Crucible

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21 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Caught an interview on tv this morning with what was said to be the heads of both Extinction Rebellion & Just Stop Oil.  Apologies, didn't catch either of their names but there's a major demonstration planned for London this weekend. 


The woman representing Extinction Rebellion stated that they have met with the organisers of the London Marathon due to be run this coming Sunday & that none of their members / followers will disrupt the event.   She encourage people to go London this weekend & engage with them & listen to what they have to say. 


The man representing Just Stop Oil stated that their actions of disruption & non-violent protest would continue, where ever & whenever they saw fit to get their message across. 

Oh, if only people did as they want others to to & practiced what they preach. 




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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

My self and most of my family are Tories.


As a whole we are law abiding and incredibly generous. We have a large circle of friends from both sides of the political fence, we give to many charities and my father does voluntary work for St Luke's hospitals.


We have all worked full time extremely hard and tried to make the best of our lives, our family has no convictions, causes no problems, pay our taxes and help anyone who would require it, without hesitation.


Personally, I spend nearly all of my spare time trying to rescue and re-home stray animals which leaves me out of pocket. 


Typical Tories eh!!


I suggest you engage your brain or take your head from inside your backside and stop being so pathetic.

Lines 1 to 4  Very admirable and I am extremely impressed,  although I don't know why Tories always think they are the only ones who've worked hard.  We take that for granted whilst  you brag about it as though its abnormal.


As an animal lover who goes out of my way to help them, investing like you, not only a lot of time but a good deal of money,  It's so nice to hear that you are one of us but,

weren't you one of the many who argued against me that race horses welfare comes second to human enjoyment and that the protesters at the Grand national should be whipped or something similar?  Tut Tut


Typical Tories eh!!   - are you seriously trying to tell me that the majority of Tories follow the pattern of behaviour you have outlined above in line 4?  -  If so, I'm  afraid I will have to call you a liar.

                                              If not,  you may be a Tory, but not a typical one and I repeat, that if you are not telling porkies,  you have my admiration.

I'm quite sure my brain's in the correct place and it's working very well but,  thank you for your concern and your insult.


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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Typical Tories eh!!   - are you seriously trying to tell me that the majority of Tories follow the pattern of behaviour you have outlined above in line 4?  -  If so, I'm  afraid I will have to call you a liar.


para's 2 and 3 are the important ones.

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On 19/04/2023 at 14:44, Organgrinder said:

Well then,   no problem,   get yourself running and see.


It's only a matter of time, when you are losing,  that you start thinking of violence.

I'll bet you won't be the guy that does it though in case they do it back.

ha ha how wrong you are i would love the opportunity!

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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Yeah OK, fair enough.


I am in favour of proportionate and pragmatic environmentalism.

To take some examples, I am in favour iof subsidised solar panles on people's houses (we even had to pay the VAT on ours....) and I am in favour of exploiting tidal power on the River Severn and accept that wading bird habitats may be affected. But you cannot make an omlette without breaking eggs.

But nett zero at any cost ? Incl making cars, heating and holidays extremely expensive ? Maybe even rationing them ? No.

Good post. I  agree with a lot of that, particularly 'proportionate and pragmatic environmentalism'


Trouble is, as with most things these days, the issue is being hyped up and  sensationalised by the media, and is (deliberately?) frightening people into a somewhat hysterical response, particularly the young.


Don't get me wrong, this is serious stuff to deal with, but the boffins and environmentalists are onto it, and doing more than we realise to help combat it. but it isn't going to happen overnight.

Meanwhile, of course we should all be doing what we can as individuals, but some of the young 'environmentalists' are unaware of how much they are adding to the problem themselves.


Ask them to give up their mobile phones, computers and games consoles for example, and cut down their own consumption (which they take very much for granted,) and many of them wouldn't know where to start. 


Edited by Anna B
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26 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:


10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Some of us NEVER follow other posters links so we don't know what you're on about.  Are you too idle to type now?

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Just now, Organgrinder said:


Some of us NEVER follow other posters links so we don't know what you're on about.  Are you too idle to type now?

Why do you not follow links -even if you ignored the DM one, the Guardian is the anti-Tory bible?

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