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Dominic Raab Been Made A Scapegoat By The Snowflakes

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18 minutes ago, fools said:

flip-flopping allegiance is harder to understand. It shows a mental weakness.

Given the way the two main parties switch between hard line and centrist, it's not difficult to understand and doesn't even require the voters who do it to be inconsistent in their views.

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24 minutes ago, altus said:

Given the way the two main parties switch between hard line and centrist, it's not difficult to understand and doesn't even require the voters who do it to be inconsistent in their views.

naah, if you can't sniff out you're being played, it shows a fundamental lack of judgement and principal

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

I have often wondered what causes the blind allegiance to a political party..

I can understand it 2 or 3 generations ago , but now, that puzzles me.

Or is it simply explained in Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs.

It's opposite way round for me. 50 or 60 years ago there was something of a post war consensus between Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties about a number of issues. That changed in the 1980s, when the state became more centralising and powerful, and the government was reduced to being a ring master for business interests. The climate became much darker. New Labour didn't change that, and here we are.

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45 minutes ago, fools said:

naah, if you can't sniff out you're being played, it shows a fundamental lack of judgement and principal

Not every Tory is a laissez faire capitalist any more than every Labour member wants the state to own the means of production. Our first past the post electoral system forces both Labour and the Conservatives to appeal to the centre as well as the extremes - although they both drift away from doing so, fail electorally and then return to the centre. You also don't seem to realise that some people are in the political centre - you're not alone in this, at least one hardcore Labour supporter on the forum has accused centrists of not being principled too.

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2 minutes ago, altus said:

Not every Tory is a laissez faire capitalist any more than every Labour member wants the state to own the means of production. Our first past the post electoral system forces both Labour and the Conservatives to appeal to the centre as well as the extremes - although they both drift away from doing so, fail electorally and then return to the centre. You also don't seem to realise that some people are in the political centre - you're not alone in this, at least one hardcore Labour supporter on the forum has accused centrists of not being principled too.

None of that has the slightest relevance to people lacking principles and not being able to make their mind up. Your assertion about me couldn't be more incorrect.

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On 21/04/2023 at 15:50, ab6262 said:

what a load of old Tosh dreamt up by a few snowflakes in the civil service! there was a time when the civil service was a force to be reckoned with now it seems is run by lilly livered hideaways that cant stand a little banter or a good bollocking when its needed.

Dominic Raab should be applauded not vilified for taking a strong stance on incompetence  its about time we were tougher in the workplace.

when i started work at15 or 16 we were scared of the boss/chef we had allsorts thrown at us if we messed up , pans , carving forks , lids etc, we soon learnt and were the better for it and didnt do it again.

re-instate Mr Raab we need more like him!!!


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10 hours ago, Mister Gee said:


I do not vote for either of the top party's , but your post is bang on , If you are the gaffer not every one likes you .

These days the mardy arsesses can get you out instead of them that do not follow your instructions or back stab you .

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22 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I do not vote for either of the top party's , but your post is bang on , If you are the gaffer not every one likes you .

These days the mardy arsesses can get you out instead of them that do not follow your instructions or back stab you .

We are breeding a society of complete wet wipes, an entitled society that has everything done for them and the second something goes wrong it's always someone else's fault.


They call it progressive, the regular folk call it clown world.



It will come back and bite us on the backside eventually. Thank goodness I will be long gone.



Edited by Al Bundy
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