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Dominic Raab Been Made A Scapegoat By The Snowflakes

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5 hours ago, ab6262 said:

what a load of old Tosh dreamt up by a few snowflakes in the civil service! there was a time when the civil service was a force to be reckoned with now it seems is run by lilly livered hideaways that cant stand a little banter or a good bollocking when its needed.

Dominic Raab should be applauded not vilified for taking a strong stance on incompetence  its about time we were tougher in the workplace.

when i started work at15 or 16 we were scared of the boss/chef we had allsorts thrown at us if we messed up , pans , carving forks , lids etc, we soon learnt and were the better for it and didnt do it again.

re-instate Mr Raab we need more like him!!!

ab6262, just realised that you've made a basic error when typing in the title name to your thread.

Instead of "Dominic Raab Been Made A Scapegoat By The Snowflakes".

It should read "The Snowflakes Scapegoat Everyone Else for Dominic Raab".

Much more accurate, and makes much more sense. :thumbsup:


Edited by Mister M
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6 hours ago, ab6262 said:

what a load of old Tosh dreamt up by a few snowflakes in the civil service! there was a time when the civil service was a force to be reckoned with now it seems is run by lilly livered hideaways that cant stand a little banter or a good bollocking when its needed.

Dominic Raab should be applauded not vilified for taking a strong stance on incompetence  its about time we were tougher in the workplace.

when i started work at15 or 16 we were scared of the boss/chef we had allsorts thrown at us if we messed up , pans , carving forks , lids etc, we soon learnt and were the better for it and didnt do it again.

re-instate Mr Raab we need more like him!!!


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Guest makapaka
8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The civil service accused Pretti Patel and Suella Braverman of being a bully


Just aa bunch of lazy cry bullies


They had two years oof work on full pay and now they have the cheek too ask for a pay rise


Sack the lot of them and outsource it to Capita or something 




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Those  who work in nice cushy  well paid office jobs who start crying like babies when the person in charge lets them know that they are not up to it should get on building sites , steel works , or down the pit and start blabbing when the gaffer tells them in no uncertain terms that they either pull up their socks or get their P45 on Friday .

Remember Raab was in the second most important job on the Country and any failures (there were many ) ended with his head on the line .


As it does with gaffers who are in charge in the above trades mentioned . Try being in charge of a large group of people you will soon find out that some cannot  or will not perform as they should .

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10 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Those  who work in nice cushy  well paid office jobs who start crying like babies when the person in charge lets them know that they are not up to it should get on building sites , steel works , or down the pit and start blabbing when the gaffer tells them in no uncertain terms that they either pull up their socks or get their P45 on Friday .

Remember Raab was in the second most important job on the Country and any failures (there were many ) ended with his head on the line .


As it does with gaffers who are in charge in the above trades mentioned . Try being in charge of a large group of people you will soon find out that some cannot  or will not perform as they should .

It's like Twitter wad being run like a charity full of woke feckless babies who were working 3 day weeks from home and needed mental health days off when their hamster died


Elon Musk went in there and immediately sacked 15,000 of the lazy sods 

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