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Dominic Raab Been Made A Scapegoat By The Snowflakes

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20 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Are you?

I am, and Raab deserved all he got and is now, consigned to the bin, of a long line of losers.

Ejected from a government, very little better than him,  who have had 13 years to show us what they can do and today's situation is the result.

Economy flat and worse than any other developed nation,  exactly the same with inflation and they can't bring that down, highest taxes of any British government since world war 2.

NHS tottering on it's last legs, 3 or 4 weeks to see a GP, if you're lucky, Most unions up in arms and even unions striking who have never before,  done that.

Government ministers constantly changed because they can't behave themselves, public transport a disgrace, Water company's filling the rivers and seas with sh*t,

minister telling hungry people to eat turnips because they're cheap and they think, and you think, that they can still deliver a successful economy after trying for 13 years.

What a success story



Edited by Organgrinder
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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I am, and Raab deserved all he got and is now, consigned to the bin, of a long line of losers.

Ejected from a government, very little better than him,  who have had 13 years to show us what they can do and today's situation is the result.

Economy flat and worse than any other developed nation,  exactly the same with inflation and they can't bring that down, highest taxes of any British government since world war 2.

NHS tottering on it's last legs, 3 or 4 weeks to see a GP, if you're lucky, Most unions up in arms and even unions striking who have never before,  done that.

Government ministers constantly changed because they can't behave themselves, public transport a disgrace, Water company's filling the rivers and seas with sh*t,

minister telling hungry people to eat turnips because they're cheap and they think, and you think, that they can still deliver a successful economy after trying for 13 years.

What a success story



Doing it again as you have on many threads. Get back to the thread title, please 

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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Doing it again as you have on many threads. Get back to the thread title, please 

you beat me to it.  Apart from the first line of the post - which is opinion only, as I doubt he has read the full report, this ha nothing to do with Raab.

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Doing it again as you have on many threads. Get back to the thread title, please 

Many thanks for duplicating my post

Thanks also for proving again that you are not here to debate.


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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I am, and Raab deserved all he got and is now, consigned to the bin, of a long line of losers.

Ejected from a government, very little better than him,  who have had 13 years to show us what they can do and today's situation is the result.

Economy flat and worse than any other developed nation,  exactly the same with inflation and they can't bring that down, highest taxes of any British government since world war 2.

NHS tottering on it's last legs, 3 or 4 weeks to see a GP, if you're lucky, Most unions up in arms and even unions striking who have never before,  done that.

Government ministers constantly changed because they can't behave themselves, public transport a disgrace, Water company's filling the rivers and seas with sh*t,

minister telling hungry people to eat turnips because they're cheap and they think, and you think, that they can still deliver a successful economy after trying for 13 years.

What a success story



But you also support open borders and welcoming the world's poor to come here illegally and we should have to pay for it


You can't have it both ways 

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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

you beat me to it.  Apart from the first line of the post - which is opinion only, as I doubt he has read the full report, this ha nothing to do with Raab.

You have very little to do with debating, which I keep proving over and over.

You and the useless government you support, are snookered.


Just now, Jack Grey said:

But you also support open borders and welcoming the world's poor to come here illegally and we should have to pay for it


You can't have it both ways 

I most certainly don't

Where did you get that from?


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29 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

What mess are you referring to?


The whole planet is struggling at the moment with a cost of living crisis with things like COVID, terrorist attacks, wars and energy


All of which were beyond our control


I blame the Tories for adopting socialist policies like net zero, lockdowns, furlough, foreign aid and being soft on illegal migrants


The huge expansion of the nanny state and spending our money like a WAG on coke



Have you been at the Telegraph again? Not sure about WAGs on coke, but I think you're on coke, or at least the Tory Kool-aid.


I don't know your economic circumstances, but the majority of people in this country don't have huge amounts of savings that could've tied them over the period of lockdown, therefore some form of Government help was needed.

Again, most people value their health, well-being and lives, and that of their relatives and that of their friends and neighbours. Would you have been happy to have seen many more 100s of thousands of people die? At what point does a rising death toll of the nation's population outweigh the fuzzy warm feeling you get from being liked by Telegraph columnists?

I know you said that you spend a lot of time abroad, so why are you so het up about illegal migrants? The people of the countries in which you're in might think the same about you.

What 'nanny state'? The one that tends to the needs of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Mark Francois and Peter Bone - pays them handsomely, lots of expenses and subsidised meals and booze at the taxpayers expense, so they can whine on about benefit scroungers getting too comfy sucking on the tit of the state. 

In your list of complaints about the problems this country has, you omitted to mention Brexit. Not 'outside our control'; but fought for by Randian right wingers, and has cost this country 4% of our nation's GDP, roughly twice what the pandemic did. You want more policies from the people who brought you Brexit! Do you live permanently abroad?

Edited by Mister M
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6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Have you been at the Telegraph again? Not sure about WAGs on coke, but I think you're on coke, or at least the Tory Kool-aid.


I don't know your economic circumstances, but the majority of people in this country don't have huge amounts of savings that could've tied them over the period of lockdown, therefore some form of Government help was needed.

Again, most people value their health, well-being and lives, and that of their relatives and that of their friends and neighbours. Would you have been happy to have seen many more 100s of thousands of people die? At what point does a rising death toll of the nation's population outweigh the fuzzy warm feeling you get from being liked by Telegraph columnists?

I know you said that you spend a lot of time abroad, so why are you so het up about illegal migrants? The people of the countries in which you're in might think the same about you.

What 'nanny state'? The one that tends to the needs of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Mark Francois and Peter Bone - pays them handsomely, lots of expenses and subsidised meals and booze at the taxpayers expense, so that can whine on about benefit scroungers getting too comfy sucking on the tit of the state. 

In your list of complaints about the problems this country has, you omitted to mention Brexit. Not 'outside our control'; but fought for by Randian right wingers, and has cost this country 4% of our nation's GDP, roughly twice what the pandemic did. You want more policies from the people who brought you Brexit! Do you live permanently abroad?


Apparently Randian virtues are....


Rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productiveness, and pride.

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