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Diane Abbott Has Labour Whip Suspended

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You were trying to bully and ridicule Anna. - 1

Why not pick on someone like me instead. - 2

On a public forum,  these are not private conversations and anyone can answer so it has everything to do with me, and anyone else who cared to reply. - 3

I also answered your question. - 4

I will repeat that, any "obsession" of Anna's, or anyone else's,  is nothing to do with you and they don't need your approval. - 5

Neither is anyone bound by any rule to answer your questions.  It is a free and open public forum. - 6



1. have you asked Anna that or are you an authority on how to post without someone accusing you of bullying (given some of your posts that i have highlighted above)

2. "Someone like you"? When did this turn into a playground or are you Adele in disguise.

3. It doesnt really when its a direct question or do you have an habit of interjecting yourself into a discussion? My problem was that i actually bothered to acknowledge your respsonse instead of just ignoring it 

4. You did, but i wasnt asking you

5. Then why, in a lot of your posts, do you try to either give your approval or belittle someones opinion

6. then why did you bother answering my question to Anna.  Or why should anyone take any notice of you when you say things "poor response" or " try harder" or "i dont believe your facts"


Edited by sheffbag
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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

Strange - when I respond to topics, you invariably tell me to 'get back on topic'. I'd try applying the same rule to yourself.

Answering a post directed at me.

Is that hard to see or hard to understand?

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56 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

I dont need to bully or ridicule Anna, you could argue by the tone of the majority of your replies (GET BACK ON TOPIC, DONT DISTRACT) for example in the "why vote labour in may" are bullying tactics so please be respectful


i have no need to "pick on you", i dont "pick" on anyone but if you loko at my original quote i asked anna a question based on a post that in my opinion was challengable. same as you have with mine


there are many instances where a poster will ask another poster a question and they will reply. I have debated with Anna a lot of the years, mainly over her blind obsession that anything to do with Corbyn and his crew can do no wrong but i respect her right to her opinion and her steadfast belief in that and ive told her that.



Feel free to report me if you dont like what ive posted (even though i am only quoting your own words) or feel free to reply with GET BACK ON TOPIC as you did in the vote Labour  thread as if you were running the thread or discussion


Cant have it both ways


You are at it again already.

What does Anna's supposed;y "blind obsession with Corbyn" have to do with you?

You don't have a say in whether other people obsess or who they obsess about.

Every poster has the right to their own opinions and yes, obsessions if you like and it's no concern whatsoever of yours.


I have never reported anyone yet and I can assure you I never will.  I am quite capable of holding my own on the forum so I don't find reporting necessary.



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2 hours ago, sheffbag said:


you on the other hand come across as a self rightious troll quite a lot in your post trying to deflect conversation or insult people for example from your last set of posts1 

1 - "I watch the news BBC or SKY each breakfast, lunch, evening and late night every day without fail, and have not seen or heard any of the figures you have quoted. My theory is still that your figures are guesswork and to be taken with a pinch of salt (as are most of the things you say)." - 


2 - A poor contribution again. What is this supposed to mean? Another way to prove that you don't have an argument presumably. Not very sharp for an axe"

     "A poor contribution Firstly, you never ever had any credibility"

    "So you still have nothing to say then except more of the same"

    "I consider "complete and utter buffoons" to be lazy words too and in no way, a proper argument on the subject under discussion. Try and think of something to say."

     "Another poor contribution from you. You obviously can't think of anything to say."


3 - And thats just a small example of how you post trying to belittle people or claim superior knowledge with no consideration for that fact that your knowledge, no matter how good it may, or may not be, trumps anyone else's on here


4 - Feel free to report me if you dont like what ive posted (even though i am only quoting your own words) or feel free to reply with GET BACK ON TOPIC as you did in the vote Labour  thread as if you were running the thread or discussion


Cant have it both ways


1 - What's wrong with that statement?

2 - These are responses that other posters have made to me ( mainly axe, who does it all the time to other posters too ),  which I have copied and reciprocated.

       This is a practise which  have found surprisingly effective in stopping time wasting answers,  AND WHICH I WILL CONTINUE TO DO IF HE REPEATS IT

3 - Show where I have claimed superior knowledge?

4 - I have already answered that and,  you are perfectly entitled to post whatever you wish whether I like it or not.  I don't guarantee however, that I will not respond to it but I'm sure you can stand the criticism.

      I was already on topic when I criticised your post to Anna because I answered your question.  That question, being on a public forum, not being directed solely to Anna with other posters disallowed from answering. 



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